Assessment 2: Using maths to report and understand a natural disaster
Assessment 2: Using maths to report and understand a natural disaster
Heading: (Here you write headline of the journal report followed by your name, example below):
Impact of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
by John Smith
Introduction: (explains what the report is about. - about 100 words)
Your information should include:
Where and what happened
Describe the location of the earthquake.
When, where and what magnitude?
Describe the location you are reporting about:
Where is Phuket and what is its population? State Phukets surface area and elevation above sea level.
How far from the epicentre is Phuket (in km)? Write the answer in scientific notation.
Body: (more specific details regarding your report- about 400)
Describe the physical properties of the tsunami:
What is the difference in wave height (in metres), between epicentre and Phuket?
What is the difference in ocean wave speed (in m/s) between epicentre and Phuket?
If the ocean wave speed was 800 km/hr and you know the distance of Phuket to epicentre, how long (in minutes) will it take for a wave to reach Phuket?
Describe the impact of the tsunami:
Express total fatalities in scientific notation using only 2 significant figures. What is the percentage of fatality in Phuket?
After the tsunami many people are displaced/relocated. How many people displaced are not from Phuket? Write the answer in correct number of significant figures using scientific notation.
How much (in US dollars) did international aid gave to other countries (not including Phuket). Write your answer in decimal form (not scientific notation).
Table or graph (Mathematical information is often communicated in the form of a table or graph. It is an especially efficient way to communicate a lot of information in a way that is easily and quickly understood. This task asks you to choose what information to present, what form to present it in and also to justify your choice)
Present data here in the form of either table or graph. The data presented does not need to include all variables. It should include the variables you think are most important to present in this report. Refer back to the headings you used: this can determine what variables are most relevant to your report. Provide a short (2 3 sentences - about 50 words) descriptor of your table/graph which indicates why you selected or focused on these variables.
Conclusion: (wrap up your report and write a short conclusion about 50 words)
Your conclusion should address the following points: Why was the impact so significant? Were people warned on time? What lessons have been learned?