Fda CAM Hospitality Investigations Research Proposal
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This assignment requires you to produce a social science research proposal, which focuses on a contemporary topic or issue within the hospitality industry.
Please use the assignment template provided (WITHIN THE SUBMISSION POINT) as a guide to completing this assessment. If utilized correctly, this will ensure that your proposal includes the following:
1. A proposal introduction/introduction to research
- This section should provide a brief introduction to research/the importance of research within your industry, the purpose of research proposals, and an outline of your proposal structure. (approx. 100-150 words, contributing to 5% of your overall mark)
2. A proposed aim and set of objectives, for a possible future research paper.
- Your aim should fit the SMART criteria discussed in class.
- Your objectives should be clear and logical, providing clear steps for achieving your research aim. You should have approximately 4 objectives. (approx. 100-150 words, contributing to 10% of your overall mark)
3. An introduction to your topic area, including definitions of key terms, and a rationale for the study.
- Your rationale should focus on analyzing the need for/purpose of your research and evaluating who/what may benefit as a result of your project
- It should be clear and convincing, with reference made to existing/contemporary academic or industry research and publications, and/or recent figures/statistics, to support points where appropriate. (approx. 300-400 words, contributing to 15% of your overall mark)
4. A critical review of the existing research/literature which provides a theoretical framework, in relation to your chosen topic.
- Your literature review should make reference to a range of relevant textbooks and journal articles.
- Existing research findings and authors viewpoints should be compared and contrasted.
- Your review should be critical in nature and should be underpinned by appropriate theory.
- It should be organized into key themes, or chronologically if reviewing how a topic has evolved over time. (600-700 words, contributing to 20% of your overall mark)
5. A critical discussion around the planned methods for the research.
- This section should identify the proposed (primary and/or secondary) methods to be employed in order to achieve the projects aim.
- Planned methods should be clear and justified in relation to achieving the projects aim/objectives. Key research texts (see reading list) should also be used in support of points.
- Good planned methods sections will be critical/evaluative in nature and consider the following five areas; the overall approach to research, the selection and design of data collection tools, possible sampling approaches/techniques, procedures for collecting data (to include ethics), and possible data analysis techniques. (600-700 words, contributing to 20% of your overall mark)
6. A proposal summary
- Within this section, you should summarize the key points made within the proposal, evaluate any possible project limitations, and make recommendations for the full research project (this may include a project timeline). (300-400 words, contributing to 10% of your overall mark)
Total word count: 2,000 2,500 words
Please also include:
a title page, contents page, any relevant supporting figures, a reference list, and supporting appendices (if applicable). Appendices are optional, though you may wish to include a literature matrix, a theoretical framework diagram, or an example research tool (copy of a questionnaire/interview/focus group questions, observation checklist etc.). These aspects do not count towards the word count.
Please remember to:
- Write in 3rd person and with good academic style.
- Ensure that you follow UCB guidelines for referencing and the presentation of work (including the presentation of figures, tables etc.)
- Ensure that ideas are communicated clearly, and that work is effectively poof-read.
The language you use, your academic writing style, the works structure, your referencing technique, plus any 'additional efforts' made to include relevant supporting appendices or information will contribute to 20% of your overall mark.
- Formulate an appropriate research aim and set of objectives, in relation to a contemporary topic/issue to be researched.
- Demonstrate the ability to develop a theoretical framework and literature review, in relation to the chosen topic area.
- Demonstrate an ability to plan and design a proposed research methodology; evaluating, selecting and designing appropriate, individual data collection tools.
- Present a summary and critical evaluation of a proposal, considering future research.
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