Rural Development Assignment
Question1 Explain the concept product policy in Rural Markets. Please help a company in the steps for launching a new brand of Smart Phone in Rural India.
Question 2. Why does Rural Infrastructure play an important role in development of rural Markets. Explain the role of government fertilizer subsidy in rural development.
Question 3. Case study - Commotion
Mr. Verma the vice president of Symptom Agro company was in the middle of a serious Marketing meeting, the sales numbers were not as per target and he was trying to find the reasons of sales loss in many regions and discussing with his team how they could recover the lost sales
The company had launched two new products in the North markets and also spend substantial funds in promoting the same, the first two months had witnessed the major sales growth was from the new products the existing products were also doing well but not as per targets
The sales targets from both the new and existing products was high and Mr. Verma and has team found it difficult to achieve
In the middle of the meeting a call from the field changed the entire scenario and Mr. Verma cut short the meeting and suddenly left for the fields
A large crowd had gathered at the distributors office and was demanding compensation for the cotton crop failure, due to use of the new agrochemical, the crowd was very violent and restless for the compensation
Mr.Verma pacified the crowd and assured them the product was a new invention from a leading company of Japan and being marketed by a reputed company in India , the quality of the product was good and as per prescribed specifications , during visit to the fields of various farmers and the discussions with them it was found the usage of the product was wrongly timed and not used as per protocols , the farmers blamed the local representative and the local dealer for their advice in the matter , the wrong usage had spoiled most of the cotton crop sown and hence this commotion The company Symptom was reputed and had a strong reputation and market share in the area Mr Verma had no option but to agree for compensation keeping in view the company reputation and market share of products in the area, he called the local representative and the dealer to his office for a training session.
Question 3a. What in your view led to the unrest and commotion in the market? Was it the fault of the company?
Question 3b. What in your opinion led to acceptance of the compensation by the company?