EDU20001 Developing Literacy
EDU20001 Developing Literacy
Assignment 3: Folio Early Childhood
Word limit: 2000 (+/- 10%)
For Assignment 3, you are required to complete either Assignment 3: Folio Early Childhood or Assignment 3: Folio Early Primary depending on which setting you wish to specialise in. You will only be required to submit ONE folio.
The purpose of this folio assignment is for you to gather information to demonstrate your ability to identify, evaluate and communicate ideas about effective teaching strategies for developing literacy within early childhood settings, in particular, for children aged between 3 and 5 years.
Creating time and space for independent exploration and creation of texts allows children to experiment with emergent reading and writing behaviours without adult support. Independent reading and writing can help develop childrens sense of ownership over their skills. It can also provide some quiet time where children can work and explore uninterrupted, at their own pace.
The importance of childrens independent exploration and creation of texts is supported by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (Department of Education and Training, 2019) and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) (Department of Education and Training (Victoria), 2016):
Texts: things that we read, view and listen to and that we create in order to share meaning. Texts can be print-based, such as books, magazines and posters or screen-based, for example, internet sites and DVDs. Many texts are multimodal, integrating images, written words and/or sound.
(Department of Education and Training, 2019, p. 42)
They become aware of the relationships between oral and visual representations, and recognise patterns and relationships. They learn to recognise how sounds are represented alphabetically and identify some letter sounds, symbols, characters and signs.
(Department of Education and Training (Victoria), 2016, p. 22)
Young children begin to explore written communication by scribbling, drawing and producing approximations of writing They create and display their own information in a way that suits different audiences and purposes.
(Department of Education and Training (Victoria), 2016, p.22)
This folio will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of pedagogical practices that can encourage children in early childhood settings to independently engage in reading and writing experiences, based on their interests, and at their own pace.
In addition, this folio will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of literacy programs that are designed to assess childrens communication skills, particularly oral language, reading, writing, grammar skills, and phonemic awareness.
This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
There are two parts to this assignment: Part A and Part B. You are required to complete both parts.
Part A (approximately 1000 words)
Read the following scenario:
You are a newly appointed room leader for a pre-kindergarten class. In this room, you have 10 children aged from 3 to 4 years. Five out of ten students come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with the English language as either the second or third language spoken at home. Furthermore, two out of ten students have limited spoken English language.
Using the scenario presented, develop and evaluate a learning experience that could encourage and support childrens emergent reading comprehension. This should include:
1. A description of the importance of developing childrens emergent reading comprehension.
2. A description of the learning experience which includes:
a) the aim of the learning experience
b) the expected learning outcome of the learning experience which includes a link to a specific sub-outcome under Outcome Children are effective communicators from the Early Years Learning Framework or a relevant learning framework (e.g. Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework)
c) a description of a teaching strategy that will support the development of childrens emergent reading comprehension within this learning experience
d) a description of a teaching strategy that will support teaching children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds within this learning experience
e) the inclusion of ICT either as a teaching tool or as a tool that children can use to help aid their learning and development
f) a description of how you would assess childrens learning
3. An evaluation of the learning experience
Note: You must justify your work by making links to a learning framework - such as the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) or Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, scholarly sources and other relevant sources. All references must be cited using the APA 7th edition style. Please note that there is a minimum of 10 references across both parts of this folio.
Part B (approximately 1000 words)
Read the following scenario:
You are an early childhood educator within a kindergarten room at an early learning centre. Through your observations, five children in your room have displayed excellent emergent writing behaviours, which include combinations of multimodal communication systems, including speech, drawing, music, and dance. More specifically, the group of children have confidently displayed the following:
They are aware of the relationships between oral, written and visual representations.
They use symbols in play to represent and make meaning.
They use creative arts (e.g. drawing, painting and storytelling) to express ideas and make meaning.
Using the scenario presented, develop and evaluate a learning experience that could support and extend childrens emergent writing development. This should include:
1. A description of the importance of supporting and extending childrens emergent writing development.
2. A description of the learning experience which includes:
a) the aim of the learning experience
b) a description of how this learning experience will build on what children already know and what they have demonstrated
c) the expected learning outcome of the learning experience which includes a link to a specific sub-outcome under Outcome Children are effective communicators from the Early Years Learning Framework or a relevant learning framework (e.g. Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework)
d) a description of a teaching strategy that will support the development of childrens emergent writing development within this learning experience
e) the inclusion of ICT either as a teaching tool or as a tool that children can use to help aid their learning and development
f) a description of how you would assess childrens learning
3. An evaluation of the learning experience
Note: You must justify your work by making links to a learning framework - such as the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) or Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, scholarly sources and other relevant sources. All references must be cited using the APA 7th edition style. Please note that there is a minimum of 10 references required across both parts of this folio.
Please ensure that Part A and Part B of your folio are clearly labelled using headings. In following, you can organise your responses under each section using sub-headings. All scholarly sources and other relevant sources referred to in your folio must be included in a reference list. Your reference list should start on a new page and it should be appropriately formatted in APA 7th edition style. Note that the reference list will not be included in the word count.
The review and evaluation of reading processes and their relationship to curriculum and/or policy is comprehensive.
An accurate and deep understanding of teaching, supporting and extending childrens emergent reading comprehension skills are demonstrated .There was a high engagement with the scholarly and professional sources throughout this section of the folio.
The review and evaluation of writing processes and their relationship to curriculum and/or policy is comprehensive.
An accurate and deep understanding of the importance of teaching, supporting and extending childrens emergent writing behaviours is demonstrated.
There was a high engagement with the scholarly and professional sources throughout this section of the folio.
Thorough proof-reading and editing are evident in the adherence to the relevant conventions of English as shown in the work submitted.
In addition, there is a high degree of structure and formality that is maintained throughout the work submitted. Therefore, there were no errors in the relevant English conventions that were found.
A minimum of 10 references was sourced to support the folio.
The original work and others ideas have been cited with the correct use of APA 7th edition referencing conventions.
Department of Education and Training [DET]. (2019). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from
Department of Education and Training (Victoria). (2016). Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF).