EC4004 Quadratic Equations Assignment
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- For each of the following find:
- The y-intercept
- The roots (if any) of the equation.
- Sketch the curve
(c)y=3x2- 6x- 4
(d)y= -2x2- 8x+24
(e)y=x2+6x+ 9
- A firms total Revenue (TR) depends on its level of output (Q). Hence TR = f(Q). If the price of the output is denoted P, then the TR is always P x Q.
- You should be able to recognize that this is a linear function with an intercept of 50 and a slope of 2.
- The TR = P x Q = (50 2Q).Q. Hence, 2 + 50. Sketch the graph of this TR line and find the roots. Hint: put TR on the vertical axis and Q on the horizontal.
- Sketch the graph of a total cost (TC) function: 2 + 10
- Demand and supply curves are not usually linear (although they are often drawn that way). Sketch the following demand and supply curves on a single graph:
Demand:PD= -Q2+4
Supply: Ps=Q2-0.5
Note: you only need the positive part of the graph for this sketch. Try and work out the point at which the graphs intersect (equilibrium price and quantity).