MN502: Potential threats and mitigation tools for Botnet -Overview of Network Security -IT Assessment Answer
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Nursing theory is an inventive and diligent forming of concept that gives a provisional,
purposeful and systematic aspect of phenomena (Jensen K. T. 2019). It gives an idea or founda-
tional education that allows nurses to perform patient care. In the article, “Nursing research: A
marriage of theoretical influences” the authors have argued that the use of the theory allows
structure and formation to nurse knowledge and upgrade rational and organized practice and
helps nursing practice more meaningful, organize and minimize misunderstanding (Jensen K. T.
2019). It helps nurses to understand and be in the same phase while taking patient care.
Conceptual framework or Grand Nursing theory
The conceptual framework gives guidance for nursing content, courses, and a series of
purposeful studying experiences (Jensen K. T. 2019). It has been determined from both process
components and nursing content. It has four concepts focused on the study that are person, envi-
ronment, health, and nursing. Grand Nursing theory is broad among other theories which have
enhanced the vigorous and diversity of the health care system as there is a lot of increment in di-
verse patient communities, cultural diversity, and the need for patient care (M., J. 2019, May 10).
Now, Nurse practitioners have a more role and broad scope of practice in the health care system.
Due to the rising population and shortage of healthcare professionals, nurses have delegated a
wide range of knowledge and skills in the health care system. It has reflected very well during
the pandemic of COVID. Nursing practice has been changed over the period, Due to the increase
of chronic illness, to provide affordable care and high quality of care, nursing theories have been
more structured and organized (Wood, Sylvia K. 2020) The middle range is not wide as grand
theories as it has been focused on a specific aspect of nursing contents. Nursing theories are uti-
to the changes that occur constantly in their environment. Health consists of the growth and de-
velopment of humans and the ways of adjusting to their stressors in their surroundings. Nurses
need to understand the physiological and psychological changes of the patient. King’s theory rep-
resents respect for patients and focuses on goal setting, exchange of information, and patient-
centered care (Adib-Hajbaghery, M., & Tahmouresi, M. 2018). King’s theory helps the person
and the patient-nurse interrelationship in assessing and eliminating obstacles to health.
How Used in Advanced Practice role
A conceptual framework is important in shaping advanced practice nursing by forming an
educational curriculum, providing evidence-based practice, and developing knowledge and
skills. Nursing theories help nurses to assess, evaluate, treat and apply appropriate nursing inter-
ventions (Younas, A., & Quennell, S. 2019). According to King’s theory, once interpersonal rela-
tionship between nurse-patient, through communication information can be obtained. This helps
nurses to assess the patient and make a diagnosis. From diagnosis nurses can nursing care plan to
solve the problem, and from the care plan implementation is done to achieve patient’s goals. For
example, if patient came from knee surgery. After assessing patient, diagnosis of pain due to
surgery can be made. Care plan of pain management can be made and intervention like providing
pain medicine, ice pack, support to the area, changing position and emotional support. At last
evaluation is done on the effectiveness of intervention of pain management.
In conclusion, Nursing theories are an important discipline to practice providing a posi-
tive influence on the health of the patient and improve the quality of life of the patients. Nurses
will know how, when, what can be done to achieve patients’ goal from the theories. There should
be a good connection between theories and practice. Theories are developed based on practice
whereas practice is performed under the development of nursing theory. Nurses must depend on
the theoretical concept to assess and implement the plan of care to provide holistic, effective, and
efficient patient care