Task Essay on a global health issue
Assessment Two
Task Essay on a global health issue
PurposeThe purpose of this assessment is to allow the student to demonstrate an understanding of the multiple factors that may contribute to a health issue. You are expected to critically anaylsis your health issue in the context of any environmental factors
Due date:Monday 07.00am (ACST), Week 9, 8th May 2023
Length1500 words (excluding references)
Select one health issue that is relevant both national and internationally and address the criteria list below
What is the prevalence both nationally and internationally of your chosen issue?
What are thecontributingecological environmental factors ?How might the prevalence of this issue be reduced/eliminated?
Discuss any policies or programs that might be relevant to your health issue
What is the 'future' of your chosen issue? What is the long term forecast?
Submit your assessment as one document via Learnline.Submit as a Microsoft Word (doc or docx) format and not PDF or other format. The file name should be Family name, first name, student number, HSC 312 Assessment 1, 2 or 3 , the font and font size must be Verdana or Arial 12 and line spacing 1.5. All references must be cited according to APA version 7. It is recommended that you use at least 5 peer-reviewed articles. Please use the unit readings
For further information please refer to the Assessment rubric
HSC312 Assessment Two marking rubricStudentVersion.pdf
Also please find attached an assessment help 'cheat sheet" that you might find helpfulAssessment Structure Help Sheet.pdfPenalties for late submission
Assessment tasks that are lodged after submissions have closed, will be penalised 10% of the total assessment mark available, for each calendar day late unless an extension or application for special consideration has been approved.
Late assessment tasks will not be accepted after five (5) calendar days, and the student will receive zero (0) marks.