ACCT6005 Company Accounting
ACCT6005 Company Accounting
922917237996Final exam notice
Time: 2 hours and 10 mins writing time
Test conditions:
Open book.
You are not permitted to use your mobile phone or head phones during the exam.
Textbooks and notes are allowed.
Remember a calculator and your Student ID! All exam videos will be watched.
Total marks: 100 marks
Assessment weighting: 50%
Exam structure 5 Questions: 30% is theory and 70% is practical. All questions are compulsory
There are NO Multiple Choice questions.
Theory questions will be:
Segment reporting: See exam template under Module 5
Explaining practical concepts and the purpose of these in your own words.
Topics assessed Modules 1 5 will be assessed. Module 1.1 will be assumed knowledge. There will NOT be a consolidation worksheet. However consolidation worksheet entries will be required.
Online format for your answers: You will not be provided with any templates for journal entries. You will be given a blank answer box for each question. The following is an example of how you can provide a journal entry answer in the exam:
30/6 Dr Sales 100
Cr COGS exp 100
Remember dates for every entry! Journal narrations are not required.
Suggested revision tips:
Watch all recorded lectures and topic videos on Blackboard and complete the Practice Exam questions and tutorial questions. Ensure that you practice both theory and practical questions provided. Theory questions will be short answer and will assess your understanding and application of the concepts.
Attempt each question before you look at the solution
Remember dates and correct account names for each journal entry.
ACCT6005 Company Accounting Online Final exam Focus Sheet