Criteria Ratings Pts
Assignment 1 (7005ICT) (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Submission 0.5 pts
Full Marks
Submit all the required files as per assignment specification.
0.25 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 0.5 pts
Entity Relationship Diagram 1 pts
Full Marks
Table names, keys, columns, relationships, cardinality. Note: many-to-many relationships must be broken down into one-to-many.
0.75 pts
Minor problem
0.25 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 1 pts
Documentation 1 pts
Well written, in-depth, convincing
0.75 pts
Description of tasks completed, not completed, approaches used, anything extra. Reflect on the process you have applied to develop your solution (e.g. how did you get started, did you do any planning, how often do you test your code, how did you solve the problems you come across). What changes would you make for assignment 2 to improve your process?
0.25 pts
Partially Satisfactory
Poorly written.
0 pts
No Marks / 1 pts
Database implementation 0.5 pts
Full Marks
Correct tables, correctly placed foreign keys, primary keys, attributes, and attribute types. Correct SQL definition file (including drop and create tables). Inserts appropriate initial data for testing
0.25 pts
Partially Satisfactory
E.g. Not enough test data are there (to test all the features youve implemented).
0 pts
No Marks / 0.5 pts
UI Design 2 pts
Good layout (navigation etc), easy to use, and professionally presented with your own styling.
1.2 pts
Looks ok, or used a CSS framework e.g. bootstrap
0.7 pts
Partially Satisfactory
Hard to use, missing nav, looks poor
0 pts
No Marks
Little to no effort has been put in on UI / 2 pts
Home page 2.5 pts
Full Marks
Displays a list of post titles, and its author (only). User can click on the listed title to go to the details page for that post.
2 pts
Minor problem
E.g. Missing minor details
1.2 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 2.5 pts
Details page 3 pts
Full Marks
Displays all information for a post, including all comments for that post. A post contains a title, author, a message, a date (of posting), and comments for that post. A comment contains an author, message, date, and is associated with a post.
2 pts
Minor problem
E.g. missing minor detail
1 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 3 pts
Create post 2 pts
Full Marks
In the home page, there is a form to allow users to create a post. To create a post, user need to enter the title, author, and message. After a new post is successfully created, user is redirected back to the home page.
1.2 pts
Minor problem
E.g. incorrect redirect
0.7 pts
Partially Satisfactory
E.g. error after submitting form, but data is being stored
0 pts
No Marks / 2 pts
Edit post 2 pts
Full Marks
Users can edit posts. Only the title and message can be edited. Date should be automatically updated. After a post is edited, the comments page for that post is displayed.
1.2 pts
Minor problem
0.7 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 2 pts
Delete Post 2 pts
Full Marks
Users can delete posts. When user deletes a post, the comments for that post should also be deleted.
1 pts
Minor problem
0.7 pts
Partially Satisfactory
Comments for that post are not deleted.
0 pts
No Marks / 2 pts
Chronological order 1 pts
Full Marks
On home page, the posts (titles) should be listed in chronological order, where the most recent post is at the top. The date of posting should be displayed next to the post.
0.7 pts
Minor problem
E.g. missing input or incorrect redirect
0.3 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 1 pts
Input validation 3 pts
Full Marks
Post title need to have at least 3 characters. Author name must not have numeric characters. Message must have at least 5 words. Appropriate error message should be displayed for invalid input.
2 pts
Minor problem
1 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks
No server-side validation / 3 pts
How many comments 3 pts
Full Marks
On home page, beside each post (title), there is a number indicating how many comments are there for that post.
2 pts
Minor problem
1 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 3 pts
Unique users 2 pts
Full Marks
There is a page that lists all unique users that have made a post (i.e. a user is only displayed once no matter how many posts this user has made). Clicking on the user should display all posts made by that user.
1.2 pts
Minor problem
0.7 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 2 pts
Remember the users name 3 pts
Full Marks
After the user has made one post or comment, the system remember that users name for the duration of the session. Subsequent posts made will not require the user to enter his/her name, but instead use the same username as the first post/comment. Note: this feature requires you to learn to use the session feature of PHP/Laravel.
2 pts
Minor problem
1 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 3 pts
Reply to comment 3 pts
This column rewards students for innovate ways for displaying replies, i.e. different from traditional social media/forum sites, and can display multiple layers of replies well.
2 pts
User can reply to a comment with another comment. When displaying comments, it should be clear which comment is replying to which post or comment. Full mark is awarded for innovate ways for displaying replies, i.e. different from traditional social media/forum sites, and can display multiple/many layers of replies well.
1 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 3 pts
Like 4 pts
Full Marks
User can like a post. To like a post, user need click on like and enter their name (unless the name is remembered by the system). A user (with the same name) can only like a post once. Appropriate measures need to be taken to ensure that same user cannot like the same post more than once. The like count for a post is displayed next to that post.
2.7 pts
Minor problem
1.4 pts
Partially Satisfactory
0 pts
No Marks / 4 pts
Security 1 pts
Full Marks
Implement and able to explain proper security measures. E.g. performs HTML, SQL sanitization, and prevents CSRF attack etc.
0.5 pts
Can't explain implemented security measures
Has security measures, but dont know how they were implemented
0.3 pts
Lacks security
Lacks one or more security measures
0 pts
No Marks / 1 pts
Template Inheritance 0.5 pts
Full Marks
Master layout + child layouts. Correct placement of code within master and child. No PHP in templates. Templates should perform minimal logic, logic should be in Routes.php0.25 pts
Minor problem
0 pts
No Marks / 0.5 pts
Code structure and layout 0.5 pts
Full Marks
Correct indenting/spacing, readable.
0.25 pts
Minor problem
E.g. Two indenting errors
0 pts
No Marks / 0.5 pts
Code commenting and naming 0.5 pts
Full Marks
Every function commented Use appropriate names for files, functions, and variables.
0.25 pts
Minor problem
Not all function commented.
0 pts
No Marks / 0.5 pts
Task 2
view longer description 2 pts
Full Marks
Implement client-side input validation for Requirement 7 (Add a comment) in Task 1. The validation rules are: Commenters name need to be at least 4 characters long and must not have numeric characters. The comment/message needs to be at least 5 words (not characters). If the input is invalid, an appropriate error message will be displayed within the HTML page (not just as an alert).
1.4 pts
Minor problem
Not all function commented.
0.8 pts
No Marks / 2 pts
Understanding 0 pts
Full Marks
Base on students demonstration and explanation the marker gets assignments a multiplication factor between 0 to 1 to the marks received above. E.g. if student receives 25 marks, but cannot explain at all, then s/he receives 0 for understanding. So the overall mark would be 25 x 0 = 0. If the explanation is fine, then 1 will be awarded as the multiplier.
0 pts
No Marks / 0 pts
Total Points: 0
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