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HSC SOR II Assessment

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Added on: 2023-03-23 09:43:07
Order Code: 487640
Question Task Id: 0

PART A: Islam Research- typed submission (10 marks)[size 12 font / 1 line spacing] 600 words Maximum.

You are to research Islam and answer the following question:

Men, women and schools of thought have reformed and revitalised the Muslim tradition. Discuss this statement referring to TWO syllabusareas only to answer the question. (Use TWO of the studied components: eg: Person and Hajj. OR Person and Bioethics.)

PART B:Christianity Research typed submission (15 marks)[size 12 font / 1 line spacing]

You are to research your Christianpersonscontribution AND impact on Christianity.

  1. Explain ONE significant contribution of your person to the development and expression of Christianity. (10-12 lines/3 marks) (around 200words?)
  2. Summarise the impact of your person on Christianity.(12-15 lines/4 marks) (around 300words?)
  3. Christianity responds creatively to new challenges.
  4. Respond to this statement with reference to the person you have studied.(20-25 lines/8 marks) (around 500wrds?)
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : March 23rd, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 431

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