I need assistance in masters degree final dissertation project for the course.
I need assistance in masters degree final dissertation project for the course.
My Dissertation research area topic is :The Impact of Renewable Energy on Global Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions
The following is the guide as you assess the works, timelines is by Thursday this week, 4/5/2023. Word count 6,500 words without appendices and references in the word count.
Cover Page
1.Institution and Department
2.Title of the Dissertation
3.Students Name
4.Tutors Name
Abstract (300 words)
The Dissertation should contain an abstract of up to 300 words. A good abstract is difficult to write and can only be completed after the full Dissertation has been written. It represents a brief summary of the aim, objectives, and results of the dissertation research. By summarizing the results of the research, it allows other people to get an idea of what was accomplished without having to read through the whole Dissertation. Other scholars can read an abstract to decide if looking at the full work will be worthwhile. The typical questions an abstract should answer are the following:
What is the project about and what have been its goals and objectives?
How the project was carried out?
What have been the outcomes and achievements of the project?
A brief statement should be written which acknowledges all assistance received in writing the Dissertation.
Table of Contents
The contents page should list the chapter headings, appendices, references, and the pages on which they can be found. A separate listing should be given for lists of figures and tables. You will find this easier to create if you know how to generate these lists using the indexing and style functions within Microsoft Word (References > Table of Contents).
List of Tables The list of tables is the same format as the table of contents.
List of Charts The list of charts is the same format as the table of contents.
Abbreviations Summarizes all-important abbreviations used in the text.
Introduction (750 words, 10%)
The Introduction to the Dissertation should set out the background to the research study and address the following areas:
Case background - The context in which the research took place
Significance of investigation
A clear statement of the problem
Research Questions
A clear statement of the aim and objectives that the project is going to address
The reasons why this study was carried out
A brief summary of the research and the tools to be used
The way the project is to be organized
Literature review (2500 words, 10%)
The literature review is presented in the form of a classification, a comparison and a critical analysis of that material which is germane to a full understanding of your research study. Such published material may be drawn from all, or a combination of, textbooks, journal articles, conference papers, reports and case studies. The most important source of academic literature are journal articles and you should ensure that you are familiar with the most recent publications in journals relevant to your subject area. It is expected that your final Dissertation will cite between 25 to 30 relevant and credible references. You must use the APA-style reference system in both the body of the text and your Reference section.
The several points that should be addressed in a literature review are:
What do we already know in the immediate area/topic researched?
What are the characteristics of the key concepts and theories developed?
What are the relationships between these key concepts and theories to your project topic?
Why study the research problem further?
What contribution does your research aim to make to knowledge?
Remember that your literature review should lead and justify the research objectives and questions of your Dissertation.
Research Methodology/Design (1000 words, 10%)
You should begin the Research Methodology chapter by stating, again, the research objectives of the project. In this chapter, you have the opportunity to justify to the reader the process by which the research questions, which were derived by an analysis of the relevant literature were answered. The chapter on research methodology must, argue for, and justify each, decision that is taken when arriving at how the research is to be organized. Make sure that you mention as a subchapter in your Dissertation the ethical issues. There are several approaches used in the research methodology and design. For your research in this course, remember that you can use ONLY secondary data to produce your methodology.
Critical evaluation of secondary data (1200 words, 10%)
This chapter presents the evidence and/or results of secondary research which you have undertaken. Depending upon your subject area this can be in the form of detailed quantitative or qualitative models, hypothesis testing to some basic analysis using basic descriptive statistics. The main part of the chapter is the presentation of the data that you obtained. This data must be organized in a logical and coherently ordered whole so that your thought processes and interpretation are clear to the reader. Graphs, diagrams, pie-charts, etc. are all useful ways of presenting research results; they are an imaginative way of breaking up solid blocks of text they let a little light into the body of the text as long as they are relevant and illustrate your points. Keep your review to those items which are relevant to your research question(s) and not just everything you found out.
Conclusions & Recommendations (750 words, 10%)
Here you will bring together the work of the Dissertation by showing how the initial research plan has been addressed in such a way that conclusions may be formed from the evidence of the Dissertation. No new material or references should be placed here. The conclusions should make a statement on the extent to which each of the aims and objectives has been met. You should bring back your research questions and state clearly your understanding of those questions. Be careful not to make claims that are not substantiated from the evidence you have presented in earlier chapters. Additionally, you should include a short subsection on any suggestions for further research for colleagues who might wish to research this area in the future. There should also be a short statement of the limitations of the research.
Reference List (APA Referencing Style)
The reference section is the section of all the documents you have cited in your Dissertation and it is found at the end of the body of your work, but before your appendices. In this section, if you refer to work by another author (including theories, models, measurement scales, or diagrams) you must cite the original author and source. References are included within the text to enable any reader who is interested to be able to find the complete details of the work you have drawn upon. The University requires that you use the APA System of referencing, both within the body of your work and also within your reference list at the end of your work. These are listed in alphabetical order. The reference section is useful to those marking your work to see the scope of your reading in the preparation of your project. It is also useful for future readers to access your cited references.
Appendices may be used to provide relevant supporting evidence for reference but should only be used if necessary. You may wish to include in appendices, evidence that confirms the originality of your work or to illustrate points of the principle set out in the main text, questionnaires, and interview guidelines.
Note: All the abovementioned chapters should start on a new page