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Research Topic Identifying the Factors that Affect the Construction Procurement System in Sri Lanka

Monday 15.05.2023 Need a Draft

Please upload your draft proposal forAssignment 3- which uses the Research Proposal Proforma sections, even if you have not completed all sections.

This assignment asks you to design a research project that could produce new knowledge to address the research question/gap identified through the Literature Review (Assignment 1). You are to expand on your initial ideas and articulate the required details and justifications for a proposed research project in the format of a conventional research proposal using theResearch Proposal Proformaprovided.

Final Proposal Before 30.05.2023

Assignment 3 Research Proposal StatementThis assignment asks you to design a proposal for a research project that could produce new knowledge to address the research question/gap identified through the Literature Review (Assignment 1). You are to clarify and expand on your initial ideas and articulate the required details and justifications for a proposed research project in the format of a conventional research proposal using theResearch Proposal Proformaprovided.

Consider that it is likely you need to SIMPLIFY and REDUCE your initial proposal in order to clarify it. A proposal that very clearly explains what the researcher will do as a small, precise addition to our knowledge about a topic, is far better than a large, generic and too ambitious proposal that cannot explain how the research question will be answered in clear steps or logical tactics undertaken in (max) 6 months.

It may help to consider the further advice available in thePeer Review Report ProformaRubric



Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome title & abstract Concise, clear and informative, communicating what, why and how of a specific research proposal. 10pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Introductory background explains the history of the topic, its problems and challenges and research by others, identifying briefly what issues or aspects still need to be investigated (the 'gap'). 6pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome clear main research question and relevant/supporting sub-questions + clear aims and objectives that come from asking these questions. 5pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Significance/Contribution to the discipline explains why? the proposed research is needed by arch/LA/CA/Prop as appropriate. How does the research help the relevant discipline and its future? 4pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome approach & methods Briefly identifies overall approach (theoretical framework and/or strategy) and then - more importantly - clear steps/tactics of the research process matching title and abstract and coordinated with timeline, budget and training. 10pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcome clear language and correct spelling. No jargon. Referencing correct. Persuasive expression and effective links between ideas. 5pts

Total points:40

Assignment 3: Research Project Proposal 40%

Description and Aim

This assignment asks you to design a research project proposal that could produce new knowledge to address the research question/gap identified through the Literature Review (Assignment 1). You are to expand on your initial ideas and articulate the required details and justifications for a proposed research project in the format of a conventional research proposal using the template 'Research Proposal Proforma' provided (download from Week 8 module).


The major task for this submission is to prepare a research project proposal according to the conventional headings and sections to be found in the Research Proposal Proforma. You may use the Proforma document or include the sections in a new document format. The following details the requirements of the sections. See also further advice in the Proforma.

Title and abstract

Revise and refine your Ass1 project title (up to 20 words) + abstract (which should now be reduced to just 100 words in length) to better reflect your clearer and more focused understanding after completing the Literature Review assignment of the research topic and question(s) that you are seeking to explore in the proposed project. Be sure to cover method or how you propose to conduct your research. The abstract is not just a clear description of a focused problem, but also how you intend to investigate it.

Project Outline

The outline (approximately 2,000 words) should be sufficiently comprehensive to explain your project logically and coherently. It should be clear that you understand recent research trends and debates about the research topic. Use the following the headings and guidelines to provide the required content word count is a guide and will depend on the project. Avoid the use of jargon, colloquial expression and weasel words. See the Proforma for more detail.

Introductory background (300-400 words)

Research questions (100-200 words)

Aims/Objectives of the Project (200-300 words)

Significance/Contribution to the discipline (500-600)

Theoretical framework and methods (500-600)


Itemise equipment, travel and other needs as explained in the methods. This is not about accurate costs (these are fine as rough estimates) but about listing items which show you appreciate what your methods require as specific tasks and activities.

Research timeline, and projected mode and content of the final output

This is a timeline of activities for 12 weeks that accounts for developing the content as well as producing the final research output (not the outcome). Consider carefully what the delivery mode, format or media of the final output of the research will be for those that most need your research. There may be several different final outputs. The timeline should show a fully logical method of research steps.

Skills training and professional development

List any training you might need to undertake the research activities (and allow for this in your timeline)

Other requirements

See Proforma

References cited + Bibliography of planned reading (if required)

This is NOT an annotated bibliography but a list of references as cited in the Project Outline + any more references that are anticipated as necessary to read in order to undertake the project.

Plagiarism Declaration

Be sure to use referenced quotation or paraphrasing (with in-text citation) to avoid plagiarism. Make sure you have chosen a referencing style (3rd pull-down menu) and apply it consistently.

Assessment criteria

Revised Ass1 title and abstract: concise, clearly communicating the what, why and how of the research proposal.

Fully completed Project Outline (section 3 of the Research Proposal Proforma) is approximately 2000 words, addressing requirements as listed (e.g. in-text citation)

All sections of the Research Proposal Proforma are complete and consistent across sections, including all steps in research method/s (e.g. the Outline should describe steps which are visible in the GHANNT chart). Section requirements include:

Introductory background explains the history of the topic, its problems and challenges, identifying briefly what issues or aspects still need to be investigated (the 'gap').

Clear main research question and relevant/supporting sub-questions + clear aims and objectives that come from asking these questions

Significance/Contribution to the discipline explains why? the proposed research is needed, and the 'gap' it addresses by presenting a referenced discussion of the relevant literature/precedents.

Approach & methods Identifies overall approach (theoretical framework and/or strategy) and then clear steps/tactics in the research process matching title and abstract and coordinated with timeline, budget and training.

Employs clear language avoiding jargon, colloquial expression and weasel words.

Overall the Statement presents a coherent, well-reasoned proposal of value that can be completed within 12 weeks.

School of Architecture and Built Environment (SABE)

The University of Adelaide

Designing Research [please delete all explanatory highlighted text such as this]

Research Proposal ProformaTotal number of words contained in this Proposal (excluding Bibliography/References) Name School and Discipline/major Please structure your Research Proposal based on the headings provided below. Use a clear and legible font (e.g. Arial Narrow, Times New Roman, or Times) and size 11 font. It is strongly recommended that you start immediately to list a rough timeline of tasks that your research requires. The more detailed and logical your sequence of tasks or steps the more convincing your proposal will be.

Project Title

Provide a short descriptive title of no more than 20 words. This must not be just the topic word/terms (the WHAT of your proposed research) but also tell us what ABOUT the topic is an issue that needs investigating.

2Project Summary (abstract)

In no more than 100 words shorter than Ass1 intelligible to a reader who is not a specialist in this field, confirm the focus (WHAT) of the study, summarize the significance (WHY), approach or method (HOW), and expected outcomes (WHY). As this is a proposal to do research not an essay about a problem the most important aspect of the summary is WHY your research is needed and not something we already know (what is the gap that havent other researchers explained?) + HOW you will do the research and answer the research question.

3Project Outline

This outline should be brief (no more than 2,000 words word counts are only suggestions and short is good!) but comprehensive and most importantly coordinated so that all sections match (e.g. your research questions should clearly match the title and abstract, the budget items should be recognisable in the timeline, etc). Follow the headings and guidelines to provide required content below. Please use in-text citation. Avoid the use of jargon and express your arguments clearly and concisely.

3.1Introductory Background

This section should provide a brief introductory description of the problem and/or issues that call for your proposed research. Where Ass1 abstracts have several sentences describing the problem, they could come here instead. You may use descriptive text of the problem from Ass1 Lit Review (with in-text citations). You should outline recent trends of argument and/or debate in the field of research and the specific gap in knowledge that your project seeks to fill.

(400-500 words)

3.2Research Questions

This section should state the primary research question to be addressed, sub-questions, and where appropriate could include specific hypotheses (speculative statements or claims) to be tested. There must be only ONE primary research questions. You may have many aspects you wish to investigate about your topic can you put them into one question? Think carefully about whether the investigation can be completed and documented in 6 months. You may have to focus on fewer or just one clear aspect of the problem. Remember to include place or time as appropriate in your question (where will you conduct the research?). You may then have several sub-questions that are usually smaller steps and questions that you need to take and answer in order to get the answer to your primary, overall question.

(100-200 words)

3.3Aims/Objectives of the Project

This section should clearly state and explain the overarching aim(s) or goal(s) of the project, and the specific strategic objectives and impacts that you want to achieve by doing the research. What do you aim to be the results and benefits of this proposed research and for whom? When the research is complete who will use it and what changes and improvements could it bring? This is NOT about steps you take to do the research. You should avoid any statements that begin: The research aims to explore/understand/investigate/review/calculate This is like saying: The research aims to research. You should also avoid: The research will try/hope to explore/etc. To just try or hope sounds like luck! You WILL do the steps and actions that you list in the method and timeline in order to do the research. BUT you can hope or aim that the results will deal with the problem you describe in the intro and will give helpful answers to your research question. (300-400 words)

3.4Significance/Contribution to the discipline

This section will justify WHY the proposed research is needed BY YOUR DISCIPLINE. What are the innovative aspects of the project and/or its approach that your discipline could learn from? How will your discipline be improved or changed because of your research? If your Lit Review discusses your discipline or texts are written by members of your discipline you should discuss them here. Unlike scientific research written by and for scientists, most built environment texts are written by other historians, scientists, academics etc. In what ways has research into your topic related to your discipline so far? (use Lit Review) You must make a clear link between your proposed research and your discipline. You must use in-text citation and include all discussed texts in the bibliography.

(300-400 words)

3.5Theoretical framework and methods

This section should explain HOW the research questions are to be answered: at the bigger, strategic level AND at the specific practical level of tactics and techniques (which you should consider and list carefully FIRST). This shall include:

Concise description of the theoretical tools and assumptions that underpin the strategy or approach. (Refer to earlier lectures and the table of approaches consider whether your research is qualitative or quantitative or both, exploratory, experimental, or based on a particular view of how the world works, etc. We need just a sentence.)

A logical, clear list of the specific tactics/techniques to be employed: the key procedures or steps of the method

(Note: Certain tactics such as interviews can be detailed in an appendix of the proposed interview questions. In the case of studio-based design research projects, the project brief, typology, and/or site (if known) should be indicated appropriately in this sub-section, but only described briefly. Detailed specifications for the brief or site, and other relevant details and constraints may be attached as appendices to the Research Proposal.)

(500-600 words)


Please provide an itemised estimate of anticipated costs for the research project under such headings as Equipment, Fieldwork, Travel, etc. You should first have a detailed list of steps and a detailed timeline to appreciate where money is needed and for what.

4.1Will you submit an application to a funding agency for support for your project?

Yes formcheckbox No formcheckbox

If YES, please provide details indicating to which agency you would apply. This must identify a precise body or agency and cannot be the government or the university but must name the appropriate department and scheme under which money is available. Extra marks awarded for logical identification of potential funding sources.

4.2Is this project contingent on funding support from elsewhere?

Yes formcheckbox No formcheckbox

If YES, please provide details. Easiest to say No! You obviously cannot say Yes if you have not said yes to the previous question.

Research timeline, and projected mode and content of the final output

The anticipated timeframe for this proposed project is 6 months (beyond the submission of this research proposal). Please provide a detailed plan of the key stages and milestones of the proposed research, and describe the form and/or contents of the projected research output(s). (Note: A GANTT chart is a simple but useful tool to plan and illustrate the various stages and concurrent activities that are often entailed in a research project) START EARLY WITH THIS TIMELINE AS OTHER SECTIONS WILL EMERGE FROM THE STEPS AND TIMING YOU IDENTIFY. Remember to leave time to assemble, edit and produce the final output output is not outcome.

6Skills training and professional development

Please indicate any additional skills training and/or professional development you require in order to complete this project. If you identify logical training you receive additional marks.

7Other requirements

Please specify any other disciplinary requirements to be fulfilled for completion of this project: for example:

Extended literature review (ONLY necessary for archival research or if your topic is very new and dynamic and you need to track new writing being published during your research project)

Ethics clearance (Necessary if you do ANY research involving interviews etc or experiments with people or animals. Marks will be deducted if not noted where needed.)

8Bibliography (which must include all References cited in this document) of relevant texts and any further planned reading

In an appropriate and consistent referencing style, provide a Bibliography which includes all published sources cited in the Project Outline above. It should also include key primary and secondary sources that you have identified to date that will be important to explaining the proposed research. Also any texts still in publication that you plan to read that are necessary for your research. A further separate list may be a project or case study list if appropriate.

9 Plagiarism Declaration

Please note the following:


The penalties associated with plagiarism and collusion are designed to impose sanctions on offenders that reflect the seriousness of the Universitys commitment to educational integrity. Penalties may include: the requirement to resubmit Research Proposals and/or other submitted documents after they have been revised to remove all instances of plagiarism; the creation of a period of monitored progress for the purpose of conducting a review process involving a period of targeted learning and writing development; award of Fail following repeated instances of plagiarism; imposition of a financial penalty.


Plagiarism is using another persons ideas, designs, words or works without appropriate acknowledgement.

Collusion is the act of another person assisting in the production of a Research Proposal or examinable thesis without explicit acknowledgement by the candidate or the express requirement, or consent, or knowledge of the examiner.


All material in the enclosed Research Proposal is my own work except where there is clear acknowledgement and reference to the work of others. I have read the University Policy and

Guidelines on Plagiarism (http://www/adelaide.edu.au/policies/230/) and give permission for my work to be evaluated for plagiarism if required.

I also acknowledge that plagiarism associated with RESEARCH will be dealt with under the Guidelines and Rules for Responsible Practice in Research which are available on the web at:





  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 25th, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 33

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