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96835 Psychological disorders and interventions Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-31 05:40:20
Order Code: 490757
Question Task Id: 0
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This assessment is broken into 3 parts.

  1. In the first part of this assessment you will be presented with a case study, 'Alice'. You will then be provided with 2 questions to respond to regarding diagnosis.You must cite the DSM-5-TR in your response and use APA referencing to justify your response to the questions. (2 X 250 word responses)

Q1A: Is Alice likely to have a specific phobia? Or any other type of psychological disorder?

Q1B: Provide a justification for your answer and give a diagnosis if you think it is appropriate.

  1. In the second part of this assessment you will be presented with a case study, 'Sally'. You will then be provided with 2 questions to respond to regarding diagnosis.You must cite the DSM-5-TR in your response and use APA referencing to justify your response to the questions.(2 X 250 word responses).

Q2A: Is Sally likely to have a specific phobia? Or any other type of psychological disorder?

Q2B: Provide a justification for your answer and give a diagnosis if you think it is appropriate.

  1. In the final part of this assessment you will be asked to critically reflect on your experience using the current classification system (DSM).Your response must include a critical reflection of professional practice issues related to classification and diagnosis.(1 X 250 word response)

Q3: With reference to the above case examples, provide a critical reflection on your experience using the dominant model of classification of psychological disorders.

This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives:

  • Differentiate between what does and does not meet criteria for a psychological disorder according to current dominantclassification systems
  • Apply critical reflection to professional practice issues within an evolving discipline
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 31st, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 259

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more