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EDUC1003 Education And Philosophy Assessment

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Added on: 2023-03-25 05:27:59
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ASSESSMENT 1: Portfolio



  • TaskDescription

This portfolio is comprised of three critical reflection tasks, each based on one of the first three modules:

  • Task1: Critical reflection on your own education experience (based on Module 1)
  • Task2: Critical reflection on educational theory (based on Module 2)
  • Task3: Critical reflection on critical theory (based on Module 3)

Your portfolio should be presented in the format of a 3-slide PowerPoint presentation, using the template provided (see Unit Blackboard site). Follow the instructions on the template to meet the criteria of the tasks. Each task contains one image and accompanying text, with a combined reference page at the end.

2.0 Task Instructions

Complete each of the three tasks:

Task 1 (Module 1): Critical reflection on your own education experience

  1. Chooseor create an image that represents your own personal history of 
    1. Itcan represent a key moment in your educational journey, or be an overall representation of the personal impacts of that 
    2. You can use any medium you like to create your own image, or you can choose an existing image,as long as it is attributed correctly (see the SCU Copyright guide for guidance).
    3. Theimage needs to be added to the left-hand side panel of slide 2 of the 
    4. Theimage must include an attribution – see Section 1 Attributions
  2. Write a 350-word critical reflection about this image. Write your responses to the following, directlyinto right-hand side panel of slide 2. You should:
    1. Describethe image:
      • Whatdoes it symbolise?
    2. Analysethe representation:
      • Whydid you choose this particular image?
      • Howdoes it represent what you consider to be the purpose of education?
    3. Synthesiseyour reflection with learning from Module 1 on the history and purpose of education:
      • Howare the ideas in this module related to your own experiences?
      • Howdo your own experiences influence your thinking about the purpose of education?
    4. Useacademic sources to support your reflection particularly in the analysis and synthesis sections (2b and 2c).
    5. Listyour academic sources in the Reference list on slide 5.


Task 2 (Module 2): Critical reflection on educational theory

  1. Use the Big Little Thinking (BLT) window model to consider the traditional - progressive binary,presented in Module 2. Behaviourist theory should be used as the basis for the traditional paradigm, and constructivist theory for the progressive 
    1. Fill in the four quadrants of the template (left-hand side panel of slide 3) using 5-10 relevantwords or phrases in each of the quadrants:
      • TRADITIONALpositive and negative, and
      • PROGRESSIVEpositive and 
· A phrase should be no more that 3-4 words.
  1. Exampleswill be provided in the tutorials and 
  1. Write350-word critical reflection about your thoughts and understandings that arose as a result of using the BLT  Write your response directly into the right-hand side panel of slide 3.
    1. Useacademic sources to support your 
    2. Listyour academic sources in the Reference list on slide 5.
    3. Questionsto consider include:
      • Which quadrants were easier for you to fill out, and which were more difficult? Why do youthink that is so?
      • Whatnew thoughts did you have about behaviourist theory from this exercise?
      • Whatnew thoughts did you have about constructivist theory from this exercise?
      • Didthis change your thinking about these theories and how they can/should be applied to education?

Task 3 (Module 3): Critical reflection on critical theory

  1. Createan infographic that you could use to explain critical theory to your 
    • Usethe template on slide 4.
      • Youshould change these elements of the template: images, colour scheme, fonts
      • Youmust include an attribution (see Section 1) if you are using images.
      • You can also change font sizes, content holder shapes, layout, heading text, add extra imagesto 
· Remember:
  • Donot create an infographic using any other software, including 
  • Donot convert the infographic to an image file format g., jpg etc.
  • Donot add additional pages to the 
  • Donot resize the overall dimensions of the 
  • Referto Section 0 Resources and the unit’s Blackboard site, for useful resources about creating and designing infographics.
  1. Theinfographic should include the following:
  2. Overview- a brief explanation of critical theory;
  3. Criticalreflection: What is the role/purpose/aim of critical theory in education?
c. Key theorists;
  1. Keyideas/concepts of the major critical 
  2. Criticalreflection on relevance (or not!): How is critical theory useful in education today?
  3. Useacademic sources to support your explanations and 
  4. In-textreferencing, and a reference list, are required within the infographic.
  5. Alsolist the academic sources in the Reference list on slide 5.
  6. Donot exceed the 300-word count (excluding reference list) set for this 

3.0 Resources

  • Howto create an infographic – Skill
  • Layoutideas for an infographic - Skill
  • BigLittle Thinking (BLT) window model - Information
  • ReflectivePractice - LibGuide
  • AcademicIntegrity – SCU guidelines

4.0 Referencing Style

  • Academic Integrity Module- mandatory module for first year students
  • Learning Zone– workshops, Quick Guides, student appointments
  • APA7 Referencing - LibGuide
  • CopyrightGuide – SCU guidelines

APA 7th referencing format is required in Faculty of Education assessment tasks – link to SCU Libguide here: APA 7 Referencing

4.1 Attributions

An attribution is a statement that credits the original photographer, author or creator of the work. Including an attribution complies with copyright.

  • Theattribution is usually placed in a caption below the photograph or  For example, Photo by Bart

Simpson on Unsplash. This clearly states the creator’s name and the source of the image (including the URL).

  • Sometimes,it is also important to note that you have permission to use the  In this case, you would add

– Used with permission. – as the second sentence after the attribution.

5.0 Task Submission

The due date for this assessment is Week 3: Sunday, 26 March 2023 by 11pm


  • Submission ofyour portfolio is in PowerPoint format via  DO NOT upload a PDF.
  • Labelthe file with your SURNAME and the ASSESSMENT NUMBER, g., BAROUTSIS_A1.pptx
  • Youare strongly advised to undertake your own SIMILARITY CHECK via Turnitin, PRIOR to the due date, to identify and resolve any academic integrity issues prior to submitting - see SCU Academic Integrity and Turnitin. You are able to submit up to three times, and receive the similarity match report immediately – after three attempts, you will need to wait 24 hours.
  • The submission link can be found in the Assessment Tasks and Submission tab in the EDUC1003Blackboard  It will not be visible until 2 weeks before the due date.
  • Itis YOUR responsibility to ensure that you have submitted the correct file and the FINAL version of your assessment for marking BEFORE the due date/time.
  • Turnitin does not generate an automatic email receipt. If you have successfully uploaded yourassessment, a green bar will appear at the top of the screen that says: Submission uploaded successfully: Download digital receipt. Use the hyperlink to download your digital receipt and store this with your assignment 
  • If you have any difficulty submitting your assignment, please contactTechnology Services and make sure that you log a job with them so you have evidence of your attempted submission. To avoid any last-minute problems, make sure you submit well before 11:00pm on the due 

6.0 Special Consideration

Students wishing to request special consideration to extend the due date of an assessment task must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via the MyEnrolment page as early as possible and prior to the original due date for that assessment task, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. To apply - see SCU Special Consideration.

7.0 Late Submissions & Penalties

According to SCU Policy, late penalties apply. Except when special consideration is awarded, late submission of assessment tasks will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty. Penalties will be incurred as soon as the deadline is reached.

  • a penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted from the actual mark at one minute after thetime listed in the due date
  • a further penalty of 5% of the available mark will be deducted from the actual mark achieved on eachsubsequent calendar day until the mark reaches zero.

For more information, see Assessment, teaching and learning procedures.

8.0 Academic Integrity

At Southern Cross University academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility and respect in relation to academic work.

The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more information see the SCU Academic Integrity Framework

NOTE: Academic Integrity breaches include: poor referencing, not identifying direct quotations correctly, close paraphrasing, plagiarism, recycling, misrepresentation, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, fabricating information.

You are not permitted to use any text generating software, including generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

such as chatbots, to complete this assignment.

9.0 Grades & Feedback

Assignments that have been submitted by the due date will receive an SCU grade and written feedback. Grades and feedback will be posted to “Grades & Feedback” section on the Blackboard unit site. Please allow 7-working days for marks to be posted.

10.0 Assessment Criteria

See the marking rubric for the marking criteria and grading standards.


  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : March 25th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 276

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  • Journals
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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more