Access to HE Diploma (Science)
Access to HE Diploma (Science)
Student name Group Science
subject title Access to Science Date set Unit title/code Physical Chemistry (6 credits) Submission deadline date 09.06.2023
Assignment status* 1 of 1 Submission date 09.06.2023
Tutor name Dr Louis Brailsford Re-submission deadline date
Method of assessment Work booklet 1500 words
+ Lab report ~ 1000words Re-submission date
This is all my own work and all sources have been acknowledged and attributed.
Student signature (hard copy submission only)
Learning outcome Assessment
criteria First submission Re-submission Achieved
1. Demonstrate an understanding of how rates of reaction depend upon the temperature, concentration, surface area of the reactants and the addition of catalysts. Explain via Collision theory why rates of reaction vary and how catalysts achieve an increase in rate by lowering of the activation energy. Y / N Y / N
Explain the results of experiments in the terms described above and realise and state the limitations of such experiments. Y / N Y / N 1.3 Plot graphs of concentration or mass loss against time to determine the initial rate of reaction from a tangent when t=0. Y / N Y / N 2. Demonstrate an understanding of exothermic and endothermic reactions in relation to their enthalpy changes (DH) and the meaning of standard molar Enthalpies (combustion, formation etc). 2.1 Use values DHc, DHf, and DHr in calculations.
Y / N Y / N 3. Use Hesss Law, applying it to solving unknown quantities. 3.1 Construct an energy cycle using Hesss Law in order to derive an unknown enthalpy change. Y / N Y / N 4. Demonstrate an understanding of Le Chataliers Principle and apply it to examples of named chemical reactions. 4.1 Define the idea of dynamic equilibrium and state Le Chataliers principle.
Y / N Y / N 4.2 State the Law of Mass Action and determine Kc for any equilibrium where the concentration of products over reactants is constant at STP.
4.3 Apply Le Chataliers Principle to named chemical reactions and explain the effect of the changes in concentration, pressure (gases only), temperature and catalyst on the equilibrium reaction and how varying these factors can be used to maximise yield.
Y / N
Y / N Y / N
Y / N 5. Summarise of the concept of oxidation and reduction.
5.1 Define oxidation and reduction in terms of loss or gain in oxidation number.
5.2 Identify oxidation/reduction taking place in redox reactions by referring to the definitions above. Y / N
Y / N Y / N
Y / N 6. Explain the chemistry of acids, bases and salts and how the pH of a given acid/alkali can be calculated. 6.1 Describe acids and bases using the Bronsted Lowry Theory. Y / N Y / N 6.2 Explain the terms strong/weak acids and bases and concentrated/dilute acids and bases with reference to the fact that acids/alkalis in solution are in a state of dynamic equilibrium. Y / N Y / N 6.3 Calculate the pH of a strong acid from the given concentration of a solution. Y / N Y / N 7. Perform calculations using the mole concept. 7.1 Apply the theory of molar mass to solving unknown quantities by use of formulae and equations.
1692274212725 Y / N
Y / N
Y / N Y / N
Y / N
Y / N 7.2 Calculate molar quantities as applied to gasses and solutions.
7.3 Apply the mole theory to chemical reactions such as acid neutralisation and determine the concentration of an unknown by titration.
Referral claimed:YES / NOIf yes, attach referral paperworkTutor Feedback
Grade descriptor(s) Tutor comments Performance against the descriptor
GD 1. Understanding the Subject.
Merit: The students work demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base.
Distinction: The students work demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base. GD 2. Application of Knowledge.
Merit: The students work makes use of relevant ideas with very good levels of analysis.
Distinction: The students work makes use of relevant ideas with excellent levels of analysis. GD3. Application of skills
Merit: The students work applies appropriate (selected or given) skills, techniques or methods with very good levels of accuracy.
Distinction: The students work applies appropriate (selected or given) skills, techniques or methods with excellent levels of accuracy. GD 7. Quality
Merit: The students work is structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent.
Distinction: The students work is structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent. General feedback
Signed: Date:
*Unit grade profile
Grade indicators:
_ _ _
Unit grade
Assignment title: Physical Chemistry
Assignment brief
In your assignment you should:
Complete the structured work booklet with access to relevant textbooks and notes.
Complete a formal laboratory report calculating Ka of ethanoic acid(4.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)
For this assignment you will be graded on the following grade descriptors:
There are no descriptor statements for a Pass. Students achieve a Pass by meeting the requirements of all the assessment criteria of a unit.
If work is submitted after the formal deadline has passed, and no extension has been granted, all grade indicators relating to this assignment are capped at a Pass.
Descriptor title(s)
Understanding the Subject.
Merit: The students work demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base.
Distinction: The students work demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base.
Application of Knowledge.
Merit: The students work makes use of relevant ideas with very good levels of analysis.
Distinction: The students work makes use of relevant ideas with excellent levels of analysis.
7. Quality.
Merit: The students work is structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent.
Distinction: The students work is structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent.
Physical Chemistry Assignment
Explain what is meant by the term collision theory. (1.1)
Use collision theory to explain why an increase in temperature increases the rate of a chemical reaction. (1.2)
On this diagram sketch the distribution of this same gas sample at a higher temperature.
With reference to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, explain why an increase in temperature causes an increase in the rate of chemical reaction. (1.2)
5a. Complete a labelled reaction profile diagram in the space below, for an endothermic reaction, showing how a catalyst works, in terms of activation energy. (1.1)
5b. (1.1)
6. Attach your graphical analysis of the following two experiments. Label them as appendix A. (1.2,1.3)
Rate of reaction at different hydrochloric acid concentrations; hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulfate dissappearing cross.
Briefly discuss your findings (250 words maximum).
Rate of reaction with different surface area calcium carbonate pieces; hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate gas syringe method.
Using a tangent and gradient, determine the initial rate of reaction for the two different surface areas of calcium carbonate and comment on the difference.
7. Define the terms standard enthalpy of formation and standard enthalpy of combustion.
Give their respective symbols.
8. When solving the problem below, draw a labelled Hesss Law cycle and attach
this as appendix B. (3.1)
9. (3.1) When solving the problem below, draw a labelled Hesss Law cycle and attach
this as appendix C.
10. (2.1)
11. State Le Chataliers principle. (4.1)
12. Define the term dynamic equilibrium. (4.1)
13. (4.3)
14. State and explain the effect of a catalyst on the equilibrium yield of ammonia in the Haber process. (4.3)
15. Explain why catalysts are used in industrial equilibria (4.3)
16. (4.2)
12165991817042Kc = [CH3CH2OH]
[CH2CH2] [H2O]
Kc = [CH3CH2OH]
[CH2CH2] [H2O]
17. (5.1-5.2)
18. Describe the meanings of the terms Bronsted-Lowry acid and Bronsted Lowry base. (6.1)
19. State the meaning of the term strong as applied to a Bronsted-Lowry acid and give two examples of such acids. (6.2)
20. Name one strong Bronsted-Lowry base and one weak Bronsted-Lowry base. (6.2)
21. Calculate the pH of a solution which contains 5 x 10-3 mol dm-3 of HCl. (6.3)
22. (6.2 6.3)
23. (7.3)
In a titration experiment between sodium hydroxide solution of known concentration
0.15moldm-3 and a hydrochloric acid solution of unknown concentration, it was found that 25cm3 of the 0.15 moldm-3 sodium hydroxide neutralised 12cm3 of the hydrochloric acid.
Calculate the concentration of the hydrochloric acid.
86862067310HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
24. (7.2)
25. (7.1)
26. (7.1 7.3)
Please attach your laboratory report regarding the determination of the acid dissociation constant of ethanoic acid. 1000 words maximum.
Please ensure that your report follows the AIMRAD layout of scientific report writing.