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Business Intelligence and Analytics Assignment

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Added on: 2023-05-30 05:01:51
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Context of Case Study

Business intelligence and business analytics are two terms that are often used interchangeably by professionals. But business experts frequently debate whether business intelligence is a subset of business analytics, or vice versa, and there is often an overlap between how the two fields are defined.

Understanding the differences between business intelligence and business analytics can help leaders choose the appropriate tools and talent to help grow their businesses. Current and aspiring business students can also use this knowledge to assess what educational programs can prepare them best for a successful career in their chosen field.

Reference Source :

Lulu Hypermarket is experiencing a decline in sales over the last quarter and wants to understand the reasons behind this trend. They have asked you to apply the business analytics life cycle to help them identify the problem, describe the data, analyze the data, interpret the results, and make recommendations for improvement.

With reference to above context evaluate the business process for a retail company and propose a new / improved business intelligence and analytics. You are required to develop a report not exceeding 2500 words, which comprises of the following.

  1. Introduction (5 Marks)
  2. Study of existing Business Process / System (10 Marks)
  3. Comparative study of selected companies business process / analytics / intelligence system with any one of the other similar systems. (20 Marks)
  4. Data collection and data analysis framework(You can use organization data after approvals or open data related to your area of study)( (25 Marks)
  5. Proposed business intelligence analytics framework (20 Marks)
  6. Barriers, Challenges and Benefits (9 Marks)
  7. Critical Evaluation, Recommendations and conclusions (9 Marks)
  8. References (2 Marks)
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 30th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 476

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