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BSBOPS501 Manage business resources

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Order Code: SA Student Ajay Accounting and Finance Assignment(10_23_37196_89)
Question Task Id: 496227

BSBOPS501 Manage business resources

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Completing your assessment

Please read all the information given to you including the Student Handbook and other Help Documents before you start any Assessment.

Refer to your training plan for the assessment due date and correct order to complete this unit.

When completing your Assessment please ensure ALL work is your own. If a piece of evidence is partially created by another person, please make a note of this next to the relevant task number. Include a sentence stating where the evidence originated and a link to the original source if appropriate.

If you need to talk with a trainer about your Assessments or to request an extension call 1800 998 500 to book an appointment.

Submitting your assessment

Upload your assessment into the Assessment submission area with any additional evidence required. Ensure you press send for marking to submit your work. Ensure that you write a minimum of 6 - 8 sentences when a written answer is required.

When you have been notified that your assessment is marked go to the Recent Results tab for your unit on the Student Home Page. If you need to make any changes to your assessment, please do so and resubmit under the Assessment toggle.

If you need help with any of the above, view your help documents on the home page of your Online Student Area or call 1800 998 500.

Assessment Requirements

Complete ALL assessment tasks, projects and questions to a Satisfactory standard, ensuring that you provide enough evidence for your Assessor to prove that you are competent in the unit.

Complete this Assessment which involves research and other activities that will make sure you have the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate that you are competent in this unit.

Each assessment task is designed to assess your understanding and skills of the unit.

Sometimes activities may be available that will help you understand the whys and the hows - the theories and techniques - and to enrich your skills so that they are transferable to other situations.

If you do NOT complete some sections of a task or provide enough details etc., your evidence will be deemed Not Satisfactory, meaning that more evidence is required.

Your Assessor will then ask you to provide More Evidence, so that you can resubmit your assessment or ask you some further questions. You are allowed to resubmit your assessment evidence up to 3 times before you are deemed Not Yet Competent for the unit. Please refer to Global Training Institute Handbook, found on our website, for more details.


Tasks in this Assessment include:

Task 391 - Analyse resource requirements Task 392 Develop resource plans

Task 393 Allocate resources

Task 394 Review and report on resource usage Task 395 Written questions

Task 396 - Application to you and your organisation


BSBOPS501 Assessment v1.2Page 1 of 9Botinvest 2022

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage resources according to planned business strategies. It includes analysing resource requirements, developing resource plans, allocating resources, and reviewing and reporting on resource usage.

The unit applies to individuals with a role in allocating and monitoring the use of physical and/or human resources to meet defined business objectives.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage resources according to planned business strategies. It includes analysing resource requirements, developing resource plans, allocating resources, and reviewing and reporting on resource usage.

The unit applies to individuals with a role in allocating and monitoring the use of physical and/or human resources to meet defined business objectives.

925830236982Notes on this assessment:

This assessment requires you to develop, implement and review three resource plans for your organisation or a case study, as discussed with your trainer. You are welcome to use your own planning template or the one we have provided. In either case please discuss this with your trainer.

Before you begin, please complete the following:

Choose 3 of the following focus areas for your resource plans:

Physical e.g. plant, materials, machinery or buildings

Human e.g. workforce


Intellectual brands, patents, copyright, customer database etc.

Please write a short statement outlining the organisation/case study you will be using for this

Notes on this assessment:

This assessment requires you to develop, implement and review three resource plans for your organisation or a case study, as discussed with your trainer. You are welcome to use your own planning template or the one we have provided. In either case please discuss this with your trainer.

Before you begin, please complete the following:

Choose 3 of the following focus areas for your resource plans:

Physical e.g. plant, materials, machinery or buildings

Human e.g. workforce


Intellectual brands, patents, copyright, customer database etc.

Please write a short statement outlining the organisation/case study you will be using for this

905560147178Task 391 - Analyse resource requirements

Task 391 - Analyse resource requirements

This first task requires you to research the objectives and outputs for your business and then to develop a bid for the resources that are required. You will achieve this by completing the following:

T391.1 Consult the organisations current business plans to determine the resourcing requirements for each

focus area you chose. Speak to your trainer if you do not have access to business figures. Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T391.2 Consult with relevant stakeholders and determine the nature and amount of resources required.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T391.3 Analyse resource requirements and create a cost benefit analysis for each of the three focus areas you chose.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T391.4 Identify and explain where there are any opportunities to share resources across departments or business units in the organisation.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

905560178109Task 392 - Develop resource plans

Task 392 - Develop resource plans

Now that you have completed your research, you are now required to develop the resource plans for your chosen organisation.

T392.1 Explain how you can determine and confirm if there are:

T392.1.1 Resources available to use within your organisation so you do not have to purchase extra.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T392.1.2 Resources that you need to obtain externally

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T392.2 Explain how you would evaluate the way resources are currently being allocated in your organisation.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T392.3 Use the 5 steps of risk management to identify:

T392.3.1 Any risks that can make it difficult for your plans to be completed on schedule and within budget and to a good standard. Ensure you use changes to government policy as one of your risks.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T392.3.2 Establish a risk management process for each identified risk.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T392.4 Explain how you will go about obtaining required approvals from relevant personnel

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

905560177681Task 393 - Allocate resources

Task 393 - Allocate resources

After developing the plan for your resource requirements, it is now time for the efficient allocation of the resources for your organisation OR a case study, as discussed with your trainer.

T393.1 List and explain the policies and practices you must follow when allocating the resources?

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T393.2 Outline the process you will use to manage resource allocation. Ensure these processes are in line with the business objectives for each focus area.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T393.3 Explain some keys to negotiating and obtaining resources within the required timeframes.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T393.4 Explain how you can develop and implement systems for monitoring resource usage.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

905560218520Task 394 - Review and report on resource usage

Task 394 - Review and report on resource usage

Now that the resources have been allocated you are required to assess your progress on resource usage for your organisation OR a case study, as discussed with your trainer.

T394.1 Develop procedures, that can be implemented, to review the resource allocation against the business objectives

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T394.2 Explain how you can go about suggesting improvements to work practices for the efficient use of resources

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T394.3 Explain how you can monitor the compliance of outgoing costs to ensure you are not over budget

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T394.4 Explain how you can take corrective action if you find your budget has been exceeded

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T394.5 Prepare a report that gives:

T394.5.1 A breakdown of projects providing the level of performance achieved

T394.5.2 Suggestions for how practice can be improved to rectify procedures in meeting service and product delivery standards

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

905560178020Task 395 - Written questions

Task 395 - Written questions

T395.1 Give evidence of plans that have been put in place as part of a contingency plan and processes.

Use the table below to record your answer.

Aspect Possible Risk Contingency

Purchasing Resources Increase in prices by supplier Another supplier ready as a back-up with an agreed price

T395.2 Give a summary by including the steps you take to determine resource requirements for your department or organisation.

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

905560177628Task 396 - Application to you and your organisation

Task 396 - Application to you and your organisation

Considering what you have learned in this unit, answer the following questions:

T396.1 What is the number one thing you have learned from this unit AND why is it number one?

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T396.2 How will this new knowledge benefit You and/or your organisation?

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T396.3 To apply this knowledge, in your life or organisation, what is the next step you will need to take?

Use a minimum of 6-8 sentences to write your answer below:

T396.4 When will this step be completed?

917752154634Add a date here

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  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 21st, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 49

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