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New Product Development of Nokia Assignment

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Added on: 2022-12-05 12:26:51
Order Code: 479437
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Task description:

You are required to submit an individual concept proposal to the challenge proposed by the unit stakeholders. This submission is a compilation of creative outputs generated over the first five weeks of the unit and encompassing the supporting unit site activities associated with the user, market and technical research performed during your individual discovery and applied research on the product development creative process, and facilitated via unit site learning resources, seminars and weekly activities.IMPORTANT: This submission should be reflective of applied research and a data-driven research processes, containing only the information relevant to the problem you are solving and also be visualy engaging and effectively communicated via a 'creative portfolio'.

This assessment has two components:

PART A: Proposal description and project management (Executive summary) / Discussion and reflective practice - 800 words reflecting critically on your process of exploration and discovery, developing and evaluating ideas. Provide an initial description of your proposal and your discovery and decision-making process. Project method, milestones and timelines charts PART B: A documentation of your applied research in the way of a project folio, containing creative outputs such as: Inspiration boards Concept generation (sketches) Mock-ups Early-stage CAD.

Proposal Format / Visual presentation

You are encouraged to use A3 size pages and horizontal layout as much as possible, and annotate your boards, sketches, photographs of prototyping process and your CAD images as a way to aid communication of your ideas and exploratory process. Include high-quality literary and commercial sources and references in your annotations. You may also consider the use of captioned tables and storyboards or charts with appropriate annotation. It is expected from students to refer various reliable resources including scientific journals, datasets, professional magazines, governmental reports, etc. The folio should be readable, clear and visually engaging. Think about the layout and consider including an index /contents table, section headings, appropriate headers and footers, page numbers, equations, diagrams, tables, charts, figure captions (with references), footnote references, etc. Visual representations of your design process are an important part of your product development process and communication of its results, so ensure you include images related to your research and development (your photographs and referred images), etc.

SUGGESTION: Engage in digital literacy! - As a visual portfolio your work should be engaging and communicated effectively with compelling images and a narrative /story that encapsulates your individual development journey. Consider turning this assignment into your own portfolio website. There are multiple hosting sites and blog platforms with free graphic designed templates publicly available which you could use as an available tool to communicate the required work. Think about engaging your audience effectively and tell your story in a compelling way.

Individual vs teamwork

Your concept proposal should primarily be individual work, conceived from your individual research, creative process and perspective and supported with your own words and reflections as a way of contributing to your collaborative effort as a team. As a team you can align direction where necessary and share resources and data to direct efforts of all team members effectively and keep work relevant. However, you must ensure the individual work you produce is genuine and authentic and significantly different in contribution to add diversity of value to your team output. After submission of your first assignment, as a team, you will perform a systematic concept selection phase and eventually choose one design concept per team to develop as a joint output.

Each team is encouraged to allocate team development tasks among team members. It is useful to have a team leader who coordinates the project and ensures an agreed quality of deliverable is met. Product development benefits from an interdisciplinary approach. A wide range of expertise as well as transferrable (soft)1 and technical2 skills play an important role in this unit. Not all team members have the same skills and expertise, so allocate team specific tasks with this in mind.

AT1: Unit Learning Outcomes assessed in this taskULO1: Raise questions and develop considerations for inquiry and prepare a clear concise description of an issue that needs an engineered solutionGLO1: Discipline- specific knowledge and capabilities | GLO3: Digital literacy | GLO4: Critical thinkingULO2: Apply strategic thinking and design engineering methodologies to research and develop ideas and systems to engineer improvements to existing or new solutionsGLO1: Discipline- specific knowledge and capabilities | GLO3: Digital literacy | GLO4: Critical thinkingULO3: Design sustainable and environmentally friendly engineering solutions that address end-users and stakeholders expectations, as well as industry standards.GLO1: Discipline- specific knowledge and capabilities | GLO5: Problem-solving

Aiming for (HD) marks?

High Distinction (HD) marks are associated with successful integration and application of discipline-based knowledge within your course. Demonstration of investigation and understanding of the problem at hand to propose a solution based on succinct high-quality discussion and visually engaging output, showcasing the technical breadth and depth concepts and complying with word limit criteria by thinking of effective and engaging communication via developed graphics and compelling images. It is essential to demonstrate a high critical reflection standard, effective communication of thought processing, and data-driven investigations of the proposed problem.

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 05th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 233

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