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NURS12160 Educational Infographic and Rationale Document Assignment

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Added on: 2023-05-02 06:20:37
Order Code: clt316654
Question Task Id: 0


In this written assessment, you will integrate and apply your knowledge and understanding of National Health Priority Areas (NHPAs) concepts. Combined with sociocultural and lifestyle issues, these can predispose a person to an alteration in health. Providing care through identification, recognition, and proactive management and education is a part of the multifaceted and varied role of a Registered Nurse. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding and allow you to integrate and apply the NHPA concepts and sociocultural and lifestyle issues to a person's health status and how these concepts and issues can impact a person's health status, causing an altered state of health.

Task Instructions


  • You are to identify one National Health Priority Area (NHPA) of your choice.
  • You are to identify and select a demographic including but not limited to gender/sex, age, cultural/ethnic heritage, lifestyle, geographic location, etc.
  • You are to design an educational infographic by way of an informational handout or poster (no larger than A3).
  • You are to design the infographic with the NHPA and demographic in mind be aware of images, font size, amount/volume of language/words, reading level of target audience, cultural safety, etc.
  • The infographic is to provide education to your target audience aimed at addressing, recognizing, preventing, treating, or managing the NHPA of choice.
  • The infographic is to contain information relevant to target audience that identifies and addresses the desired action (prevention or management or recognition or treatment or combination) to be taken to achieve the ideal or desired goal (prevention or management or recognition or treatment or combination).
  • You are to include in the infographic credible and reliable resources for your target audience to access (websites etc) that are to be referenced at the bottom of your infographic.
  • All references are to adhere to APA 7th Edition requirements.
  • You may utilise any available program to create the infographic (Word, PowerPoint, Canva, Adobe, Publisher, KeyNote, etc) but your submitted assessment piece must be able to be uploaded to TurnItIn whether by PDF or other format that allows for upload and marking.

Rationale Document:

  • You are to utilise the Assessment Template that is provided to you to write your assessment. Download the template and save it to your desktop. Open the template and commence entering your details on the first page. From here you will click under the individual headings and commence writing to the heading. Please ensure that the Reference heading is at the top of a new page before commencing your references.
  • You are to write to each of the headings discussing and providing rationale and justification for your chosen NHPA, addressing the desired action (i.e., to address, recognise, prevent, treat, manage, or a combination thereof).
  • You are to identify the chosen demographic including but not limited to gender/sex, age, cultural/ethnic heritage/background, lifestyle, geographical location, etc. You are to discuss and provide rationale and justification for this identified demographic and link it in relation to the chosen NHPA and desired action.
  • You are to identify the ultimate goal that your infographic is to achieve by defining and providing rationale for this goal (i.e., reduction in incidence, increase in health, reduction in hospital admissions, etc..).
  • You are to discuss the effect of the implementation of the educational infographic can have on the overall health of the target demographic individual and what overall affect this will have on the NHPA.
  • You are to discuss the anticipated outcome of the implementation of this infographic on the target demographic linking your discussion back to the NHPA and desired action.
  • You are to support your writing with a minimum of 10 references utilised throughout your paper as in-text citations to support your work.
  • You are to submit your assessment piece through the Assessment Tile on the Moodle page via TurnItIn.


  • Computer access with internet connection.
  • Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman, with 2.0 line spacing and 2.54cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word).
  • Include page numbers on the top right side of each page in a header.
  • Write in the third-person perspective.
  • Use formal academic language.
  • Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online CQU APA Referencing Style Guide.
  • The word count excludes the reference list but includes headings and in-text citations (i.e., paraphrasing or direct quotations). Note. Paraphrasing is preferred.


  • You may utilise resources from within the Moodle content for NURS12160. Please ensure that you search for credible sources including but not limited to evidence-based and peer-reviewed journal articles, credible websites, textbooks to support your work. The quality and credibility of your citation sources are important and give your writing strength and credibility.
  • You will be provided with weekly online sessions with the ALC to assist you in addressing your assessment task, researching, writing, citing, and referencing your assessment. These sessions will be held weekly. It is recommended that you attend these sessions in person to gain the most benefit. Alternatively, you can watch the recordings.
  • You have access to working directly with the ALC on a one-on-one basis. Please visit the Academic Learning Centre make an appointment face-to-face or online. Should you require a referral, please email the Unit Coordination Team and a referral will be issued for you.
  • We recommend that you access your discipline specific Library Guide and the Nursing and Midwifery Resource Guide.
  • For information on academic communication please to the Academic Learning Centre Moodle site. The Academic Communication Moodle section has many helpful resources including information for students with English as a second language.
  • Submit a draft no less than 48 hours before the due date (Thursday 18th of May) to review your TurnItIn Similarity Score prior to finalising your submission. Instructions on how to do this and how to interpret your similarity score are HERE.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 02nd, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 232

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  • Journals
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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more