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HSC AS 6: Support Individuals In The Use Of Assistive Living Technology Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-12 12:54:36
Order Code: clt290581
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1.1 Define the term assistive living technology

1.2 Describe the types of assistive living technologies in relation to:

  • independent living
  • education, entertainment and social interaction
  • adapting and maintaining healthy living.

2.1 Explain how assistive living technology supports an individuals quality of life, independence and well-being.

2.2 Describe the benefits of using assistive living technology in person-centred care and support planning.

2.3 Explain limitations and barriers to using assistive living technology.

2.4 Describe the process for assessing, implementing and reviewing the use of assistive living technology with an individual.

2.5 Describe the roles and responsibilities of others that may be involved in the provision of assistive living technologies.

3.1 Support an individual to access information about assistive living technology.

3.2 Work with an individual to explore any concerns or issues they may have about choosing and using assistive living technology.

3.3 Support an individual to select assistive living technology to meet their needs.

3.4 Use agreed processes to establish consent.

3.5 Report and record the use of assistive technology in line with agreed ways of working.

4.1 Encourage and support an individual and others to use assistive living technology.

4.2 Support an individual and others to assess their ability to use assistive living technology.

4.3 Support an individual and others to identify areas that require further support and guidance in relation to the use of assistive living technology.

4.4 Support an individual and others in the safe use of assistive living technology

4.5 Support an individual and others to understand instructions on safe use of assistive living technology.

4.6 Provide an individual and others with information on the maintenance of assistive living technology.

4.7 Ensure an individual and others are aware of support available if assistive technology becomes inoperable including:

  • Procedure
  • contact details
  • associated cost.

4.8 Review own skills in information technology and digital literacy.

4.9 Enable an individual and others to provide feedback on the use of assistive living technology.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 12th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 207

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