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Web Technology 512 Assignment

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Added on: 2022-10-17 10:27:56
Order Code: 467928
Question Task Id: 0

1.1Create an array that contains the following cars in your neighbors garage: BMW M4, Nissan Versa, Honda Civic, Hyundai Elantra Hybrid, Nissan Magnite, Hyundai Alcazar.

Using your knowledge of JavaScript and HTML, output the array elements in Table Format as shown below. Your program should use a Loop of your choice.

Cars in my Garage




Nissan Versa


Honda Civic


Hyundai Elantra Hybrid


Nissan Magnite


Hyundai Alcazar


1.2Using the pop() method delete the last array element and display the resulting array [2]

1.3Using an array method to add a new element at the front of the array, thus making BMW M4 take index [1]. The new element to add is Mercedes Benz S-Class[0] [3]

2.1You just created a website for a client, and they want you to add a page that will allow the client to change the date when the website was last updated. This date would then be displayed onthe front page (we are not concerned about how the date is displayed on the front page).

Using your knowledge of functions, arrays and JavaScript date objects, create a JavaScript program that gets the date from the user using a form as below and send it to a function called dateUpdate(). For testing purposes, you are to use an alert to see if your function is working.

Your program should get the date from the user in the format YYYY-MM-DD. On clicking the

Send Update Date button, the function should display the output in an alert box as shown below.


2.2Using a for loop, write a JavaScript program that can be used to convert this string to uppercase or capital letters i love javascript programming with all my heart and print the results 5 times.


3.1Global IT a web development company you work for as a junior web developer has been given a web development project by Sunnyside Bowling club to automate their websites so that new members can signup on their new website. You have been tasked to create the Sign-up form as showed in Figure 1 below, you are required to use the following languages to develop this sign- up form (HTML, CSS & JavaScript).

You can create your own logo for Sunnyside Bowling

You should validate all of the following form fields using Regular Expressions:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address
  • Gender
  • Email ID
  • Mobile
  • Location

Under location you are required to use the following residential areas

  • Boardwalk
  • Brooklyn
  • Lynnwood
  • Sunnyside

After a new member has submitted a form with incomplete information an alert box should popup notifying the user the missing information as shown below:


3.2Extend your validation to include exception handling (Try, Catch, Finally and Throw). All the validation and errors should be handled by the TryCatch blocks in your code.


3.3Extend your program and create a function called cookieFunction() that creates a cookie named RegCookie which expires on the 1st day of the following month. This cookie is created once the signup button is clicked and should store the First Name, Email Address and Mobile.

Create another function that reads the RegCookie to check if the cookie is actually being set by the cookieFunction() function. [10]

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : October 17th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 235

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