Make Research On Cyberbullying, Credit card (or debit card) theft/fraud, And Alcohol-fuelled violence
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Research proposal
A research proposal sets out a project that someone intends to do. It explains the purpose of the proposed study and how it is to be conducted. For this assessment, you need to propose an entirely hypothetical piece of research. However, you do not have unlimited hypothetical resources!
Your proposal research needs to be achievable by a single researcher and within a twelve-month timeframe.
You need to write a research proposal that includes the following sections:
Statement of aims. What research questions do you intend to address? Remember to think about how you would frame your research questions depending on whether you are taking an inductive or deductive research approach. Statement of significance. This needs to explain how the research is important. It may be that the research covers research questions that have been overlooked or a gap in the previous work. It may be taking an innovative methodological approach. Perhaps it is providing much-needed empirical data aimed at understanding or resolving a social problem. You aren't expected to do a comprehensive review of the literature, however, you will need to write short summary of previous research that has been done in the field (eg 500 words). Use this section to explain how your research will make a significant contribution. Methodology and methods. Explain which methodology you intend to use (inductive/deductive, qualitative/quantitative), and what methods you intend to use. Your methods must involve one of the approaches that will be covered in this topic (survey, interviews, focus groups, case study research). Each of your methodological decisions needs to be justified. Sample. Who will be your research participants, how do you intend to recruit them, and do you anticipate any problems with your potential response rate or response bias, how would you address these problems? Ethical issues. Does your proposed research involve any ethical issues, and if so, how would you intend to address them?
Your research proposal does not have to use subheadings, but you may find them useful. Subheadings are counted towards the word limit. You need to make a decision about how many words your dedicate to each section.
The proposal must focus on research relating to ONE of the following research topics:
- Cyberbullying
- Credit card (or debit card) theft/fraud
- Alcohol-fuelled violence
The marking rubric for the research proposal is on FLO.
Examples and advice for writing research proposals
You have access through FLO to some examples and advice on writing research proposals. Please be aware that these examples may have different formats and include different sections than are required in the assessment. So use what is relevant from these examples, but remember that for the assessment you need to follow the instructions above.
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