Coursework submission rules and important notes
Coursework submission rules and important notes
Before you start your assignment, it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the information in the Coursework Support Centre.
This includes the following information:
These questions must not be provided to, or discussed with, any other person regardless of whether they are another candidate or not. If you are found to have breached this rule, disciplinary action may be taken against you.
Important rules relating to referencing all sources including the study text, regulations and citing statute and case law.
All material taken from study texts and websites (or anywhere else) should be in italics so that it is clear you are not passing it off as your own. Whenever material that is not your own is used, please cite where it was sourced from in brackets.
Penalties for contravention of the rules relating to plagiarism and collaboration.
You must not useArtificial Intelligence (AI) tools to generate content (any part of an assignment response) andsubmit it as if it was your own work.
Coursework marking criteria applied by markers to submitted answers.
Deadlines for submission of coursework answers.
You must not include your name or CII PIN anywhere in your answer.
The total marks available are 200. You need to obtain 120 marks to pass this assignment.
Your answer must be submitted on the correct answer template in Arial font, size 11.
Answers to a coursework assignment should be a maximum of 10,000 words. The word count does not include diagrams however, it does include text and numbers contained within any tables you choose to use. The word count does not include referencing or supplementary material in appendices. Please be aware that at the point an assignment exceeds the word count by more than 10% the examiner will stop marking.
Top tips for answering coursework assignments
Read the Specimen coursework assignment and answer for this unit, available on the unit webpage.
Read the Learning Outcome(s) and related study text chapter for each question before answering it.
Ensure your answer reflects the context of the question. Your answer must be based on the figures and/or information used in the question.
Ensure you answer all questions.
Address all the issues raised in each question.
Do not group question parts together in your answer. If there are parts (a) and (b), answer them separately.
Where a question requires you to address several items, the marks available for each item are equally weighted. For example, if 4 items are required and the question is worth 12 marks, each item is worth 3 marks.
Ensure that the length and breadth of each answer matches the maximum marks available. For example, a 30-mark question requires more breadth than a 10 or 20-mark question.
The coursework questions link to the Learning Outcomes shown on the M92 syllabus as follows:
Question Learning Outcome(s) Chapter(s) in the Study Text Maximum marks per answer
1 Learning Outcome 1 Chapter 1 10 marks
2 Learning Outcome 2 Chapters 2 & 3 20 marks
3 Learning Outcome 3 Chapter 4 20 marks
4 Learning Outcome 4 Chapter 5 20 marks
5 Learning Outcome 5 Chapter 6 30 marks
6 Learning Outcome 6 Chapters 7 & 8 10 marks
7 Learning Outcome 7 Chapter 9 20 marks
8 Learning Outcome 8 Chapter 10 10 marks
9 Across more than one Learning Outcome Across more than one chapter 30 marks
10 Across more than one Learning Outcome Across more than one chapter 30 marks
To be completed before submission:
Word count: Start typing your answer here:
Question 1 Learning Outcome 1 (10 marks)
Question 2 Learning Outcome 2 (20 marks)
Question 3 Learning Outcome 3 (20 marks)
Question 4 Learning Outcome 4 (20 marks)
Question 5 Learning Outcome 5 (30 marks)
Question 6 Learning Outcome 6 (10 marks)
Question 7 Learning Outcome 7 (20 marks)
Question 8 Learning Outcome 8 (10 marks)
Question 9 Across more than one Learning Outcome (30 marks)
Question 10 Across more than one Learning Outcome (30 marks)
Referencing must be completed before submission
All sources must be referenced in the body of your answer as well as in your reference list. See the Specimen coursework assignment and answer for examples of how to reference correctly in text and in your reference list.
Glossary of key words
Find the relevant facts and examine these in depth. Examine the relationship between various facts and make conclusions or recommendations.
To build or make something; construct a table.
Give an account in words (someone or something) including all relevant characteristics, qualities or events.
To plan or create a method, procedure or system.
To consider something in detail; examining the different ideas and opinions about something, for example to weigh up alternative views.
To make something clear and easy to understand with reasoning and/or justification.
Recognise and name.
Support an argument or conclusion. Prove or show grounds for a decision.
Give a general description briefly showing the essential features.
Recommend with reasons
Provide reasons in favour.
Express main points in brief, clear form.