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MMM132 Academic Concept Summary and Reflection Presentation

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Added on: 2023-05-04 07:39:48
Order Code: clt314927
Question Task Id: 0


Teamwork is an integral part of many professional roles youll find yourself working in in the future. Teams come in a variety of shapes and sizes and work together for a variety of purposes and can only be successful if all those in the team work together productively, efficiently, and respectfully.

This assessment task requires you to work as a member of a team to achieve a specific outcome. Through engaging in this task, you will learn not only about working with others, but also about your own attitudes and behaviours that make you a valued and constructive member of a team.


This assessment is designed for you to learn about teamwork through:

  • reaching out and meeting other students studying MMM132
  • experiencing and reflecting on teamwork
  • sharing your various friendly, leadership, research, technical, creative, and personal skills and abilities
  • examining management theories that help us understand ideas about diversity, plurality, and teamwork
  • working together to cite and apply Deakin APA7 referencing rules

Group work (4 students) Learning Outcome (LO) question & team reflection:

In week 9 seminar, students form a group of 4 students from their tutorial class to complete their teams slide set for submission in week 11. Students may self-select their teams before week 9. See How to Form Teams below. Those not able to form their own team by week 8 will be assigned a group. In week 9 groups are allocated a Learning Outcome as their Topic. LOs will be allocated to each team in week 9, the list of possible LOs is in Assignment 2 Folder in Readings & Resources section in week 9 section on Moodle. See instructions on the LOs document re choices of LO topics for presentations.

How to Form Teams

  • Teams must be maximum 4 students, minimum of 3.
  • You MUST form a team from within your allocated class group, you may not choose team members from other classes.
  • A Team Form is in Assignment 2 Folder in Readings & Resources tile. Complete this form with your team members names and IDs, you will be allocated an LO topic for your team in week 9 session. It is each team members responsibility to ensure they have contact with each other member in the team.
  • ONE copy of your teams completed team form must be e-mailed to your lecturer by Friday week 9. Allocate ONE team member to send an e-mail to your class lecturer with completed form attached.

Assignment Task:

Select any ONE MMM132 examinable Learning Outcome (LO) from weeks 5-10. See a copy of LOs you can choose from in Assignment 2 Folder in Readings & Resources section.

Work as a virtual team to prepare and submit one PowerPoint slide deck of 12 slides, with each slide as follows:

Slide 1:

State the weekly topic to which teams LO relates (for example Topic 6: Human Resource Management) AND list of team member names, Deakin College ID, Class Number, percentage contribution of each team member (names must be included to be awarded the team grade

Slide 2:

Statement of the ONE selected Learning Outcome from weeks 5-10, and proposed MMM132 exam question based on the selected Learning Outcome.

Slide 3:

Summarised answer to the proposed exam question as developed by the team. This PPT slide must include definitions, explanations, applications/examples, critical analysis, and citations

Slide 4:

Describe how the diversity of team members was used to complete this presentation.

Slide 5:

Describe the storming stage of Tuckmans model experienced by your team and evaluate how effective this stage was in establishing your team norms.

Slide 6:

Describe and evaluate the effectiveness of the leadership (or lack of leadership) in your team

Slide 7:

Provide a table that summarises your team meetings, attendances, decisions, and actions.

Slide 8:

Reference list.

Remaining slides: Each team member to provide one personal slide (one slide each):

  • reflecting on what worked well in their teamwork and what could be improved for future teamwork
  • identifying their role and contribution to the functioning of the team processes and the teamwork
  • identifying two personal actions they will take to improve their contribution to future teamwork

Ideas in Slides 2 - 6 must link to theoretical definitions and explanations. Theory is optional in other slides. Try to avoid more than 5-6 dot points per slide with the exception of remaining slides (after slide 8).

Team progress reports:

Teams may be asked to provide a progress report prior to submission date.

Learning Outcomes:

This task allows you to demonstrate achievement towards the unit Learning Outcomes listed in the Unit Outline as follows:

  • ULO1: Define and explain managerial theory and practice in contemporary organisations.
  • ULO4: Explain theories of teamwork using team presentation skills and technologies and apply them to your own and the teams work.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 04th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 246

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more