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"Proposal for a new digital innovation which promotes sustainability"

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Added on: 2024-11-25 07:30:38
Order Code: SA Student Jane Management Assignment(5_23_33464_42)
Question Task Id: 489542

Task Overview:

"Proposal for a new digital innovation which promotes sustainability"

You will develop anew digital innovationproposal for a product or service for an ASX200 organisation (listed below). The proposed innovation should be grounded in an appropriate business model; make innovative use of consumer, product, supply-chain or company data in the product design; and must articulate a well-considered management plan for the development, deployment and delivery of the product. Technology management issues such as data privacy and security; workforce management; outsourcing; innovation, and product lifecycles must be considered in your proposal. The assignment focuses on making a compelling case for your digital innovation, including a strong business case and development plan.

In addition, the innovation you select must promote and contribute to the company's goals of achieving ethical, social, environmental, cultural, or economic sustainability. So, for example, the Costa Group (ASX200) promotes sustainable commercial farming, including climate change initiatives, reduced water inputs, renewable energy sources, and the health and well-being of customers. Please ensure your technological innovation promotesoneof the company's sustainability goals.

Ensure you have access to details about the organisations current strategy, tech systems and market position to identify an appropriate innovation. The proposal is expected to draw significantly from the unit's curriculum, involving the full lifecycle of technological innovation.

Assignment deliverables

1. The assignment report will be 3,000-word report, and must include the following components:


Business case(refer to topics- notes in Week 6,8)

Product design(refer to topics- notes in Week 9,10)

Development and implementation plan(refer to topics- notes in Week 11,12)


Please choose one of the followingASX200 firmsfor the assignment:

A2M The a2 Milk Company

ALLAristocrat Leisure

ANN Ansell Ltd

BKL Blackmores Ltd

SEK Seek Ltd

SVW Seven Group Holdings

NUF Nufarm

NSR National Storage Financials

NEA Nearmap Ltd

NAN Nanosonics Ltd

JIN Jumbo Interactive

CWY Cleanaway Waste Ltd

BRG Breville Group Ltd

AZJ Aurizon Holdings Ltd


CGH Costa Group Holdings

WOW Woolworths

COL Coles Group

CBA Commonwealth of Australia

WBC Westpac

ANZ Bank

NAB Bank

MQG Macquarie Group








2. A 3-minute (max.) live presentation in the Week 13 class. Use only 1 P/P slide.

3. A posting on your Linkedin profile site - with a short 100-word description of your proposal.

Marking criteria:

Assessment method: 100% Instructor graded

Assessment rubric

Category Report formatting, graphics and structure Business case Product design Development and implementation plan Written expression, referencing, and appendix

Weighting 10% 25% 25% 25% 15%

Guidelines Has the document been well formatted and laid out?

Is there a Coversheet, Table of Contents and an Overview at the beginning?

Are elements such as graphics, charts, tables, and labels included to add value and clarity to the narrative?

Are all these elements consistently presented? Is the business case for the innovation grounded in an appropriate business model?

Does the business case align with or extend on the companys existing sustainability goals?

Has the technology strategy drawn insights from: competitor/ industry analysis to gauge the degree of disruption and required corporate transformation?

Is the business case for the proposal / digital innovation realistic and persuasive enough to be sold to company executives? Does the digital product design make innovative use of consumer, product, supply-chain or company data in the product design?

Does the product design leverage technologies which might be appropriate for the chosen company?

Are data management issues such as data governance and privacy handled in the design?

Has design thinking, lean or agile shaped the innovation process? Is there a well-considered management plan for the development, deployment and delivery of the product which considers common issues and pitfalls faced by firms in the rollout out of new technology?

How does the proposal handle workforce management; outsourcing; ongoing innovation and product lifecycles?

Does the plan schedule the product development, deployment and delivery within time and monetary constraints? The written expression was clear, precise and used the appropriate business and technical terminology.

Inline referencing and the reference list correctly used the APA style.

The appendix was comprehensive and supported the body of the report

HD The production-value of the finished report was professional and exceeded the expectations contained in the guidelines. The business case was convincing and exceeded the expectations presented in the guidelines. The product design was very clearly presented both in words and in diagrams. The product design has been tailored to address the circumstances of the firm. The plan is realistic and considers key issues which are particular to the chosen firm.

The reader has great confidence the project will be delivered on time and on budget. The written expression, the referencing and the appendix were of a professional standard throughout.

D The production value of the finished report was of a high standard and followed the guidelines. The business case was persuasive and at times exceeded the expectations presented in the guidelines. The product design is clearly expressed both in words and in diagrams. The product design adjusts to the circumstances of the firm. The plan is realistic.

The reader has confidence the project will be delivered on time and on budget. The written expression, the referencing and the appendix were of a high standard.

CR The production value of the finished report was of an acceptable standard and generally followed the guidelines. The business case was satisfactory and generally followed the expectations presented in the guidelines. The product design is expressed both in words and in diagrams. The proposal is mostly appropriate for the firm. The plan is mostly well-considered.

The project should be on time and on budget. The written expression, the referencing and the appendix were acceptable.

P The production value of the finished report was inconsistent and sometimes deviated from the guidelines. The business case was insufficient and sometimes deviated from the guidelines. The product design is unclearly communicated and/or may not always be appropriate for the firm. The plan is sometimes lacking.

The project may not be on time nor on budget. The written expression, the referencing and the appendix were inconsistent and sometimes below standard.

F The production value of the finished report was below standard and did not follow the guidelines. The business case was not convincing and did not meet the guidelines. The product design is poorly communicated and/or inappropriate for the firm. The plan is poorly formed.

The project may not be on time nor on budget. The written expression, the referencing and the appendix were below standard.


No references are required. This assessment is about developing an actual proposal - use your own words. The focus of this assessment isAPPLYINGthe concepts - to the organisation/industry you have chosen - not describing or discussing them. Justify and explain the business case and the proposal decisions you have made.

Word limit:

Try to keep to the word limit. You can go over/under the word count by 10%.

Cover Sheet:No cover sheet is required.

Assessment feedback:

For Assessment 3: Digital Innovation Proposal, you will receive an overall grade, showing the instructor's mark.

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 25th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 32

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