BLCN28002 Construction Risk Management Assignment
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Assignment Part 1)
Literature review and identification of key risks and opportunities for Australian construction projects (25% = 20 marks for research and writing, plus 5%= 5 marks for academic referencing. Please see marking rubric below). The expectation is for approximately 6 pages of written text including references at the end of Part 1).
Your Task:
Investigate the recent academic and industry literature and prepare a short (1500-2000 words) overview of Risk and Value Management (RM and VM) issues and opportunities in the Australian Construction Industry today. These RM and VM issues may vary across the lifecycle stages of a construction project as well as management fields such as financial planning, project and environmental management, labour procurement, building quality and others. Identify and evaluate the key RM and VM issues you have identified and critically discuss how these can be addressed through construction risk management.
Assignment Part 2)
Case study research and analysis with development of project specific recommendations (25%, composed of Part 2a= 15%/15 marks and Part 2b =10%/10 marks). Your client has been impressed by your recent risk analysis for the development of a co-working office on the top floor of their existing building (from your Assignment 1). The Property Investment Board has approved the project to go ahead and you have been engaged as Client Project Risk Advisor. Congratulations! Your tasks for the board meeting presentation next month are as follows:
- Design and develop a Risk Break-down Structure (RBS) for the construction phase of this project. This RBS should include at least 15 items (Risk Level 2), of which the client has already raised several in the last meeting (see draft table below. Items RL2 no. 1),5),9) and13) are given by the client and are to be included). Complete the RBS below, making reasonable assumptions. You may include 1 extra page with notes or diagrams if needed.
- For five (5) of the risks from your RBS (Risk Level 2) please prepare for each a short description (300-400 words) on how the project team can use specific qualitative or quantitative methods to analyse the identified risk from your RBS. Briefly describe why the proposed analysis method is suitable, what data will be collected and how the results will inform the project delivery.