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What were the major features of (i) the period of merchant capitalism (1500-1750) and (ii) the period of industrial capitalism (1750-1875), and in w

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Order Code: SA Student Dimitris Economics Assignment(4_23_33001_403)
Question Task Id: 488781

What were the major features of (i) the period of merchant capitalism (1500-1750) and (ii) the period of industrial capitalism (1750-1875), and in what ways did the triangular trade contribute to the transition from the one to the other?

Required Reading (compulsory for this question)

Capps, G. (2001) 1.1. The Expansion of Europe: Mercantile Trade 1500-1750 (pp. 13-19) and 1.2. Industrial Capitalism and Free Trade: 1750-1875 (pp. 20-27). In P. Panayiotopoulos and G. Capps (eds)World Development: An IntroductionLinks to an external site..London: Pluto.

Williams, E. (1944/1994)Capitalism and Slavery. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Chapter 3: British Commerce and the Triangular Trade, (pp. 51-84).

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeResponse to question (25 points)

0-5: Little if any attempt has been made to address the question as it has been posed.;6-10: An adequate attempt has been made to answer the question, but its deeper meaning and significance in relation to this part of the module has not really been comprehended;11-15: A satisfactory response to the question which demonstrates some comprehension of its deeper meaning and significance in relation to this part of the module. ;16-20: A good response to the question that both comprehends its deeper meaning and significance in relation to this part of the module and attempts to develop its own position.;21-25: A very good response to the question that both comprehends its meaning and significance in relation to this part of the module and develops a convincing argument that is notable for its originality and coherence.

Knowledge and understanding (25 points)

0-5: No use has been made of the recommended reading, which was compulsory for this essay. There is also little if any knowledge or understanding of the relevant lecture material covered in this part of the module;6-10: Some use has been made of the recommended reading, but it has not really been understood. There is only limited knowledge or understanding of the relevant lecture material.;11-15: Satisfactory use has been made of the recommended reading, but not all of the areas it covers have been fully understood. The knowledge or understanding of the relevant lecture material is also uneven.;16-20: Good use has been made of the recommended reading, and the areas it covers have generally been well understood. The knowledge and understanding of the relevant lecture material is also good. ;21-25: Very good use has been made of the recommended reading and relevant lecture material. It has not only been fully understood, but has even been enhanced by independent reading and study that goes beyond expectations at this level. 25Pts

Full marks 0Pts

No marks


This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeCritical analysis and evaluation (25 points)

0-5: The essay is descriptive and does not meaningfully deal with the key ideas or arguments of the economic thinker(s) or school(s) of thought in question;6-10: The essay covers some of the key ideas and arguments of the economic thinker(s) or school(s) of thought in question, but struggles with them and is largely descriptive rather than analytical. ;11-15: Although there has been a clear attempt to engage with the key ideas and arguments of the thinker(s) or schools of thought in question, their deeper meaning or significance is not always grasped and the analysis is limited.;16-20: A good attempt to analyse the ideas and concepts of the thinker(s) or schools of thought in question, which grasps their deeper meaning or significance and even offers some critical evaluation.;21-25: A very good attempt to critically analyse and evaluate the ideas and concepts of the thinker(s) or schools of thought in question, which not only grasps their deeper meaning or significance but does so from an independent and original position. Referencing, structure & language (25 points)

0-5: Essay has not followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing; structure and signposting; and clear, accurate English. This is unacceptable at University level. ;6-10: Essay has not followed good academic practice in two of the following areas: citation and referencing; structure and signposting; and clear and accurate English. This must be addressed in future work;11-15: Essay largely follows good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing; essay structure and signposting; and clear and accurate English, but this is not always consistent and at least one of these areas requires major improvement;16-20: Most of the essay demonstrates good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing; essay structure and signposting; and clear, accurate English, but with some slippages.;21-25: Essay has consistently followed good academic practice in terms of citation and referencing; essay structure and signposting; and clear and accurate English throughout.

I would like a great referencing in Harvard style and follow the instruction and the required pages and books only which I will send you. Dont use any other materials except the one I will send you which these are the ones above

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 25th, 2024
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  • Views : 27

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