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ETL503 Resourcing the Curriculum Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-08 10:19:10
Order Code: 489774
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  • Task Description

Movies are a common teaching tool as they provide insight into knowledge, experiences and connections to access teacher story movies, choose one, watch and critique in light of pedagogical approaches, teacher strategies and relationship building to inform your essay.

For your assignment you will write a essay addressing the following questions: Remember this is an essay so headings not allowed, and the most successful assignments will synthesise discussion rather than provide a list of answers to the questions.

About the resource type:

  • What are the benefits of using a movie as a resource for learning?
  • How can you ensure that the movie engages learning rather than simply providing an enjoyable experience for the students?

About the movie:

  • Why is it important that the teacher in the story develops positive relationships with students before they can be effective in their work?
  • What strategies does the teacher in the story apply to form relationships and strategise learning?
  • What pedagogical tools are observed in the movie?
  • How might these stories look different if they were set in 2021/22? What is different and what is the same now?
  • What issues arise for the teacher in relationship with students? What could these look like in an Australian context?
  • Do the stories provide insight for you as a becoming teacher? Explain your answer.

In addition to this information, you may need to read the short brief about movie and justification why its good as a teaching resource.

  • What is movie?

A movie, also known as a film or motion picture, is a form of visual storytelling that uses moving images and sound to convey a story or message to an audience. Movies typically consist of a series of individual images, called frames, which are shown in rapid succession to create the illusion of motion (Rohrbach et al., 2017). Sound is typically added to movies in the form of spoken dialogue, music, and sound effects. Movies can be created for a variety of purposes, including entertainment, education, and artistic expression. They may be produced by major studios or independent filmmakers, and may be distributed through cinemas, television, or online streaming services. Movies often explore a range of themes and topics, from action and adventure to drama, romance, and comedy (Rohrbach et al., 2015). Movies have become an important part of popular culture, with many films achieving widespread critical and commercial success and becoming cultural touchstones. They are also an important tool for exploring and understanding the human experience, and for addressing important social, political, and environmental issues.

  • Movie as a teaching resource

Movies can be a powerful teaching resource for educators, providing a dynamic and engaging way to introduce new topics, explore complex issues, and bring historical events to life. Here are some ways movies can be used as a teaching resource:

  1. Introduction to a new topic: Movies can be a great way to introduce a new topic or concept to students, providing a visual and engaging way to spark interest and curiosity. For example, a movie like "Hidden Figures" can be used to introduce students to the history of the space race and the role of women in science.
  2. Illustrating historical events: Movies can be used to illustrate and bring to life historical events, helping students to better understand the context and impact of important events in history. For example, the movie "Schindler's List" can be used to illustrate the horrors of the Holocaust and the bravery of those who risked their lives to save others.
  3. Exploring social issues: Movies can be used to explore and understand social issues and challenges, such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality. For example, a movie like "The Hate U Give" can be used to explore the impact of police brutality and racism on young people in America.
  4. Promoting critical thinking: Movies can be used to promote critical thinking and analysis, encouraging students to analyse and evaluate the messages and themes presented in the movie. For example, a movie like "The Social Dilemma" can be used to explore the impact of social media on society and to promote critical thinking about the role of technology in our lives.
  5. Enhancing language skills: Movies can be used to enhance language skills, such as listening, speaking, and vocabulary. For example, watching a movie in a foreign language can help students to improve their language skills and develop a better understanding of the culture and context in which the language is used (Simamora & Oktaviani, 2020).

Overall, movies can be a valuable teaching resource, providing a dynamic and engaging way to explore a wide range of topics and issues. However, it is important to select appropriate movies that are relevant to the curriculum and appropriate for the age and maturity level of the students. It is also important to use movies as part of a broader teaching strategy, incorporating other teaching methods such as discussion, reflection, and analysis (Elmas et al., 2019).

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 08th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 231

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