Healthcare Strategic Proposal Assignment
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Your task
Students are to write a 1500-word strategic proposal for an executive team of the chosen organisation whereby you are attempting to convince that team of what you believe they should be doing over the next five years in an effort to be more successful.Assessment Description.
Building on all of your learning in this subject, students are required to develop a 5-year strategic plan that could be used to resource and operationalise the activities of a privately or publicly owned healthcare enterprise of your choice. The intent is for students to demonstrate an understanding of all of the environmental factors influencing that organisation in its current and future competitive environment and formulate strategies that will ensure its ongoing success over the next five years. A useful starting point may be to evaluate the strategic successes and failures (if any) of that organisation over the past five years.
Assessment Instructions
Individually, based on the work you have produced in the first and second assessment, you must develop comprehensive strategies for the organisation for the period 2022-2027 by presuming that you are presenting these key elements of the strategic plan to an executive panel within their chosen organisation, influencing strategic decision-making.You are required to develop a strategic plan that addresses the challenges and opportunities at a corporate and business level with a particular focus on strategies aligned with responding to the ongoing and future impacts of the current COVID19 crisis. In doing so, you must justify the strategy, using appropriate business examples and evaluating competitors approaches within the same segment. You will not be required to draft the strategic plan in full, as this assessment does not require functional-level implementation. Instead, you will need to develop key features of the proposal, including:
A clear assessment of key strategic issues A proposal for an appropriate business model At least 5 strategic objectives/solutions in relation to the challenges and opportunities identified A vision statement
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