diff_months: 26

BUSM4522 Executive Consulting

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Added on: 2023-01-04 06:52:52
Order Code: CLT299809
Question Task Id: 0

Course Description

In this course you will develop the knowledge and skills needed by executive leaders to design and research strategic project briefs to meet clients needs both internal and external to your organisation. You will also reflect on the progression of your career, identifying actions required to achieve your career goals as an executive and lifelong learner.This course includes a Work Integrated Learning experience. You will undertake and be assessed on structured activities that allow you to learn, apply and demonstrate your professional or vocational practice; and be involved in authentic engagement with partner organisations that include industry feedback.This course also provides you with a capstone experience, which will provide you with the opportunity to integrate, critically reflect on and consolidate what you have learnt in your program.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

CLO1: Create a strategic project brief in an ethical sustainable manner using business design thinking to provide solutions and recommendations to a clients organisation.

CLO2: Apply interpersonal skills to work in teams and to communicate effectively with clients.

CLO3: Critically reflect on your executive career potential and lifelong learning.

Learning Activities

This course will be delivered f2f over 2 intensive weekends,

  • Sat 5th& Sun 6thof March (week 1),
  • Sat 19th& Sun 20thof March (week 3) and,
  • Saturday the 21stof May (week 11)

To get started, please review the Course orientation and 'Setting up for success' and academic writing skills modules on Canvas, then access the relevant topics/modules and reading materials as needed throughout the course.Please make sure tostay current on course news by checking the announcement and your emails. My contact details are available under the 'course orientation' tab, 'meet your tutor' and under the people tab on the left-hand side of Canvas menu.

This course will include small groups work to prepare you for the project brief and presentation. This course is aimed at increasing your critical abilities to read, understand and challenge situations to create a range of options for a client. The learning experiences will be through interactive dialogue (more workshop like), so please pre-read material and come prepared to participate, share views and professionally challenge each other and the course facilitator. Foundation resources are provided across a range of relevant topics to stimulate discussions during the intensive weekend workshops and you will need to find additional resources to support your assignment works. Expect to invest the equivalent to the time taken in a normal face-to-face course; i.e. 9-12 hours private study per week. You will need to keep your (and your teams) momentum going throughout the semester as the course requires you to manage your own time.

You will be working through various topics/ consulting themes during the first (week 1) 2-day intensive weekend, in addition to forming groups and selecting your client project (a short brief if available on Canvas). On the 2ndintensive weekend (week 3) the clients will present their challenge to the allocated team and work with them on Saturday the 9thor thereabouts depending on the clients availability as well. Collectively, clients will propose a range of challenges and we endeavour to offer opportunities across industry sectors and not for profits as much as we can in each semester. Success in this course will require you to develop a deep understanding of the topics and the client andincorporate your insights into a proposal to assist them to address the challenge, supportedwith relevant theory and practice (utilizing all your previous learning in the EMBA program and beyond) in your assignments. In doing so you will demonstrate you cancritically assess and interpret meaning from evidence on that topic and apply it to your clients requirements.

Support material is provided on each topic on Canvas. After the two intensive weekends you will be able to work/consult with your course facilitator on a 1-2-1(group) basis for the purposes of your project. Access to the client other than in the intensives will be clarified and may vary between clients but expect to meet them at least 2-3 times during the semester and in some cases many more.

Teaching Schedule

You are expected to demonstrate a high level of personal autonomy and accountability. It is pertinent that you complete the guided readings prior to the intensive weekend(s) to ensure that you attain the greatest learning from this course. It is recommended that you engage with the additional readings, and beyond. Links that take you directly to each article are provided on the course Canvas.

This course will be delivered as per the schedule outlined earlier over 2 intensive weekends (week 1, week 3, week 11) as per the plan below (subject to slight variations if/as needed):

Overview of Learning Resources

Various learning resources are available online throughmyRMIT/Canvas. In addition to topic notes, assessment details and a study schedule, you may also be provided with links to relevant online information, readings, audio and video clips and communication tools to facilitate collaboration with your peers and to share information.

Resources are also available online through RMIT Library databases and other facilities. Visit theRMIT librarywebsitefor further details. Assistance is availableonlinevia our chat and email services, face to face at ourcampus librariesor via the telephone on (03) 9925 2020.

Additional resources and/or sources to assist your learning will be identified by your course coordinator and will be made available to you as required during the teaching period.

Recommended Text

The recommended text for this course is:

Block, P. (2011). Flawless Consulting: a guide to getting your expertise used, 3rd Edition, Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint, San Francisco, CA. ISBN: 978-0-470-62074-8 (hardback)

Online access via RMIT Lib here:https://primo-direct-apac.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/f/1d27kpc/RMIT_ALMA51159831960001341

Furthermore, there are additional readings (mainly journal papers) uploaded on Canvas.

Additional Learning Resources

Furthermore, there are additional readings (mainly journal papers) uploaded on Canvas.

Overview of Assessment

The assessment tasks, their weighting and the course learning outcomes to which they are aligned are as follows:

Assessment Task 1:Individual Essay, 40%
Linked CLOs: 3

Assessment Task 2:CLN presentation,20%
Linked CLOs: 2 & 3

Assessment Task 3:CLN Group report, 40%
Linked CLOs: 1, 2 & 3

Feedback will be provided throughout the semester in class and/or in online forums through individual and group feedback on practical exercises and by individual consultation.

Assessment Tasks

This course has three assessment tasks, all of which must be completed. A total mark of50%is required for a pass in the course.This does not mean that each individual component of assessment must be passed.

Assessment Task 1: Individual Essay

Learning Outcomes Assessed: CLO3

Purpose:Each student will choose a topic of relevance to consultancy (from the 10 topics covered in the course) to reflect on for his/her own practice.

Description: You are free to choose any topic you like.

Write an essay of 2,000 words (+/- 10%) on your nominated individual research topic. Your task is to define the topic and explain its relevance to the discipline of consultancy, reflect on its relevance to your own practices and critically analyse the topic. You do NOT need to defineother topics, but you can refer to them within the context and relevant flow of yourown topic.

Your research should draw on AT LEAST 8 articles from peer-reviewed academic journals and textbooks and 5 articles from other reliable sources (e.g. World bank datasets, Government reports, established media outlets, corporate documents etc). All source materials must be fully and consistently referenced as per RMITs guidelines and policies.

Assessment Task 2: CLN (presentation)

Learning Outcomes Assessed: CLO2, CLO3

Purpose:Your CLN (Collaborative Learning Network) team plays the role of a consultancy to deliver a range of options to address the challenge the clients present to you in a project brief. This assignment is the presentation of options and recommendations to the client (live) while the next assignment (number 3) is the formal (written) report to support the presentation with greater details.


Objective:Investigate the challenge presented from your clientorganisationand present a range of options they can adopt to address the issue or opportunity. Target three options with specific recommendations on how you suggest these be implemented (alternatives, in series or parallel). A general guide on approximate cost and ROI should accompany your presentation to assist decision-making (though these can be plausible estimates as accurate data may not be available within the semestertimeframe).

Role play:To make this learning experience as realistic as possible, your team are expected to play the role of a consultancyorganisationto present/discuss your recommendations to/with your client.

Presentation (facilitated dialogue): Your consulting team will share your recommendations to the client representatives with the view to excite them about opportunities they bring and engage them indialogueabout how to optimally implement them.The maximum total time allocated is 45 minutes which includes questions. It is strongly recommended that you engage with the client early in the presentation.

The presentation should explain the value to be created and why your recommendations address the challenge. Introduce your findings and explain how this series of recommendations fits the client business strategy (or extends it) in a way that adds value and enhances performance.You should expect challenging questions from the client, which you will need to answer in a way that provides confidence in your recommendations.You are managing the environment and the interactions from when you come the stage until you close off the meeting (for up to an additional 10 minutes).

Assessment Task 3: CLN (Group Report)

Learning Outcomes Assessed: CLO1, CLO2 & CLO3

Purpose:This assignment requires this group to write a formal5,000 word (+/-10%)business proposal highlighting 3-5 recommendations to address the client challenge.

Description:The consulting team should explain how these recommendations will generate a return on investment and enhance business performance (including both tangible and intangible benefits). Although written in business report format, the intention of this exercise is to link theory to practice, so standard referencing is required to enhance the robustness and credibility of the proposal. This challenge is set to demonstrate you can apply your EMBA capabilities to make a difference in a real situation (the mark of a competent professional and something desired by employers).

Other Information

Assignment Submission Procedure

All written assignments must be submitted electronically through Turnitin (and, therefore, no Assignment Cover Sheet is required). Turnitin will assess your work in approximately one minute, and return a colour coded response for the originality of the text.

You must retain a copy of all work submitted for assessment until a final result for a course is formally released by the university.

Referencing Guide

You are required to adopt the RMIT-Harvard style of referencing, i.e., in text referencing and end of text reference list. All quotations and references should be properly sourced. Inadequate details of publications and other sources will reduce the assessed grade. Not adhering to the RMIT-Harvard referencing guides and academic-integrity/writing guidelines will lead to mark reductions and can also lead to disciplinary measures.

Students can consult the library referencing guides. There is also a dedicated module on the courses Canvas shell that provides you will all the information needed on how to approach an academic report/essay.

Seehttps://www.rmit.edu.au/library/study/referencingfor assistance.

In addition to these resources, RMIT provides academic skills support and resources through the Study and Learning Centre (https://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/lsu/)and the library (http://www.rmit.edu.au/library).

All RMIT University policies on assessment apply.

Academic Integrity and Misconduct

Students demonstrate academic integrity in their assessment practices by:

  • engaging with assessment activities in an honest way;
  • providing accountability for the authorship and originality of work submitted;
  • acknowledging the work of others and the re-use of original work.

Academic misconduct is addressed in accordance with theStudent conductpolicy

Assessment involving research with human participants, their information or their tissue, or animal subjects is carried out in accordance with theStaffethics and integrity policy.

For further information see theAcademic Integritywebsite.


Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, ideas or creation of another person as though they are your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. RMITs policy on plagiarism is available here:http://www.rmit.edu.au/students/academic-integrity

Extensions and Special Consideration (Individual and Group Assessment)


  • Extensions are available for unforeseen circumstances of a short-term nature.
  • Applications must be submitted to the school at least one working day before the due date of the assessment.
  • Extensions can be approved for a maximum of one week (seven calendar days) past the due date for an assessment. (Where students need an extension exceeding one week they must instead apply for special consideration.)

Special consideration:

  • Special consideration is available for unexpected circumstances outside students control. These include but are not limited to: unexpected short-term ill health, and unavoidable family, work, cultural or religious commitments.
  • An application for special consideration is made in advance of an assessment wherever possible but will normally be accepted within five working days after the assessment date.

For more information, see theSpecial Consideration pageof the RMIT website.

Penalties for Late Submission

All assignments will be marked as if submitted on time. Late submissions of assignments without special consideration or extension will be automatically penalised at a rate of 10% of the total marks available per day (or part of a day) late. For example, if an assignment is worth 20 marks and it is submitted 1 day late, a penalty of 10% or 2 marks will apply. This will be deducted from the assessed mark. Assignments will not be accepted if more than five days late, unless special consideration or an extension of time has been approved.

Changes to the Assessment Scheme

Where a change to assessment approved by the dean/head of school changes an assessment due date, students will be given at least five working days notice of the new due date.

  • Uploaded By : Sahil
  • Posted on : January 04th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 7

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  • Journals
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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more