Assessment Task 2:Assess student learning, interpret and report on student data then recommend specifically targeted teaching plan.
Assessment description
Assessment Task 2:Assess student learning, interpret and report on student data then recommend specifically targeted teaching plan.
Undertake an interview with one student in any year preschool (3-5 year olds) or F-6 for the purpose of assessing the students conceptual development of the content areas of Whole Number (with a focus on multiplicative thinking for F-6) as addressed in state and/or national curriculum documents relevant to this unit.
Record the students responses accurately in respect to the interview questions. Interpret the data about the students understandings and proficiencies with the chosen content area, and form judgments about their mathematical development with reference to a theoretical framework and curriculum progression.
Summarise the data and make judgements about the student's mathematical understanding in a report, with the audience of that report being an in-service teacher. Referring to the student report, propose recommendations for future learning posed as learning goals and formulate feedback for the student.
Include research guided recommendations for a subsequent teaching and learning plan including:
Links to pedagogical and curriculum documentation
Provisioning the learning environment
Curriculum decision-making (student-centred learning)
A variety of resources (including ICT, manipulatives, games and task)
Mathematics focused learning intentions (concepts and proficiencies)
Assessment and feedback for the student.
Learning Outcomes:LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4
Further information about AT2
Use of Artificial Intelligence:
Pre-service teachers arenot permittedto use any form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) when responding to this assessment task. Text generation, paraphrasing, or grammar and spelling AI applications are prohibited. Please note that Turnitin now detects the use of AI.
Task rationale:
Assess learning, interpret, and report on student data, and develop a learning and teaching plan An important characteristic of effective mathematics teaching is focused on the way that teachers and educators collect, interpret, and use assessment data to inform planning and teaching (Anthony & Walshaw, 2009; NCTM, 2014; Pepin et al., 2017). Effective teachers of mathematics interpret data that goes beyond simplistic recounting of what students do and say to data analysis that clearly communicates insights about children/students conceptual and procedural knowledge.
Task details:
This EDMA500 assessment task is anindividualtask that provides you with the opportunity to use assessment interview data about a childs/students mathematical understandings and proficiencies with mathematics (Whole Number domain). You will analyse the data and use your interpretations to create learning goals and formulate feedback for the child/student with the intention of impacting on their mathematics learning. Another important aspect includes the writing of a report that articulates both the conceptual and procedural knowledge enacted by the child/student as evidenced in the data. This is a report written for an in-service (practising) teacher/educator where you will use the terminology of mathematics education, along with data excerpts to support claims, to communicate your insights from the data. Finally, you will design a mathematics learning and teaching plan for the child/student working on the premise that other children/students will benefit from the intended learning and teaching articulated in that plan.
In this assessment task, you are required to show that you have connected with the messages concerning the principles and practices about effective teaching of the Whole Number domain. A template is to be downloaded from the LEO page and used for this assessment task. The length of your response to this assessment task is suggested to be2750 words approx. (+/- 10%). NB: word count also includes notes/observations recorded during the initial analysis of data in preparation to complete this assessment task (~300 words). You are encouraged to use this template as it is aligned with the rubric that will be used to assess your submission with this task. You will upload the entry to the Turnitin activity in the EDMA500 LEO site. Please use the rubric when constructing and completing this task.
Suggested steps:
Suggested steps for completing this assessment task:
1. Make sure that you have completed the poll that informs the EDMA500 teaching staff of your decision to work with the early childhood data (FDI) or the primary school data (MAI).
2. Click on the Assessment module and scroll down to the section about Assessment Task 2; view the video about ways of analysing the data that matches your choice of data (FDI or MAI)
3. Download the support resources that matches the data that you are working with from the Assessment module, especially the Interview Script (so you can be aware of the questions and tasks that the child was asked in the interview); read through the support resources
4. Download the template for this assessment task and use it as you prepare your response to this assessment task.
5. After receiving the data from your tutor, read through the Record Sheet carefully to get a sense of what the child/student demonstrated in relation to the interview questions, the responses, and the observational notes recorded by the teacher who interviewed the child.
6. Write appropriate notes that capture your initial data analysis. Do this by writing your hunches, insights, wonderings, and initial interpretations of the data.
7. Review the data using the following categories as you do this initial interpretation: a. mathematical understanding (conceptual knowledge) b. mathematical proficiencies/ways of working and thinking mathematically (procedural knowledge and strategy use) c. misconceptions or partially constructed understandings or proficiencies d. concepts and strategies that the child/student could learn next Note: Please be mindful of judgements that you cannot make without appropriate or with limited data. You are not required to comment on any additional learning needs or adjustments, for example a students behaviour or perceived cognitive ability, etc.
8. Once you have initially analysed the data, begin to write data-informed statements about the childs/students mathematical conceptual and procedural knowledge. This forms the report which is part of this assessment task. You must ensure that you record statements that are backed by the data. Please be mindful of not including claims where you have no/limited data and be especially careful not to include any statements that are cause and effect ones (e.g., Matt might have been able to do the 2-digit number line task if had listened carefully. This is not an appropriate statement for a report!). You are looking to summarise the data in terms of what they reveal about the ways that the child/student thinks and works mathematically, and you are to show how you can analyse and interpret data (stating what the data mean).
9. Look to use the terminology of mathematics education shared with you in EDMA500, along with your developing understanding of how children learn mathematics. You are writing the report for an in-service teacher. Summarise the data and make judgements about the childs/students mathematical understanding in report form. You can use excerpts from the data to exemplify a point that you make in the report.
10. Use a strengths-based approach when writing your report. You are not looking only for misconceptions or ways of thinking and working mathematically that the child appears not yet demonstrate. Some parts of your report could articulate what is not yet understood or not yet demonstrated but you need to take care in how you frame those comments. Note: The audience is an in-service teacher.
11. Propose recommendations for future learning for the child/student and write these as learning goals. These should be written for an in-service teacher. Be sure to use the advice shared with you on ways of planning learning goals for childrens learning.
12. Formulate feedback for the child in response to your interpretation of data. Again, use the advice that will be shared with you on ways of providing feedback to children about what they have demonstrated understanding of, and what they are ready to learn next in the Whole Number domain.
13. Consider about what would come next for that child/student by developing a targeted teaching and learning plan for mathematics. Assume that there would be many children who would benefit from the teaching and learning plan. Use the template to ensure that your plan includes all relevant details that effective teachers attend to when planning for teaching and learning. Note: We are not requesting individual lesson plans. We are looking to see practices in planning a series of learning experiences/tasks in response to the data you generated and analysed. You are encouraged to use the resources shared with you in the EDMA500 unit through lecture and tutorial material, as well as the set readings. Generating a series of learning experiences is an expectation for you when you complete the Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA), which is the final semester assessment task linked to your final placement. EDMA500 is preparing you for this high-stakes assessment task that you will complete after your final placement that forms part of your course. Please do not use resources from Twinkl, Teachers Pay Teachers, Pinterest, or other websites (especially do not use tasks that focus on drill and practice or rely on the completion of worksheets). We are looking for you to plan a series of learning experiences/tasks that have children/students actively involved in their learning, guided by the practices, principles, and philosophies as advocated for in EDMA500.
14. Create a reference list that shows your engagement in mathematics education literature to inform your work with this assessment task, and that acts as a record of your pedagogical reasoning.
15. Include appendices (if appropriate) that show any task instructions, templates, etc. that a teacher would need if they were to use your teaching and learning plan in their classroom.
16. Check that you have completed all aspects of this EDMA500 assessment task and submit it on the CANVAS site before the due date and time.
In summary, your response to Assessment Task 2 consists of:
i. Data analysis table that demonstrates initial analysis notes and then conceptualisation of data analysis (~150 words)
ii. One (1) report for an in-service teacher that conveys insights about the childs/students conceptual and procedural knowledge as evidenced in assessment data (~400 words)
iii. One (1) set of learning goals and feedback for the child/student in response to data analysis (~200 words)
iv. One (1) learning and teaching plan that articulates future mathematics learning for the child/student, including learning intentions, tasks, and assessment information (~2000 words)
v. A reference list for the entry using APA 7th referencing style
vi. Appendices including task details, resources, templates, etc. (if required)
Assessment Criteria
Quality of analysis and interpretation of the data as expressed through the report
Quality of learning goals and feedback
Quality of targeted teaching and learning plan that represents an understanding of task selection and implementation with links to pedagogical/curriculum documentation
Quality of academic writing
Criteria Ratings Points
Data analysis and interpretation
view longer description 30 to >25.4 pts
HD (Exceptionally high standard)
Highly relevant and insightful comments in report that demonstrates deep analysis and interpretation of data, focused use of appropriate terminology with use of evidence/data to support conclusions concerning the students mathematical knowledge, skills and strategies, and ways of thinking and working mathematically.
25.4 to >22.4 pts
DI (High standard)
Relevant and insightful comments in report that demonstrates analysis and interpretation of data, focused use of appropriate terminology with use of evidence/data to support conclusions concerning the students mathematical knowledge, skills and strategies, and ways of thinking and working mathematically.
22.4 to >19.4 pts
CR (Sound standard)
Clear comments in report that demonstrates analysis and interpretation of data, focused use of appropriate terminology with use of evidence/data to support conclusions concerning the students mathematical knowledge, skills and strategies, and ways of thinking and working mathematically.
19.4 to >14.9 pts
PA (Acceptable standard/ at expected level)
Genuine attempt at including relevant comments in report that demonstrates some analysis of data, correct use of appropriate terminology with use of evidence/data to support conclusions concerning the students mathematical knowledge, skills and strategies, and ways of thinking and working mathematically.
14.9 to >0 pts
NN (Below expected level)
Detection of AI use (composing, paraphrasing, checking grammar/spelling) to write any or all of the submission. Report tends to read as a recount and shows little / no attempt at data analysis / interpretation. / 30 pts
Learning goals and feedback
view longer description 20 to >16.9 pts
HD (Exceptionally high standard)
Exemplary learning goals are highly relevant, insightful, achievable and specific with clear evidence of paying attention to data analysis; learning goals are within the students readiness to learn; goals are exemplary and clearly make sense to another teacher. Highly relevant and focused feedback that is aligned to curriculum/pedagogical documentation and highly informative for the child about their future learning; recommendations for future learning are relevant and insightful and relate clearly to pedagogical/curriculum documentation.
16.9 to >14.9 pts
DI (High standard)
Learning goals are highly relevant, insightful, and specific with clear evidence of paying attention to data analysis; learning goals are within the students readiness to learn; goals are exemplary and clearly make sense to another teacher. Highly relevant feedback that is aligned to curriculum/pedagogical documentation and highly informative for the child about their future learning; recommendations for future learning are relevant and insightful and relate clearly to pedagogical/curriculum documentation.
14.9 to >12.9 pts
CR (Sound standard)
Learning goals are relevant and specific with evidence of paying attention to data analysis; learning goals are within the students readiness to learn; goals are written clearly and make sense to another teacher. Relevant feedback that is aligned to curriculum/pedagogical documentation and informative for the child about their future learning; recommendations for future learning are clear and relate to pedagogical/curriculum documentation.
12.9 to >9.9 pts
PA (Acceptable standard/ at expected level)
Learning goals are mostly relevant and somewhat specific with some evidence of paying attention to data analysis; learning goals are mostly within the students readiness to learn; goals are written mostly clear but still make sense to another teacher. Genuine attempt at feedback that is aligned to curriculum/pedagogical documentation and mostly informative for the child about their future learning; recommendations for future learning are mostly clear and relate somewhat to pedagogical/curriculum documentation.
9.9 to >0 pts
NN (Below expected level)
Detection of AI use (composing, paraphrasing, checking grammar/spelling) to write any or all of the submission. Learning goals are inappropriate / are too broad / too far beyond the students readiness to learn / unclear to another teacher. Feedback is too complicated / unfocused / feedback has little opportunity to be meaningful for the child Report is unclear and judgements not based on data are provided. / 20 pts
Planning for learning and teaching
view longer description 40 to >34 pts
HD (Exceptionally high standard)
Exemplary and targetted teaching and learning plan that: is informed by evidence from data and pedagogical / curriculum documentation; includes appropriate learning intentions that focus on concept and proficiency development; articulates research-informed strategies that facilitates an effective mathematics learning environment; highlights appropriate approaches that demonstrate understanding of pedagogical/curriculum and the principles, practices, and philosophies highlighted in EDMA500 unit; shows selection and implementation of appropriate learning experiences / tasks / resources / concrete and virtual manipulatives that will impact on childrens learning; nominates assessment strategies and criteria that are clear, appropriate, and purposeful; linked to learning intentions; and show clear interpretation of advice in pedagogical/ curriculum documentation.
34 to >30 pts
DI (High standard)
Relevant and insightful teaching and learning plan that: is informed by evidence from data and pedagogical / curriculum documentation; includes appropriate learning intentions that focus on concept and proficiency development; articulates research-informed strategies that facilitates an effective mathematics learning environment; highlights appropriate approaches that demonstrate understanding of pedagogical/curriculum and the principles, practices, and philosophies highlighted in EDMA500 unit; shows selection and implementation of appropriate learning experiences / tasks / resources / concrete and virtual manipulatives that will impact on childrens learning; nominates assessment strategies and criteria that are clear, appropriate, and purposeful; linked to learning intentions; and show clear interpretation of advice in pedagogical/ curriculum documentation.
30 to >26 pts
CR (Sound standard)
Relevant teaching and learning plan that: is informed by evidence from data and pedagogical / curriculum documentation; includes appropriate learning intentions that focus on concept and proficiency development; articulates research-informed strategies that facilitates an effective mathematics learning environment; highlights appropriate approaches that demonstrate understanding of pedagogical/curriculum and the principles, practices, and philosophies highlighted in EDMA500 unit; shows selection and implementation of appropriate learning experiences / tasks / resources / concrete and virtual manipulatives that will impact on childrens learning; nominates assessment strategies and criteria that are clear, appropriate, and purposeful; linked to learning intentions; and show clear interpretation of advice in pedagogical/ curriculum documentation.
26 to >19.9 pts
PA (Acceptable standard/ at expected level)
Genuine attempt at writing a teaching and learning plan that: is mostly informed by evidence from data and pedagogical / curriculum documentation; includes appropriate learning intentions that focus on concept and proficiency development; articulates research-informed strategies that facilitates an effective mathematics learning environment; highlights appropriate approaches that demonstrate understanding of pedagogical/curriculum and the principles, practices, and philosophies highlighted in EDMA500 unit; shows selection and implementation of appropriate learning experiences / tasks / resources / concrete and virtual manipulatives that will impact on childrens learning; nominates assessment strategies and criteria that are clear, appropriate, and purposeful; linked to learning intentions; and show clear interpretation of advice in pedagogical/ curriculum documentation.
19.9 to >0 pts
NN (Below expected level)
Detection of AI use (composing, paraphrasing, checking grammar/spelling) to write any or all of the submission. Limited attempt at writing a teaching and learning plan that is clearly informed by evidence from data and curriculum documents. Limited attempt at considering research informed strategies to provision the learning environment. Curriculum decision making approaches are not suitable and do not align with principles and practice highlighted in EDMA500 unit. Nominated resources do not support student learning. No inclusion of learning intentions (concepts and proficiencies). Nominated assessment criteria are unclear. / 40 pts
Academic writing
view longer description 10 to >8.5 pts
HD (Exceptionally high standard)
Exemplary level of clarity and structure of written aspects with succinct style with excellent communication and grammar use throughout the text; word limits met (within 10%). Exemplary use of APA referencing style within text and in reference list (no errors).
8.5 to >7.5 pts
DI (High standard)
High level of clarity and structure of written aspects with succinct style with very clear communication and grammatically correct; word limits met (within 10%). Correct use of APA referencing style within text and in reference list (no more than two errors).
7.5 to >6.5 pts
CR (Sound standard)
Clear structure of written aspects with succinct style with clear communication and grammatically correct; word limits met (within 10%). Correct use of APA referencing style within text and in reference list (no more than three errors).
6.5 to >4.9 pts
PA (Acceptable standard/ at expected level)
Appropriate level of clarity and structure of written aspects with succinct and clear writing style. Communication grammatically correct with minor errors; word limits met where specified (within 10%). Mostly correct use of APA referencing style within text and in reference list (some minor errors present).
4.9 to >0 pts
NN (Below expected level)
Poor communication and/or incorrect grammar use / spelling issues / inappropriate sentence structuring. Well-above/well-below word limits. Inappropriate referencing / non-use of APA style. / 10 pts
Total points: 0
PST name:Student number:
Assessing Student Learning, Interpreting Data, Reporting Data and Developing a Targeted Teaching and Learning Plan
Data Analysis
Discuss the data gathered using the following headings (~300 words)
Data context
(childs name, background information) Initial analysis notes (hunches, insights, wonderings, initial interpretations) Conceptualising analysis moving from hunches to evidence
mathematical understanding (conceptual knowledge)
mathematical proficiencies/ways of working and thinking mathematically (procedural knowledge and strategy use)
misconceptions or partially constructed understandings or proficiencies
concepts and strategies that the child/student could learn next
Data-informed Report for Primary School In-Service Teacher (~400 words)
In this section, write your report demonstrating your understanding of the childs mathematical conceptual and procedural knowledge supported by evidence within the data. Use your notes from above in this section.
Learning Goals and Feedback for Child (~200 words)
In this section, plan learning goals for the child. Ensure that learning goals focus on both conceptual and procedural development. Write these for the in-service teacher.
Record feedback statements for the child that are informative for the child. Write these for the child using the feedback frameworks explored in the EDMA500 unit.
Targeted Teaching and Learning Plan (~1850 words) (not including template titles)
In this section, link your decisions with the requirements of the teaching and learning plan. Use the teaching and learning plan (matrix) appropriate to your chosen field.
In this section, you will name the references that list that shows your engagement in mathematics education literature to inform your work with this assessment task.
Include in here any appendices like task instructions or templates or other supplementary information (if appropriate)
EDMA500 Teaching and Learning Planning Matrix (Primary)Pre-service teacher:
Childs name: Age/Year level:
Rationale for teaching and learning:
Planning considerations Counting Place Value Additive thinking Multiplicative thinking
Links to pedagogical / curriculum documentation Learning intentions (concept and proficiency development) Selection of learning task Implementation of task (brief description demonstrating pedagogical reasoning of teaching considerations for effective use of the task with children) Teacher questioning (key probing questions) Key teaching strategy (most impactful strategy specific to content) Key resources (concrete and/or virtual manipulatives) Assessment strategy / criteria