Cleveland State University
Cleveland State University
Monte Ahuja College of Business
Department of Information Systems
IST-634 Enterprise Database
Movie Ticket Booking System using Microsoft Access & C#
Presented by:- Jay Bhatt(2845926)
Submitted To:
Dr. Wei Cheng
Table of contents
Database Project Proposal....3
Project Proposal...6
Mission Statement7
Support Dialogue.7
Mission Objectives...7
The List of Subjects.7
The List of Characteristics...8
Preliminary Field List..8
Value Field List9
Calculate Field List..9
Final Table List..10
Table Structure...10
Field Specification Sheet...11
Identify Relationship Table Matrix.26
Relationship Characteristics...27
Business Rules Specifications28
ER Diagram...42
View Specification.44
Application Implementation..45
Movie Ticket Booking System Database Project Proposal
Proposal Title: Database Management Project Proposal
Movie Theatre Business
Project Designers Information (Jay Bhatt,,+1-732-433-4785)
Submitted to:Dr. Cheng for IST 634 (Enterprise Databases) Fall 2022 Project
Proposal date: September 11, 2022
Topic Research and Executive Summary
Movie theatres are still popular despite the plethora of video streaming services available today. One of the things about movie theatre business is that people will continue to want to go out and see a movie on the big screen. New popular formats such as IMAX, Drive-in (open air), mini movie theatre and 3D and 4D movies have allowed these businesses to thrive even though many now prefer to watch media from their homes. For the past 20 years, movie theatres have solved the problem of people staying at home watching the media by constantly offering exciting new offers to go to the movies. Many people who like to date will often go to the movies, which is considered a form of entertainment at a moderate cost.
Statement of Work
Project Description:
The cinema will be a great place for everyone to enjoy and gather with family, friends and loved ones. So, our main goal is to provide the best services and offers where all types of individuals can attract and can afford. Our main goal is to expand the worldwide theatre franchise and entertain consumers. The theatre will support events like live-streamed sporting events, performances and concerts, special film showings, feature speakers and present arts and culture performances. Its focus will be to attract as many of consumers as possible by providing them with an affordable entertainment option. The specification describes the development phases, including design, development, deployment, and testing of the database. Software engineers will use the database requirements specification to create the database management system, as well as the end users of the application. The requirements of the database management application should be understood by the software designer to create and develop the necessary software. The generated software will be evaluated by the end user to see if it meets certain requirements and standards.
Our main challenge will be to keep the data update and the client will book the tickets and running. One challenge we can take is that any new update can lead to data loss as try to implement new features and due to unethical practices that people have to face difficulty for breaching their data. At this stage, we may be dealing with the several factors which affect the any ticket booking industry are but the main aspects of creating a good quality ticket selling service involves:
Ticketing Interphase
Slot Management: close bookings
Consumer cancellation option for reservations
Price per booking: Time slot management
Calendar-based booking management: via calendar
Streaming online booking process
Consumers complaint management
Another challenge we face is that in unavoidable circumstances, if there is a need to move data from one system to another, it will be a big challenge for us. Its main purpose is to inform our customers what time the movies are playing with links to the desktop app and reviews of each movie. The design will feature an image of the theater as well as a list of current and upcoming movies and will be small enough to load quickly on most personal computers. Since the movies will change every two weeks, maintenance should be straightforward. Arrangements were made with local newspapers and the university to get links to our desktop app from theirs.
Booking Marketing Strategy
Development Requirements
Database management system
Project Management Approaches, Schedule, and Milestones
I have completed 6-month internship as a Java Developer and learn concepts regarding databases in a company named Silverwing Technologies Private Limited.
Project Schedule:
Methodology and Implementation Plan
The implementation and methodology phase are one of the most important parts of database design because it defines the logic phase. A good strategy is needed to implement a database to store user data. The plans involve the implementation of the database and the database engines. User data is stored in a user-defined, user-entered database. Management tasks related to the entire data business component are supported. The logic of the implementation requires a detailed understanding of the functions provided by database systems. One of the challenges we faced was the need to design with the right implementation.
Logical Design: user database and booking information
Physical Design: code execution and database connectivity
Prototype:In this part, we need to create design on user interface and view data on admin side
Performance evaluation:check database connection and CRUD operation
Expected Results: The Deliverables
Once this project is completed, users can easily book tickets from the app and see available movies and showtimes. In addition, they will choose the type of theater in which they want to watch movies such as IMAX, 3D and 4D movies. Another thing is that users can check the number of unreserved seats in real time and can choose the seats according to their needs.
I have completed my bachelors in computer engineering from Gujarat Technological University in the year 2020 and I passed my engineering with flying colors. After that I have done 6-month internship as a Java and database developer in a private firm named Silverwing Technologies and I would like to make my career in cybersecurity field as Im cyber geek.
Supporting Facilities
For this project, supporting facilities include:
Microsoft Access (Database implementation)
Front-end Developing tools
Visio (Designing)
Visual studio (Back-end coding)
Project Progressive Report
Reporter: Jay Bhatt
Progressive Description & Milestones:
Identify the Business Models (09/14/2022): Over the course of 20 years, the movies themselves have increasingly sought to assert themselves as incredible, magnificent, unique, and unmissable experiences, to make people want to pay for movie tickets.
The chart above shows the revenue of PVR (Priya Village Road Show) cinema, which is the fastest growing cinema chain in India. Revenue of PVR Limited, India's largest film exhibition company in fiscal year 2020, was around 7.49 billion Indian rupees. This reflects a significant drop in revenue of over Rs 34.5 billion in fiscal year 2021. PVR Cinemas was founded in 1997 and since then the company has grown rapidly, with over 800 theaters in 71 cities in India.
Business Investigation (09/13/2022): Consumers face many challenges like they have to stay in the long queue to book the tickets and they are not able to choose their desire seat to watch the movie as well as they have to leave their seat to take the food and drinks. But because of advancement in technology consumers choose online portal to book their tickets.
Defining the Mission Statement (09/14/2022): Cinema has a mission to provide the best cinema experience for everyone. They want the public to be able to reach them anywhere and anytime. The company's vision is to remain the most preferred and premium entertainment company in the world. It aims to provide premium cinematic experiences to its customers at an affordable cost with the best qualities.
Dialogue to support Mission Statement (09/20/2022):
Me: What is the main goal of developing this portal?
Manager: Once this portal will develop then user can easily book their tickets.
Me: How you store advance booking in your database?
Developer: With the help of the calendar-based booking user can book the tickets of upcoming shows and choose their seats as well in advance.
Me: Is there any benefit feature in the portal?
Manager: Yes, consumers can order their foods and beverages with the help of this portal.
Me: What if user want to cancel their ticket?
Developer: With the help of cancellation feature user can cancel their ticket from the portal and refund will be
Defining the Mission Objectives (09/20/2022):
The main goal for design the movie portal is that:
The portal allows users to book their tickets.
The users also book their tickets in advance with the help of calendar-based booking.
The consumers cancel the tickets in advance before their show timing.
Admin can upload image. And this image will store in databases and then display in main page.
With help of this portal consumers can order their food on their seats.
Dialogue to support Mission Objectives (09/22/2022):
Me: What kind of data you take from user?
Developer: In database we want to store users information like contact number, movie name and show, the time of the movie, seat number and many more.
Me: How to show image from the database?
Developer: when manager upload the image it will directly goes to the folder and then fetch from the folder path.
Logical Design:
The List of Subjects (09/21/2022):
Food and Beverages
Ticket booking
Dialogue to support list of subjects (09/24/2022):
Me: How this data will help the business?
Developer: With the help of this data, we attract he consumers to take our services.
Me: How you will attract the consumers?
Developer: By applying the right marketing strategy and working website with the discount and offers users will attract to take the services.
The List of Characteristics (10/2/2022)
Movie Details
Admin Details
Admin Id
Food Details
Ticket Booking
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Id
Zip Code
Food Quantity
Payment Method
Dialogue to support list of characteristics (09/21/2022):
Me: Which data are you collecting from the user?
Developer: We need consumers details like phone number, email address, and which date, time and movie show they have book.
Me: How they know they have booked the right show or not?
Developer: After booking from the user portal customers will receive the confirmation in their email address like the show date, time and theatre number as well.
Me: How you will manage the data of consumers?
Developer: We will store consumers data in the database and retrieve the data whenever its need.
Preliminary Field List (10/09/2022):
Theatre Id
Theatre Name
Theatre Type
Show details
Ticket Booking
Admin Id
Admin Name
Admin Email
Customer Id
Customer First Name
Customer Last Name
Customer Phone Number
Customer address
Customer Email
Seat Details
Payment Id
Payment Method
Sales Record
Employee Id
Employee First Name
Employee Last Name
Employee Phone Number
Employee address
Employee Email
Ticket Id
Seat Details
Movie Details
Value Field List:
Characteristics Value List
Add Movie
movie_id, movie_name, director, release_date, category, language, show, action, description, image, status
Customers cust_id, movie, show_time, fname, lname phoneNum, Address, th_id, cust_email,
Feedback cust_id, name, email, message
Ticket Booking cust_id, seat_id, payment_method, th_id, t_typeCalculate Field List (10/09/2022):
Add Movie
Sales Record
Theatre Show
Preliminary Table List (10/09/2022):
Ticket Booking
Food and Beverages
Final Table List (10/10/2022):
Name Type Description
Add Movie Data In the add movie section the admin will enables the options for the different movies, and the customers are able to see on the customers portal and book according to their convenience.
Customers Data Table will be used to manage all Customers details.
Cancellation Data If customer wants to cancel their reserve seats from the portal, they can easily do with the cancellation feature.
Payment Data This table will be used to manage the payment confirmations using Customer Id.
Table structure (10/11/2022):
Add movie Theatre type Admin Customers Feedback Theatre show Cancellation Ticket booking
movie_id(pk) t_typeId
(pk) cust_id(pk) cust_id(fk) th_id(fk) cust_id(fk) cust_id(fk)
movie_nameth_id(pk) ad_namemovie_namefname(ck) Show_timeseat_id(ck) seat_id(ck)
director ad_emailshow_timelname(ck) theatre_numberfname(ck) payment_methodrelease_datepassword fname(ck) message t_typelname(ck) th_id(ck)
category phoneNum
(ck) cust_email(ck) seat_id(ck) phoneNum
(ck) t_typelanguage Address cust_email(ck) show_time(fk) th_id(fk) action email description lname(ck) image seat_id(ck) status PK: Primary Key
FK: Foreign Key
CK: Candidate Key
Field Specification Sheet (10/20/2022):
Add movie: -
General Elements:
Field Name: movie_idSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Add movie Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By:
Description: movie_id provides a unique id that identifies movie.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Number Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 07 Decimal Places: 0 Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: show Specification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Add movie Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By: Customers
Description: In the show field the customers can see the movie show times.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Date/Time Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 10 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: t_typeSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Theater type Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By:
Description: t_type is a field that identifies the theatre type choose by the customer.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 07 Decimal Places: 0 Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: th_idSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Theatre type Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By:
Description: th_id provides a unique id that identifies theatre number.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Number Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 07 Decimal Places: 0 Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
Admin: -
General Elements:
Field Name: ad_nameSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Admin Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By:
Description: ad_name is providing a unique id that identifies Admin name.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 50 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: ad_emailSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Admin Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By:
Description: ad_email provides a unique email that identifies admin email.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 30 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: cust_idSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Customer Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By: All Customers
Description: cust_id provides a unique id that identifies the Customers from others.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 25 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: phoneNum Specification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Customer Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By: Feedback, Cancellation
Description: phoneNum is a field in the Customer table the number for each user have to be unique.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Number Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 10 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
Feedback: -
General Elements:
Field Name: cust_emailSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Customer Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By: Feedback, Cancellation
Description: cust_email is a field for customers that have to be unique for each customer.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 30 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: message Specification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Feedback Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By:
Description: In the message field that customer have to write the message about the movie and theatre experience.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Long Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 300 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
Theatre show: -
General Elements:
Field Name: th_idSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Theatre Show Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By: Theatre type
Description: th_id is a unique field that identifies the theatre id.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Number Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 09 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: theatre_numberSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Theatre Show Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By:
Description: theatre_number is a unique field that identifies the location for the booked theatre.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Number Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 9 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
Cancellation: -
General Elements:
Field Name: fnameSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Customer Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By: Customer, Feedback
Description: fname is a field in Cancellation table which is use for identifies the name of the user.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: seat_idSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Customer Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By: Cancellation
Description: seat_id is a unique field which is use for identifies the seat number booked by the user.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length:5 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: payment_methodSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Ticket booking Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By:
Description: payment_method is used to identifies how the customer has paid.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 9 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
General Elements:
Field Name: t_typeSpecification Type: Unique Generic
Parent Table: Ticket booking Source Specification:
Alias (es): Shared By: Theatre type
Description: t_type is a field to identifies which theatre customer has booked.
Physical Elements:
Data Type: Short Text Character Support:
Letters (A-Z) Keyboard (&*?)
Numbers(0-9) Special()
Length: 15 Decimal Places: Logical Elements
Key Type: Non Primary
Foreign Candidate Edit Rule:
Enter Now, Edits Allowed
Enter Now Edits, Not Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Allowed
Enter Later, Edits Not Allowed
Not Determined At This Time
Key Structure: Simple
Composite Uniqueness: Unique
Non-Unique Null Support: No Nulls
Nulls Allowed Value Entered By: User
System Required Value: Yes
No Range Of Values:
Analyzing Table Relationship in Database:
Identify Relation-table matrix:
Add movie Theatre type Admin Customers Feedback Theatre show Cancellation Ticket booking
Add movie 1:N1:1 Theatre type 1:N1:1 1:NAdmin 1:N1:NCustomer 1:N1:1 1:N1:1 1:N1:NFeedback 1:1 Theatre show 1:1 1:N 1:NCancellation N:1 Ticket booking 1:1 1:1 1:1 Relationship Characteristics for each table - Deletion Rules, Type of Participation, and Degree of Participation
Add movie:
Deletion Rule:
Once a movie_id becomes active, It cant be delete. Here, we can use DENY RULE.
A Restrict rule can be applied when the movie shows can be seen and the customer have booked tickets and it cant be delete.
Type of Participation:
Mandatory: - Before book any tickets the movie name must be displayed.
Degree of Participation:
movie_id has a degree of participation that has one movie_id has multiple customers.
Theater type:
Deletion Rule:
If the user has booked the theatre type, then cant be delete. Here, we have applied RESTRICT RULE.
Types of Participation:
Mandatory: - The user must have to booked the tickets before the movie show.
Optional: - The user can choose the theatre type.
Degree of Participation:
The theatre type has a degree of participation (1,N) because the theatre type allowed one or more customers.
Deletion Rule:
One cant delete the record of the admin. Here, we have use the DENY RULE.
Types of Participation:
Mandatory: The admin must have enter the movie name as well as the theatre type and id.
Deletion Rule:
Once user has booked the movie and theatre type the user cant be changed the theatre type and movie. (DENY RULE)
Types of Participation:
Mandatory: The user must have booked the tickets.
Degree of Participation:
The customer has a degree of participation (1,N) because one user can book the multiple tickets.
Deletion Rule:
The user cant write the feedback if they havent booked their tickets. (RESTRICT RULE).
Types of Participation:
Optional: It is not mandatory to write feedback.
Degree of Participation:
The user can write the one feedback for multiple movies.
Theatre show:
Deletion Rule:
The user cant change the theatre id and name. (RESTRICT RULE).
Types of Participation:
Mandatory: The theatre show must be display to the customer once it settle by the Admin.
Degree of Participation:
The user can see and book multiple tickets for the different shows.
Deletion Rule:
The user cant cancel the ticket when show starts from the 30 mins. (RETRICT RULE)
Types of Participation:
Mandatory: The user must have the valid ticket booking id.
Ticket booking:
Deletion Rule:
The user cant change the seat id once it confirmed. (RESTRICT RULE)
Types of Participation:
Mandatory: The user must have to booked the tickets.
Business Rule Specification Sheet
2414022104695Structures affected
00Structures affected
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
Statement: show time field should be compulsory to identify the movie name and show time.
Constraint: show should be used to identify the timing of the movie show
Database Oriented
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: show_timeTable Name: Add movie, customer
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
135890342900Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
984252197913Structures affected
00Structures affected
Statement: movie_id field should be compulsory to identify the movie name and show time.
Constraint: movie_id should be used to identify the timing of the movie show
Database Oriented
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: movie_idTable Name: Add movie
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
135890342900Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit Not allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
Statement: Consumers have to choose the theatre type for the movie and it is mandatory.
Constraint: A t_type must be chosen by the customer. It cant be Null.
Database Oriented
-82550428625Structures affected
00Structures affected
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: t_typeTable Name: Theatre type, Customer, Theatre show, Ticket booking
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
135890342900Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit rule was set to Enter now, Edit allow.
Require value set to Yes.
Null value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
984252197913Structures affected
00Structures affected
Statement: th_id field should be identify the theatre type and number.
Constraint: th_id used to identifies which theatre runs which movie with timing.
Database Oriented
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: th_idTable Name: Add movie, customer, Ticket booking
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
135890342900Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit Not allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
Statement: Every admin should have an email id so that they use to access the system.
Constraint: ad_email is used to identify admin.
Database Oriented
-82550428625Structures affected
00Structures affected
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: ad_emailTable Name: Admin
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
135890295828Action Taken
00Action Taken
Null support was set to No Null
Required Value for ad_email was set to Yes
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
Statement: password field is compulsory for admin to login.
Constraint: It should be used to identifies the login credentials for the admin.
Database Oriented
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
11305537541Structures affected
00Structures affected
Field Name: password
Table Name: Admin
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
135890342900Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit Not allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
984252197913Structures affected
00Structures affected
Statement: phoneNum is to identifies the customers number.
Constraint: phoneNum should be used to identify the timing of the movie show
Database Oriented
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: phoneNum
Table Name: Customer, Cancellation
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
135890342900Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
Statement: fname and lname is used to identifies the user.
Constraint: fname and lname is used to identifies the name of the user.
Database Oriented
-82550428625Structures affected
00Structures affected
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: fname,lnameTable Name: Customer, Feedback, Cancellation
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
7747042241Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
Statement: No invalid cust_id is allowed.
Constraint: Entities of the cust_id entered in the ticket booking table should be restricted to the valued of cust_id
Database Oriented
-82550428625Structures affected
00Structures affected
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: cust_idTable Name: Customer, Feedback, Cancellation, Ticket booking
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
7747042241Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit Not allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
12829563703Rule Information
00Rule Information
Statement: The user can write the feedback in message field.
Constraint: In the message field the consumers can write the feedback
Database Oriented
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
-52070219710Structures affected
00Structures affected
Field Name: message
Table Name: Feedback
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
15684511430Action Taken
00Action Taken
The values entered by the user, and they can make it change and delete in the message if they want.
55143241097Rule Information
00Rule Information
Business Rule Specifications
Statement: No invalid cust_email is allowed.
Constraint: cust_email is a field that is used by the user which is a unique for every customer.
Database Oriented
-82550428625Structures affected
00Structures affected
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: cust_emailTable Name: Customer, Feedback, Cancellation
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
7747042241Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit Not allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Business Rule Specifications
Statement: Null seat_id is not allowed.
Constraint: seat_id identifies the seats booked by the user.
Database Oriented
-82550428625Structures affected
00Structures affected
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
14102184303Rule Information
00Rule Information
Field Name: seat_id
Table Name: Customers, Theatre show, Cancellation, Ticket booking
11366576200Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
135890342900Action Taken
00Action Taken
Null support was set to no null.
The values entered by the user.
Required Value for seat_id was set to Yes.
Business Rule Specifications
113665129540Rule Information
00Rule Information
Statement: payment_method is a field that identifies how customer paid the amount for tickets.
Constraint: payment_method identifies that customers paid for the ticets by card.
Database Oriented
-82550428625Structures affected
00Structures affected
Application Oriented Category:
Field Specific
Relationship Specific
Test On:
Field Name: Ticket booking
Table Name: Ticket booking
12829530988Field elements affected
00Field elements affected
Physical elements
Data Type Length Character Support
Logical elements
Key Type
Key Structure
Uniqueness Null Support
Values Entered By
Required Value Range of Values
Edit Rules
12890527940Relationship Characteristics allowed
00Relationship Characteristics allowed
Deletion Rule Type of Participation Degree of Participation
7747042241Action Taken
00Action Taken
Edit Rule was set to Enter Now, Edit Not allow.
Required value set to Yes.
Null Value set to No Null.
Entity-Relationship Diagram:
View specification sheet:-View Specifications
113665129540General Information
00General Information
Name: Ticket Payment Type: Data Aggregate Validation
This view gives the details about the customers who has booked the tickets. In addition, it also verify the payment details.
1136651795780Basic Table
00Basic Table
Customers, Theatre show, Ticket booking
11366550165Calculated Field Expression
00Calculated Field Expression
Field Name Expression
Customer The total amount of tickets
fname & lname
Field Name Condition
movie_idmovie_id must be selected before the payment.
Application Implementation: Design Application with C# programming language. (Visual Studio)09/22/2022
I have made a database table for different fields such as Add movie, Admin, Cancellation and many more.
In this application implementation I have done the validation of the require fields.
Email validation: Is Null l Or ((Like "*?@?*.?*") And (Not Like "*[ ,;]*"))
Phone Number Validation: Is Null Or Not Like "*[!0-9]*"
Also started implementation for desktop app using C#.
After that testing will be done.
Admin and Customer email validation:
I have done various required validation in table sets say for example in Admin and Customer such fields require validation in email it is necessary to have special characters.
And in phoneNum field in the user table have to enter only 10 digits and I have also I have implemented that thing as well.
Movie detail:
In the movie details when admin add the movie details after that users can see the movie details.
For the desktop application I have watched YouTube videos for the C#.
At first, I saw videos for download and install the visual studio and learn the basics like how to coding part and how to implement and run.
left4876800Also, I have started the coding part and make the Registration and login page implementation.
And above the screen shot of the coding implementation.
Here, the above page is the login page for user where user have to enter their credentials.-161417top
Here, the above page is the registration page for user where user have to register before they have to login.
center4469283-102895833806Here, above the picture is the dashboard of the user portal where user will see after they login in their portal.
Here I have put an screenshot of the View theatre page where user have to select the seat as per their requirement and they can choose the multiple seats as well.
Once user select the number of seats they are able to show the total amount.
Once user press the book seat button it will directly redirect to the payment option.
Once payment will done the user receive the message the ticket booking.
right957859Here, I have attach an screenshot of the view tickets where user can see the book tickets.
And also there is one option for the user for cancel the tickets where user can cancel it if they want.
Once if user confirm the cancel ticket it will be cancel.
And I have started the implementation of the Admin portal.
Where admin can insert, update and delete the movie name and show timing.
[1] Tanushree Basuroy Revenue of PVR picture limited from financial Year 2015 to 2021,, September 2021.