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Business Intelligence Systems Assignment

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Added on: 2022-11-14 10:17:15
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  • Task 1 (50 Marks)

Also refer to the guest lecture that has been arranged for you on the topic social mediaand Business intelligence. (You may refer to the recording of the same after attending)

  1. Review the above research article and the guest lecture that has been arranged for you on the same topic and document your critical evaluation in 200 words with appropriate citations and Your writeup should consists of an Introduction, Role of BI Dashboards, Critical evaluation, and Conclusion. You may also take the support of additional research articles in the same area.(10 marks)
  1. Discuss several factors that should be kept in mind for a new start-up in terms of various parts of the BI model in the context of a newly founded enterprise that is relying on social media analytics to include a business intelligence solution. After referring to similar systems that are existing in the market, propose a new BI Architecture for this organization and discuss in 400 (40 marks)

2) Task 2(50 Marks)

The term "business intelligence" (BI) refers to the technology, applications, strategies, and practices used to collect, analyze, integrate, and present crucial business-related visuals through dashboards. Corporate intelligence supports and facilitates better business decision- making. Businesses may access data that is crucial to the success of many departments and fields, including sales, finance, marketing, and a variety of other departments, through business intelligence (BI). (analytiks.co 2019)

  1. In context of the above article, and based on your findings, critically evaluate at least two Business Intelligence (BI) tools and suggest the best one for a newly established hypermarket business in Muscat region. Also suggest the most suitable technique for implementation of the You can take an instance of any business of your choice from real time or build your own scenario. (Word limit: 300 words) (20 marks)
  2. Using any free and open-source dataset (or) data gathered in real time, design and develop business intelligence solution using any Business Intelligence (BI) tool that you have learnt during your classes, design and develop a solution for the scenario selected by you (by means of dataset source).

You are advised to discuss about data collection process and the dataset with your instructor and get necessary approvals before you proceed. You can do the same by including it in the Assignment Draft. Document it in your writeup of this section in maximum 500 words along with necessary dashboards. (30 marks)

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : November 14th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 245

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more