This assignment must be on the same topic as your asynchronous discussion assessment. That is: it will be based on your chosen research question.
This assignment must be on the same topic as your asynchronous discussion assessment. That is: it will be based on your chosen research question.
Assignment Tasks
Select a minimum of 4 research articles (these must be primary research, not reviews of the literature) identified in your search.
Complete the Critical Appraisal Framework tool (it must be this Tool only) for each of the articles.
Write up your critique of each of the articles, justifying and supporting your evaluation.
Prepare an overall synthesis of the evidence from this literature (that is, the 4 articles you critiqued).
Essential Requirements
For each article you choose to critique, you should briefly describe what was done or written by the researchers (a description of the research study with enough details so your assessor has some context for your article) and then an evaluation of the study including the worth or value of what was done (your critique based on your critiquing tool). Be sure to offer your opinion throughout your critique; and justify and support your critique.
For each critique include commentary on the appropriateness of the chosen approach (qualitative or quantitative) and how theory is used (or not) to underpin the study.
In the introduction you must include the research question you are using to guide your literature critique as well reference to the Critical Appraisal Framework Tool.Attach the articles (as an additional file) for checking purposes only (with your name and ID). These can be scanned as one file
Attach a WORD document copy of your assignment (with your name and ID filled in).
Be sure to use APA in-text referencing as appropriate.
Writing Style This assignment should be written in academic style in the form of an essay with an introduction and a conclusion. Headings can be used. The assignment should contain rationale and support for your critique as well as illustrations from the article.
Formatting Style Written essay style including an introduction and a conclusion.
Follow and use the sub-headings set out the marking matrix
Font: 12 pt, times new roman
Spacing and margins: double spacing and 2.54 cm margins on all sides
Include page numbers: in bottom right corner
Referencing/ citations For this assessment you will use APA 7th referencing style.
Sources: your reference list must include scholarly sources with the majority no older than 10 years old.
In text citations: You must include intext citations in the body of your work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source.
Submission information
What you need to submit A total of THREE files are to be submitted to the submission link
File 1 - One electronic Microsoft Word document that contains the following items:
Title page including student name and student number; course code and name; year and semester; assignment number and assignment title, and word count
Literature critique and synthesis
Reference list
File 2 - One electronic PDF file of your 4 articles