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MBAS902 Data Exploration And Analysis Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-20 05:52:50
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Description and goal

Your goal is to provide a data analysis within the context of a business application.


This problem set reinforces foundational dash boarding concepts. Students use the data set FLCRASH to investigate road incidents in Florida between 2008 and 2010. In this problem set students will have the opportunity to practice skills such as:

  • Enhance dashboards through clear labels and titles
  • Create numerous visualizations to demonstrate patterns
  • Utilize advanced analytics/techniques to extract insights
  • Add interactions for user-friendliness and dashboard customization
  • Reflect on limitations and future directions.

Crash data set-data exploration and analysis (50 marks)

The data set FLCRASH contains detailed records of road incidents that happened in Florida between 2008 and 2010. A road safety officer asks you to perform the following tasks:

  1. Using SAS Visual Analytics, your goal as an analyst is to design an interactive dashboard to explore and visualise the data
  2. Organise the report following SAS Visual Analytics Methodology.
  3. In addition, you must extract one interesting insight by investigating relationships between some key variables, by employing each of these techniques:
    • Linear regression, Forecasting. Clustering and Decision trees (ie, the methods covered in the lectures).
    • Explain the rationale for the selection of the variables
    • Also, explain and interpret the results obtained.
  4. Reflection & Future Directions
    • Reflect on the dataset and do you think any additional variables or data could have been collected? If so, why, what are they and what additional insights that would yield in improving the safety on the roads and reduce accidents and fatalities. You may relate these points with reference to literature.
  5. Flename Convention (-ve marks apply)
    • MBAS902 SYD222 A2 Frame-Uname pdf

This question is open: it is up to you to decide

  • what to show in the dashboard and how show it;
  • what is an interesting insight; and
  • which relationships between which variables you want to investigate.

Note: "When it rains, the road is slippery." is not an interesting insight. However, "there's an increase in car accidents in the month of July, because..." would be an interesting insight.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 20th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 189

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