diff_months: 21

HIT234 Database Concepts Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-16 10:01:30
Order Code: 490090
Question Task Id: 0

Part A: Draw the ER diagram

Identify the business situation that you wish to design a database for. The situation needs to be a real life one (not an imaginary company for example) and ideally be something you are interested in or familiar with. Topics might include hobbies (cricket teams, online games), associations (hockey clubs, childcare centre), work-related concerns (fishing boats, student enrolments, art gallery) or other interests (Star Wars).

Try to pick an application that is relatively substantial, but not too enormous. If you decide to choose your own business situation you will need to discuss with your lecturer if it is appropriate.

If you are unable to come up with your own you have the option of choosing from a list of cases. No group can choose the same case, unless there is sufficient difference in the case (Remember it will need to be based on a real practical situation).

For example, when expressed in the ER diagram, you might want your design to have a range of entities (more than 4), and a similar number of relationships.

You should certainly include different kinds of relationships (many-one, many-many) and different kinds of data (Alphanumeric, Numbers, etc.), as well as attribute types.

Please hand in the following:

  • Describe the situation. Your description should be brief and relatively informal (maximum length 1 A4 page). If there are any unique or particularly difficult aspects of your proposed application, please point them out. Your description will be marked only on suitability and conciseness
  • Include a list of business rules (can make assumptions as long as it is logical)
  • Draw an ER diagram for your proposed database. You need to show attributes, primary keys, and relationships (needs to use Chen and Crows feet notation)

Part B: Map the ER diagram to 3NF & Normalisation

1-Map the ER diagram to 3NF

  • Translate your ER Diagram into a schema of normalised tables. These must be in at least 3rd Normal Form (database schema)


Use a flat structure table include all attributes:

  • Determine functional dependencies
  • Use 3nf to develop the relations, show as
    • Text notation

List of choices

  1. Fast food outlet - food ordering
  2. Gym trainer - managing clients - exercise routines
  3. Enrolment system
  4. IT LOGIT system
  5. Taxi system - recording car and journey of a passenger
  6. Childcare centre
  7. Sport club - tracking teams
  8. Investment - tracking buy and selling shares and investments
  9. Real estate
  10. Hotel
  11. Hospital management system database project
  12. Health care organization database project
  13. Restaurant management database project
  14. Art gallery management database project
  15. School behaviour management project
  16. Construction project
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 16th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 347

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