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3003PSY Survey Design and Analysis Assignment

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Added on: 2023-05-20 10:21:20
Order Code: 490171
Question Task Id: 0

Attitudes toward same-sex relationships (ATSR) have evolved dramatically over the past few decades, with increasing public support for the legal recognition of same-sex relationships (Watt & Elliot, 2019). However, there remains a significant divide in opinion on the issue of same-sex relationships. Research suggests there are a multitude of factors that influence individuals ATSR. Negative ATSR can have a variety of negative outcomes for individuals and society, including discrimination and marginalisation which may impact on LGBTQ+ individuals mental health. Such attitudes may also result in reduced access to healthcare and economic harm for individuals in same-sex relationships. To better understand factors that may relate to ATSR, this research proposes five key factors that may explain variations in attitudes towards same-sex relationships.

One factor may be negative stereotypes about same-sex relationships. Those who hold negative stereotypes may view such relationships as immoral, unnatural, or unhealthy (Pacilli et al., 2011). Another factor that may influence these attitudes is individuals identification with their own sexual orientation (Doyle et al., 2015). This research posits that individuals that place a high importance on their own sexual orientation would have more positive ATSR and would be more likely to support changes that support such relationships.

It is also possible that people view same-sex relationships from more social or value-specific perspectives, and as such, perceived symbolic and realistic threat may also be relevant to understanding differences in these attitudes. A symbolic threat arises from a clash of values (e.g. same-sex relationships jeopardise religious freedom) between different groups or individuals and can lead to a sense of fear/anxiety among those who perceive themselves to be under threat (Clifton, 2011). Conversely, realistic threat is the perception of a more tangible danger that may pose a genuine risk to a group. For example, an individual may perceive the governments focus on same-sex relationships as a matter that disrupts discussion of more pressing political or economic issues. Individuals that perceive more symbolic or realistic threats associated with same-sex relationships should therefore hold more negative attitudes toward same-sex relationships (Murphy, 2011).

Another more social-psychological concept that may influence attitudes toward same-sex relationships is social dominance orientation (SDO), which refers to the extent to which individuals endorse the belief that some groups are inherently superior to others and should have greater power/status in society. Individuals with high levels of SDO may be more likely to oppose same-sex relationships, viewing it as a threat to the social hierarchy or traditional sexuality norms that underlie it (Dru, 2007).

Finally, religiosity may influence ATSR. Highly religious individuals may be more likely to view same-sex relationships as a violation of their religious values and norms (Finlay & Walther, 2003). This effect may be particularly pronounced for individuals that hold conservative beliefs regarding gender and relationships and who view same-sex relationships as incompatible with their religious teachings.

In conclusion, there are several potential factors that influence ATSR. The research underpinning these factors, however, is largely correlational in nature and fails to bring together several variables into a single model. By examining these factors together in their association with attitudes toward same-sex relationships, we will gain a better understanding of the unique and shared associations between each factor and the outcome variable. The modelling may be used to inform the development of targeted interventions aimed at fostering positive perceptions of ATSR. To that end, a researcher has run a study collecting data from a sample of adults in the community and asked them to complete an online survey. The survey comprised several questions, and as is clear in the associated coding book and data file, not all variables are of interest to the immediate research question. In this assignment, you are tasked with responding to the following research question:

What are the unique associations between same-sex relationship stereotypes, sexual orientation identification, perception of symbolic and/or realistic threat, social dominance orientation and religiosity on self-reported attitudes toward same-sex relationships?

To do this you will work with the dataset provided. You will need to identify the variables that are relevant to answering your research question and use the procedures and analyses as taught in this course. You will respond to a series of questions that you would work through when running a research study.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 20th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 203

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