AKW22 Mechanical Principles Of Engineering Systems Assignment
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Task 1 Calculate the resultant thrust and overturning moment on a vertical rectangular retaining surface with one edge in the free surface of a liquid
A schematic diagram of the lock gate of a yachting marina is shown below. Taking the density of sea water as 1030 kg/ m3 .
- the net horizontal thrust on the lock gate
- the position of its line of action from the base of the gate.
TASK 2 explain Archimedes Principle
- Fully write out Archimedes principle in words.
- Write out the equation for upthrust force listing what the terms mean and their units.
TASK 3 Determine the up-thrust on an immersed body
A block of concrete measuring width w metres by height h metres by thickness t millimetres is required to be lifted from the sea bed to the surface. To assist the divers, an inflatable lifting bag will be attached to the block by a rope.
- Do a sketch showing the forces involved.
- Calculate the upthrust force.
- Calculate the tension in the rope
Take the density of concrete as 2403kg/m3 and sea water as 1030 kg/m3 .
TASK 4 Use the continuity of volume and mass flow for an in-compressible fluid to determine the design characteristics of a gradually tapering pipe.
Calculate the exit diameter of the pressure washer nozzle shown. If the required exit velocity of the water is v2 m/s when the flow rate is V litres/min. (Note that there are 1000 Litres in 1 m3)
Task 5 Evaluate the methods that might be used to determine the density of a solid material and the density of a liquid
- In detail, using Archimedes Principle, write out a step by step method of how you would determine the density of an irregular shaped homogeneous rock.
As part of your step-by-step method you must:
- write down and explain any equations used
- give details of any readings taken and what you do with them
- illustrate your steps with sketches
- In detail, using Archimedes Principle, describe a step-by-step method of how you would determine the density of a quantity of an unknown liquid
As part of your step-by-step method you must:
- write down and explain any equations used
- give details of any readings taken and what you do with them
- illustrate your steps with sketches.