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Interest Checklist Analysis Assessment

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
Order Code: 441874
Question Task Id: 0


The main goal of the interest analysis is to see various points out of the cluster described and it helps in taking participation in the society (Tost and Johnson, 2022). As humans have scheduled and planned interactions with each other that is why such participation is considered an interaction that takes the shape of roles. Moreover, it is a tool that is used to collect the data and information concerning his or her's past and current based interests. It is presented in the form of a written format that is a questionnaire that takes around fifteen to twenty minutes to complete. It is ideal for teens, adults, and aged people. In addition to this, it focuses on identifying the interest of individuals and it is also known as the factor analysis model to find out the underlying structure and areas of interest (Ha, 2021).

Introducing the participant to the interest checklist

The valuable details are taken into consideration while clarifying the Interest Checklist to the participant such as the level of interest he had in the past ten years and also in the past year in various activities for example Church activities, golf, dancing, walking, football and many others. The checklist was also introduced to the participant whose name was Mr. James like the various activites and some of the activities was his favouirte in the last few year. While some he did not like (Wild, Mock and Lim, 2020). The checklist was dvided into three heads, first one explained the heading of the actoviety as mentioned earlier in the introduction part. Another head is of the level of interest which is futher divided into parts that is in the past ten years and the another one is in the past year. With the help of this table, the level of interest of Mr. James can be understood and I also got about the activities in which he is still interested and puruse in the coming future.

Prompts and instructions used

I explained him that this interst checklist is made up on the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) and it was also revised again. I told him about every basic detail so that he can understand better such as this mainly gathers information of individuals strength and interest in various activities in the past, at present and in the upcoming future. It is simple to fill and understand for anyone. My main goal was to classify the activities in order to see having either no interest, some interest or no interest in the activtites (McPherson and et.al., 2019).

Concluding the session

I conducted the session with Mr. James and I acknolwged that there are several components based on the activities which were assessed through the Interest Checklist. And it'took around fifteen minutes and I encouraged him to priotise the list by selecting from the list Styslinger and et.al., 2019). He easily understood the list and I understood about his nature and those strong activities which are written in the list. He was asked to place checks in each column to specify his level of interest in each of the activities. Through this session, it can be concluded about the pattern of participation in the activity in past, currently and in future.

Performance evaluation

I am happy with my performance as my introduction was clear to him and he got the points easily (Hirschberg, 2019). Mr. James understood the importance of the Interest Anlaysis and i used various strategies in order to help get the analysis done. He seem very comfortable while attempting the checklist and he seem happy and also, we also talked about his childhood, values, life lessons and legacy I also thanked him for participating in the task and wish him good luck for the future.

Data interpretation

From the Interest Analsyis of checklist, it has been concluded that he liked many activities and he is till doing that actitivies. Furthermore, he is active and I also got to know about his nature and his preference. This session helped me improving my research and analytical skills as all professionals require personal skills. That is why, having strong personal skills are essential in life and professional life. I would also make use of this session in the life for the further development for taking better decision in my life.

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  • Uploaded By : Abhi
  • Posted on : June 14th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 243

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