Demonstrate your Knowledge And Understanding of UI Design
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Here are the main tasks you need to do for this assignment.
- Create a scenario with Microsoft Whiteboard for your task.
- Propose design ideas to trigger the function of command input on the gesture keyboard
- Develop a digital prototype with Figma to implement your design
- Make a video walkthrough of your digital prototype
- Write a report
Task 1 Understand the gesture keyboard
The first thing you need to do is to gain a good understanding of the gesture keyboard. Read the paper on the LMS (ShapeWriter on the iPhone From the Laboratory to the Real World.pdf).
Task 2 How to input commands on the gesture keyboard?
As the gesture keyboard was initially designed to input text, you need to figure out a way to distinguish between text input and command input. For example, you draw a gesture from the key s, a, v and e on the keyboard. By default, you enter the word save. But how can you enter the command save by drawing a similar gesture?
Task 3 - Create a scenario
You need to create a scenario with Microsoft Whiteboard to describe the activity of how a person uses a gesture keyboard to input and edit text with a text editor on the smartphone. You can make an assumption persona (e.g., a college student), which is not based on any specific data but is created to represent your opinions and assumptions. The activity should have basic steps including text input, as well as text editing tasks (e.g., copy, paste, undo) with the gesture keyboard.
You can use the following typical text editing interface in your scenario creation. The top is the text entry area. The bottom is the gesture keyboard. And the middle is used to present candidate words according to user input.
Task 4 Ideation
Propose ideas to solve the question in Task 2 (which is also an important question in your scenario). Here is an example solution: to input the command save, the user can double click on the vicinity of the key s and the draw a gesture from the key s, a, v and e on the keyboard. Such a way can be used to differentiate text input and command input on gesture keyboards.
Task 5 Develop a digital prototype
In this task, you need to develop a digital prototype with Figma to implement the scenario you created in Task 3. In the prototype, you need to implement ONE idea proposed in Task 4 to show the process of command input on the gesture keyboard.
In addition, you need to record a short video walkthrough of your digital prototype (you can do it with Zoom or Camtasia used in assessment 1e), in which you will demonstrate the behaviour of your prototype interfaces.
Task 6 Write a Report
The last task is to write a short report. You can use the report template on LMS.
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