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Diabetic Health Resource

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Diabetic Health Resource

Workbook on awareness, management, treatment and the collaboration between nurses and diabetic patients with Severe Mental Health Illness.


Workbook Objectives3

What is Diabetes4Which physical health needs will the workbook address.5

Rationale.6Summary of why collaborative approach is important.7

Collaborative and psychosocial approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Collaborative and shared decision making . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Collaboration between service users and nurses10

Physical activity11

Blood glucose monitoring12

Healthy eating13References14


1. The goal of this workbook is to ensure that patients with diabetes and their families have the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about how to live life with diabetes.

2. For patients with diabetes to be able to collaborate with nurses to achieve their desired goal.

3. to have an understanding of the efficacy of being active on diabetic patients

4. To understand the importance of blood glucose monitoring towards reducing diabetes risks.

5. To identify sources of assistance that are available to

them if they require it.

What is Diabetes?

When the blood sugar level rises, then the physical health condition is termed as Diabetes. Blood glucose is considered to be the main source of energy while insulin is the hormone made by the pancreas that helps glucose to use energy. Some of the general symptoms of diabetes are increased hunger, weight loss, increase thirst, frequent urination, blurry vision, extreme fatigue etc. (Ramachandran, 2014). As per the health needs of diabetic patients, it includes dietary intakes, physical exercise and self- management using self-monitoring of blood glucose level.

However, diabetic patients are more likely to develop depression and also cause rapid changes in mood (Kalra, Jena and Yeravdekar, 2018).

Which physical health need will it address?

This workbook will address the physical health needs of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes with severe mental health challenges. Each year, 1.3 million people aged 20 and over are newly diagnosed, according to statistics. This is being turned into a public health issue. Several studies have found that diabetic patients' cognitive behaviour worsens at a higher rate than those without mental health illness. (Sharma and colleagues, 2020).


Diabetes is believed to be 23 times more common in patients with schizophrenia than in the general population. Diabetes' high incidence and its related comorbidities impose significant financial expenses on the healthcare system, in addition to personal costs. The healthcare system and the economy are both impacted by diabetes and its effects. Over a long period of time, high glucose levels in your blood can seriously damage your heart, your eyes, your feet and your kidneys (diabetes.org.uk).

SummaryWhyCollaborativeApproachis Important

Collaborative working is a process in which patients and professionals work together on a task to accomplish a common goal through collaborating across teams, departments, and organisations (McCabe, Wallace and Crosland, 2015). Working collaboratively with patients improves patient outcomes and increases the quality of care they receive. It also increases healthcare professional communication and coordination, which improves the safety and quality of patient treatment. Collaboration allows patients to achieve more as a group than they could alone, while also allowing them to thrive on an individual level. It also boosts productivity by completing more things in less time, as well as providing opportunities to learn and think beyond the box. It can also result in the formation of a long-term relationship/bond between the patient and the nurses, which may be advantageous to both parties in the future.

Collaborative and Psychosocial Approach

Diabetic patients need interventions that deals with lifestyle changes as well as addressing their psychotic conditions. Motivational Interviewing is found to be effective for diabetic patients in terms of building their behavioural changes and induces self-management of their blood sugar. It helps patient with specific skills to help themselves feel better, cope with, and manage their difficulties and decrease the risk of effects of diabetes. MI is a goal-oriented and purposefully directed when it comes to behaviour modification and it also allows patients to know that they have choices which helps them to investigate motivational and stages in behaviour changes (Miller & Rollnick, 2009). Drug addiction, smoking cessation, weight loss, physical, inactivity, diabetes, and asthma have all been successfully treated with MI (Levensky, Forchimes, O'Donohue, & Beitz, 2007; Rubaketal).

Collaborative Working and Shared Decision Making

Principles of efficiency and accountability are maintained when nurses motivate/encourage a diabetic patient to change their lifestyle and dietary intake along with physical exercise. As per empowerment principle, Nurses educate and inform patients about their diabetic treatments and psychotherapy for depression and mood disorder (DeJoy et al., 2011).

Nurses pay close attention to the service users' personal views, preferences, and values, as well as the ideals of partnership and acceptance, to ensure that these adaptations and interventions are implemented in partnership with the service users and other health professionals.

This is an approach highly recommended because high-quality information from service users is delivered to doctors, which aids in deliberation and the delivery of high-quality healthcare services to service users.

Collaboration Between Service User and Nurses

Nurses should collaborate with their service users through Motivational Interviewing session of 15-20 minutes which could include discussion about their physical activities, diet and healthy eating concerning their diabetes. Educational handouts and workbook would form a significant part of this intervention with support of self-monitoring of glucose level (Heinrich et al., 2010).

Healthy Eating should be encouraged as what we eat, and drink can affect the way we think, the way we feel and behave which can lead to mental and physical health illness (Mental Health Foundation, 2017).

Nurses should encourage physical activity with their patients as it can improve patients mental and physical wellbeing positively. Indoor and outdoor exercise should be encouraged as It relaxes the mind, improves attitude, and has a beneficial physical and mental health impact.

However, nurses should allow the service user to pick/choose an exercise/activity or what form of change that will suit him/her rather than the nurses imposing or forcing service user to do what he/she wants them to do which might not be in the interest of the patient.


66857881449770 Physical activity is very beneficial to diabetic patients and is should really be encouraged by nurses. Nurses should let patients know that step taken towards increasing their physical activity can aid in the management of diabetes. There is no one-size-fits-all activity for diabetes patients; Patients should be encouraged to do what works them. Patient should try to think about how physical activity can fit in with into their life, not the other way around.

Monitoring blood Sugar Level

6172200421705 Nurses should motivate diabetic patients about effective blood sugar management/ monitoring as critical for lowering the risk of diabetic complications. Over a long period of time, high glucose levels in the blood can seriously damage the heart, eyes, feet and kidneys.

Healthy Eating

5090159202376 Nurses should also encourage diabetic patients about eating a healthy, balanced diet as it is an important component of controlling diabetes. Healthy eating habits can improve not only how patients manage their diabetes, but also how they feel.


DeJoy, S., Burkman, R.T., Graves, B.W., Grow, D., Sankey, H.Z., Delk, C., Feinland, J., Kaplan, J. and Hallisey, A. (2011) 'Making it work: successful collaborative practice', Obstetrics & Gynecology, vol. 118, no. 3, pp. 683-686.

Heinrich, E., Candel, M.J., Schaper, N.C. and de Vries, N.K. (2010) 'Effect evaluation of a Motivational Interviewing based counselling strategy in diabetes care', Diabetes research and clinical practice, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 270-278.

https://www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/managing-your- diabetes/exercise

Kalra, S., Jena, B.N. and Yeravdekar, R. (2018) 'Emotional and Psychological Needs of People with Diabetes', Indian journal of endocrinology and metabolism, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 696.

Ramachandran, A. (2014) 'Know the signs and symptoms of diabetes', The Indian journal of medical research, vol. 140, no. 5,

p. 579.

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SERVICE Writing, Editing & Proofreading

PRODUCT (Part 1) Power Point Health Resource addressing Obesity of in individuals with severe mental illness (SMI). Power Point should contain images too.

TOPIC Design and develop a health resource (for example Power Point.) which promotes health and wellbeing. The resource should be aimed at physical health improvement for people with severe mental illness. It could be developed for use by service users or the clinician and should support a collaborative approach to care, self-management or shared decision making.

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SERVICE Writing, Editing & Proofreading

PRODUCT (Part 1) Power Point Health Resource addressing Obesity of in individuals with severe mental illness (SMI). Power Point should contain images too.

TOPIC Design and develop a health resource (for example Power Point.) which promotes health and wellbeing. The resource should be aimed at physical health improvement for people with severe mental illness. It could be developed for use by service users or the clinician and should support a collaborative approach to care, self-management or shared decision making.

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  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
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