ICT Project Management Assignment
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In topics 1 & 2 you have been introduced to various project methodologies and processes.In 700 words, demonstrate your knowledge of these.
Ensure you address the following areas:
1. Define what a methodology is and the role it serves in project management.
2. Familiarise yourselves with the various methodologies in the list below. Choose two methodologies from this list to compare and contrast, analysing the similarities and differences between them both.
3. Finally, identify how your chosen methodologies and processes relate to the project life cycle (PLC):
List of project methodologies and processes
- Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)
- Waterfall
- Agile
In this assessment you will be covering the following learning outcomes as outlined in the MSI:
be able to identify, critically analyse, reflect on and synthesise the key elements of the IT project management framework, including project stakeholders, communication management, the project management knowledge areas, common tools and techniques, and project success factors;
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