Specific Task Instructions
Specific Task Instructions
Part A Choice and justification of Learning/Teaching model (c. 300 words)
It is important to understand how to use learning/teaching models (cycles) in your programming. This is because they are intended to promote student engagement and contribute to deep learning. Some discussion forum topics are focussed on critiquing some of these learning models.
In Part A you must provide a critique of 2 published teaching/learning models. One of these models must be the 5Es; the other is your choice. Examples of suitable published models include the Generative Learning model and the IGASAR.
You must refer to two relevant posts that you have personally contributed to in the relevant discussion Forums. If you no longer agree with the ideas in your own posts, explain why you no longer hold those views and what influenced your thinking.
Part B -Plan of Unit of Work(c. 1500 words)
This sectiontakes you through the planningprocessfroma generaloverview to more specificlesson sequence plans. The number of lessons is constrainedto10for the purposes of theassignment.Of coursesome entireunits ofwork/modules you may have to developinpracticein theclassroom may be longer than this andmay move through several iterativecycles ofa learningmodel. Thereforeyoumay pick a subsection of the designatedcontentarea thatis appropriateto cover in 10 lessons. Part Bcomprises six components that aredescribed inthe tablebelow.
Additional information in relation to what is required for each section of the submission template isavailable here.
Part C -Detailed Lesson Plan (c. 700 words)
From your sequence of 10 lessons (section B3), choose one lesson from a middle/late Phase Lesson (e.g. for 5Es Explore or Elaborate; Generative Challenge; IGASAR Analyze and organize or Synthesize and conclude), Expand your outline for this lesson to a fully detailed lesson plan.
Specific components of the lesson plan are outlined as embedded instructions in the Assignment Template.
For the purposes of this assignment, web quests or similar computer-based activities must not form the major focus of this lesson, although the use of the internet is permissible where appropriate in the overall lesson sequence.
Part D -Bibliography (not counted in word limit)
It is essential that you list in the bibliography ALL the references/sources that you have cited in your assignment. These would include the readings that you have used in the assignment and the resources that you cited elsewhere but have not used such as the textbooks or websites that you would be using in the lesson sequence or the lesson plan.
Please use APA in citing all your references.
Part E -Self-Assessment
You must use the marking criteria provided to assess the quality of your own work, and submit this with your assignment.
EDSE 358 Assignment 1 Submission Template
Please include your name in the footer on each page. All template instructions are in red font and in italics. Once you have completed and self-assessed the assignment please DELETE these instructions. Also, please ensure you maintain and address all sub-headings in the template.
Part A Critique and choice of Model 300 wrds
Your critique of the 5Es and one other published teaching/learning model
Choice and rationale for the one chosen for the rest of the task
Part B Plan of Unit of Work (Provide Unit Title) 1500
B1: Situational Analysis
Describe the school, socio-economic climate, location and general resources. Include the number of staff, students and laboratories. Include anything else that you have needed to consider when designing this unit. This should provide the teaching context. Remember this is very important because what we teach and the way we teach (how we present the learning activities) are likely to be affected by our teaching context.)
B2: Unit Rationale
Provide a brief Rationale here
B3: Phase outline
Outlines the alignment of your 10-lesson sequence from your unit/subunit with your chosen teaching/learning model. Ensure that all phases of the chosen model are represented in this sequence. All you need to add in the right hand column is the lesson title.
PHASE of MODEL (e.g. 5Es given) LESSON
Phase 1: Engage Lesson 1 provide a lesson title
Phase 2: Explore Lesson 2 provide a lesson title
Lesson 3 provide a lesson title
Lesson 4 provide a lesson title
Lesson 5 provide a lesson title
The number of lessons in this phase varies from 3-4
Phase 3: Explain Lesson 6 provide a lesson title
Phase 4: Elaborate Lesson 7 provide a lesson title
Lesson 8 provide a lesson title)
Lesson 9 provide a lesson title
The number of lessons in this phase varies from 3-4
Phase 5: Evaluate Lesson 10 provide a lesson title
Please note: This example shows a typical layout of lessons against the 5Es model. You may substitute with phases from another published model. You can vary the number of lessons in each phase but it is highly recommended you do not vary too much as it will cause you difficulties in meeting this assignments assessment criteria.
B4: Lesson Sequence Summary
Please fill out the Lesson Sequence Summary below:
Syllabus: name of syllabus Course Prelim or HSC Unit/sequence Length: 10 Lessons
Module Number & Name from syllabus Unit Title: Provide title for this smaller unit of work
Unit/sequence Context:
Provide a short paragraph showing how this 10 lesson section fits within the Scope and Sequence. Think about where it sits within the module in the NSW syllabus; what has come before this module and what comes after etc.
Description of 10 lesson Sequence
Provide a short brief, general paragraph no dot points
Targeted Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes in the lesson sequence:
Provide list of appropriate outcomes from the syllabus. Please provide code and full English text (not counted in word limit). NSW example provided below:
e. g. Year 11 Physics: PH11-11 explains and quantitatively analyses electric fields, circuitry and magnetism
Targeted Working Scientifically (skills) outcomes in the lesson sequence
Provide list of appropriate skills outcomes from the syllabus. Please provide code and full English text (not counted in word limit). NSW example provided below:
e. g. Year 11 Biology: BIO11-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation
Targeted Module Content in the lesson sequence
Provide list of appropriate Module content from the syllabus & also add page numbers to help you to find them later. NSW example provided below:
e. g. Year 11 Chemistry: Module 1: Properties and Structure of Matter
Content covered: Properties of Matter; Atomic Structure and Atomic Mass p. 37. (Don't worry about the dot point level of detail at this broad planning stage) (not counted in word limit)
Provide a list of about 4-8 (more if you really want to) good quality appropriate support resources. If there are none/not many available say so.
B5: Lesson Sequence Plan
Please complete the following 5 tables
Lesson 1 (Title). Phase/s of model: (List relevant phase/s e.g. engage or Initiating)
Knowledge & Understanding Outcomes
Provide outcomes and their codes associated with this lesson (not counted in word limit).
e. g. Year 11 Physics: PH11-11 explains and quantitatively analyses electric fields, circuitry and magnetism
Working Scientifically (skills) Outcomes
Provide codes and full English text. These are the detailed skills content from pp. 33 - 35 in the NSW syllabuses. Year 11 Chemistry example: e. g. Questioning and predicting: CH11-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation
develop and evaluate inquiry questions and hypotheses to identify a concept that can be investigated scientifically, involving primary and secondary data
modify questions and hypotheses to reflect new evidence
(not counted in word limit)
Module content descriptors
Cut and paste module content points from syllabus associated with this lesson. e. g. NSW Year 11 Chemistry: Module 1: Properties and Structure of Matter: Content covered: Properties of Matter:
explore homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures through practical investigations:
using separation techniques based on physical properties
calculating percentage composition by weight of component elements and/or compounds (p. 36)
(not counted in word limit)
Integrated learning experiences, instruction and assessment
Provide a BRIEF Lesson Outline of what the students and you are doing
You MUST ensure that the activities/tasks you include here reflect the roles of teachers and students for the specified phase of your learning model. E.g. If this is supposed to be an Explore lesson make sure the students are actually Exploring.
Evidence of Learning (aka Assessment indicators)
State clearly the evidence of learning from this lesson that you can use to determine how well the students are meeting at least some of the outcomes/content point for each lesson. Make it clear which outcome/content point you intend the evidence to indicate, and how and when they relate to the lesson activities.
Remember evidence of learning must be tangible things produced by the students activities that you can see, hear, read, etc. that lets you know what their conceptions are:
e.g., Students models of the process of transcription and translation with associated explanation/description (Year 12 Biology: Module 5: Heredity: DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis; Content descriptor: model the process of polypeptide synthesis, including:
transcription and translation) (p. 49)
Lesson 2 Title Phase/s of model: List relevant phase/s e.g. engage or Initiating
Knowledge & Understanding Outcomes
Working Scientifically (skills) Outcomes
Module content descriptors
Integrated learning experiences, instruction and assessment Evidence of Learning (aka Assessment indicators)
Lesson 3 Title Phase/s of model: List relevant phase/s e.g. engage or Initiating)
Knowledge & Understanding Outcomes
Working Scientifically (skills) Outcomes
Module content descriptors
Integrated learning experiences, instruction and assessment Evidence of Learning (aka Assessment indicators)
Lesson 4 Title Phase/s of model: List relevant phase/s e.g. engage or Initiating
Knowledge & Understanding Outcomes
Working Scientifically (skills) Outcomes
Module content descriptors
Integrated learning experiences, instruction and assessment Evidence of Learning (aka Assessment indicators)
Lesson 5 Title Phase/s of model: List relevant phase/s e.g. engage or Initiating
Knowledge & Understanding Outcomes
Working Scientifically (skills) Outcomes
Module content descriptors
Integrated learning experiences, instruction and assessment Evidence of Learning (aka Assessment indicators)
B6. Justification
Your concise justification of the learning experiences you have incorporated.
Part C Lesson plan 700 wrds
Lesson Number & Title Phase (insert phase from your chosen model)
Lesson Rationale
The lesson rationale should provide a concise justification for why this lesson is important. A short paragraph followed by dot points is often an effective formatting technique. It is recommended that you include: the lessons importance in the lesson sequence within the unit of work; major aims; and any philosophical or methodological reasons
Prior Knowledge and Experiences
This very important for two reasons. 1) Operationally it informs the teacher conducting the class what to expect from the students. 2) It informs your lesson planning and assists you in developing appropriate activities.
For example:
Students have been provided with opportunities to work as a group to explore and develop an understanding of the theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. In the previous lesson students were provided with an opportunity to research in the library to gather information from secondary resources including textbooks, library books and the Internet.
Difficulties, Errors and Misconceptions that students may have in this area
Provide a comprehensive list of common problems which draws upon research literature and personal experience. It is important to cite some references here.
New or difficult Vocabulary
Provide a list of key words
Pre Lesson Preparation: Personal and organisational
List all the things you need to do and organise prior to the lesson
Main Lesson Plan
The main body of the lesson plan should comprise a table similar to the one below. Reproduce the outcomes and module content points again from the relevant lesson in the Lesson Sequence Plan to keep you on track (make sure they match exactly). In the Time column keep a cumulative track of the time you anticipate everything will take. When planning the Teaching & Learning Activities remember to include what you need to do before students get there (you may have very little time depending on what previous class was using the room). Remember to allocate realistic amounts of time for collecting any equipment and putting it away again etc. For each activity, specify grouping arrangements, what you are doing & what the students are doing. Details like getting equipment (how will you/they organise this), what you will be doing while the students might be working in groups etc. should be included here. Include any key questions that you might want to incorporate and any safety issues you need to keep in mind (there may not be any). You must specify what (if any) evidence of learning will arise from the activity, and to which outcome it relates)
Lesson Title, duration (60 minutes) & target Learning Model Phase:
Knowledge and Understanding Outcome code/s being addressed
(not counted in word limit)
Working Scientifically (skills) content being addressed
(not counted in word limit)
Module content descriptors being addressed
(not counted in word limit)
Time Teaching and learning Activities
- 5
0 Safety Check & Seating
Perform a safety check of the classroom prior to students entering classroom, organise tables appropriately etc
Activity 1:
Grouping arrangements/strategies
e.g., Students seated in groups of X with designated leader, spokesperson
Teacher describe what you will be doing.
Students describe what they will be doing
Key questions: any key questions you want to ask if applicable
Evidence of learning related to outcomes & content :
e.g. Students oral presentations describing X, Y and Z - and outcome being addressed
Safety issues:
Activity 2
Grouping arrangements/strategies:
Key questions:
Evidence of learning related to outcomes & content :
Safety issues:
Activity 3
.. etc
Lesson Evaluation
If you have had the opportunity to deliver the lesson then you should provide
A Personal Reflection on the lesson including what went well & you might do differently another time
If you have not delivered the lesson you should provide
An evaluation of this lesson from a students point of view
Identify elements of lesson that you consider might require enhancement/modification if you actually delivered the lesson to a class. Draw upon your own experiences and seek advice from your peers
Lab Assistant Request - Resources and Equipment
Lesson number and title
Class indicate class Date indicate date Location indicate location Time/Period indicate time
Quantity Resource/ Equipment Notes (include safety considerations)
Leave this blank if you do not need any equipment for the full lesson. You could also provide a short summary so the Laboratory Assistant knows what you are doing.
Part D: Bibliography No wrd limit
Using APA, list all the references you have used in this assignment (including URLs) as well as those cited in the sequence and lesson plan. This is especially important if you are using documentation from another jurisdiction so we can assess how well you are meeting requirements.
Part E: Self-Assessment Not counted
Make sure you include the marking criteria showing your assessment of your own work.
Task Overview and Instructions
Yourtask for this assignment is divided into 5 closely related parts. Note that word lengths indicated are only provided as a rough guide and you are free to respond to the task as you see fit. The task is marked holistically against the rubric.
Part A(c. 300words):
Critique of two (2) published teaching/learning modelsincorporatingideas from yourDiscussion Forum Postings.
Part B(c.1500words):
Comprises 6 related parts: a Situational Analysis (B1), Rationale(B2), Phase Outline (B3), Lesson Sequence Summary (B4), Lesson Sequence Plan (B5) and Justification(B6). You are required to outline a Unit of Work (or partthereof) of 10 lessons based on one oftheteaching/learning models critiqued in Part A. These10lessons must be outlined in the Phase Outline(B3) and Lesson Sequence Summary (B4). You are requiredto provide details of only theFIRST FIVElessons inthe Lesson Sequence Plan (B5).
Part C(c. 700 words):
Full lesson plan for one of the lessons outlinedin Part B3.
Part D
Bibliography (not counted in word limit).
Part E
Self Assessment (not counted in word limit)
1. You may choose any one of the senior secondary science syllabuses within your jurisdiction to work from. Remember to use the new NSW syllabus if you are expecting to teach in NSW.
2. If you are not using the NSW syllabus, you MUST include the full title and URL of the syllabus documents on which you are basing your unit of work.
3. You will need to be familiar with all the relevant policy/support documents referred to in this unit (or their interstate equivalents) to do well in the assignment.
4. You must use theassignment scaffold/templateprovided for all parts of the assignment
5. Use of other sources and referencing: It is fine to use some ideas or materials from other sources (e.g. texts, discussion boards, research articles, course notes) as long as you are not relying largely on a previously published unit of work. Any ideas that you source from elsewhere must be acknowledged and cited correctly.
6. Presentation: It would be helpful if you include:
Your name and the page number in a footer on each page in your final assignment
A table of contents.