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PSYUX1102 Marking Rubric for Essay

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Added on: 2023-01-04 07:31:39
Order Code: CLT299803
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This marking rubric explains the standards that describe how we will be awarding grades for this essay. We have set a series of 7 categories for this essay that we will be marking against (the introduction, 3 pieces of evidence that make up the body, the conclusion, referencing and written expression). The quantitative rubric sets a given mark for each standard and those marks are tallied at the end to determine your final overall grade. The mark that is awarded for each standard has been determined over years of practice in our Department and is kept similar across units that use quantitative rubrics to maintain consistency in marking.

The markers will be trained to use the standards. For a particular standard (e.g. Functional, Proficient, Superior, Outstanding) to be met, all the criteria listed under the standard must have been met. Where criteria for more than one standard are met for a section, the standard applied for that section will be theloweststandard where a criterion is met. For example, for Written expression, if the writing style and presentation are of a high academic standard (Superior), but there are occasional minor errors in grammar, spelling, or presentation (Proficient), then a Proficient standard will be given for Written expression.

Marking Rubric FAQ:

  1. How do we calculate your mark?The marking rubric is aquantitativerubric. Each component evaluated (e.g., the Introduction, Conclusion, Referencing etc) is given a section weighting (e.g., 10%, 20%, 5% of the mark for the assignment) and each standard is given a numerical value corresponding to a percentage mark (i.e., Outstanding is given a value of 100%, Superior 80%, Proficient 70%, Functional 55%, and Below Expected Standards 40%). If a standard is absent it is awarded 0%. Once the marker decides on the standard for each component evaluated, the mark for that component is automatically calculated as the weighting of the component multiplied by the numerical value for the standard: so, for example, if the Introduction component (worth 10%) is judged to meet the criteria for the Proficient standard, the mark for Introduction is calculated as 10 X 70% = 7. The final raw mark for the assignment is a simple sum of the marks for each of the 7 components evaluated. This raw mark is out of 100 and will appear in FeedBackStudio in Turnitin.

Your final mark out of 100 will be converted to a numerical grade out of 30 in Grades because your essay is worth 30% of your final grade and it will be easier for you to keep track of how you are doing in this unit if all of your assessments correspond to their final weightings overall.

  1. Why are we using a quantitative rubric?The advantage of a quantitative rubric is that once a marker has decided which criteria are met and, therefore, which standard applies, they do not have to then decide on a particular mark within a range (e.g., within the Functional range of 50 -64%, the marker does not have to decide which mark in that 14 mark range to give). This greatly enhances the inter-rater reliabilityof marking (that is, the likelihood that two markers will assign the same grade to a paper). Furthermore, the rubric we give you istransparentanddirect. It should help you with writing your essay (along with the other materials on hand).
  • Uploaded By : Sahil
  • Posted on : January 04th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 10

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