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ICT 504 IT Project Management Assessment

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Added on: 2024-05-01 10:33:48
Order Code: CLT324038
Question Task Id: 0

1. Aim
The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the proficiency of students in conceptualizing and
implementing an IT project from start to finish. The focus of the project is to identify an existing
system, such as an organization, a shopping store, a business, a university education system, or
any other relevant field, and design a new IT system to improve upon the current one.

2. Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate project requirements, phases, techniques, and processes in the project
    development life cycle.
  • Exhibit expertise in the critical analysis of the socio-cultural and technical issues that
    affect project success and the development of potential solutions.

3. Submission Details

This is an individual assignment. The report is to be submitted in a word or pdf format. The
assessment constitutes 30% of the total grade, with 20% allocated for the report and 10% for
the recorded presentation. The report should be between 2000 and 2500 words in length,
excluding the title page and list of references. All pages must be numbered. The deadline for
submission of both the report and the recorded 15-minute presentation is midnight on Sunday,
28 April 2024. The report and presentation must be uploaded via the Turnitin links provided
on the Moodle before the deadline. The similarity index of your report should be less than 20%.
Do not cut and paste from the internet or from AI tools including ChatGPT. Late
submissions will incur a 10?duction in marks for each day beyond the due date. A delay of
more than 5 days will result in a grade of 0.

4. Assessment Details

You have the freedom to choose your own IT project, which should encompass the following

Problems Identification: You must identify the current problems and limitations in the
existing system and assess how a new IT system can overcome these challenges.

Project Proposal: Once you have identified the problems, you need to develop a project
proposal outlining your proposed IT solution, which should include the scope statement,
objectives, timeline, and deliverables of the project.

Implementation, Testing, and Deployment: After developing a project proposal, it's time to
put your plans into action and bring the new IT system to life. Remember, there's no need for
actual coding here, but you'll need to dive into various elements to make it happen. You also
need to discuss the testing strategies you have employed to check for any glitches, errors, or
areas that might need improvement. Finally, in deployment phase, you will discuss the process
of rolling out the system, ensuring smooth integration with the current setup, and outlining
strategies for addressing any potential challenges during this transition phase.

In summary, this assessment requires you to demonstrate your ability to initiate an IT project,
create relevant artifacts, and implement a new IT system to improve upon an existing system.
You have the flexibility to choose your own project, provided that it addresses an existing
system and meets the aforementioned criteria.

5. Structure of the Report

5.1 Title Page

This should contain the title of the report (make title as informative as possible), student name and
ID, unit code and name, and the instructor's name.

5.2 Abstract

You should provide a concise summary of the key points covered in the report. Abstract should be
between 200 300 words long (tip: write the abstract last). Do not use headings, figures or in-text
citations in this section.

5.3 Introduction

This section should include the following,

  • Briefly introduce the organization or industry sector under consideration.
  • Provide context by describing the broad areas or operations in which the organization is
  • Highlight the challenges or problems faced by the organization within its current IT
  • Introduce the purpose and scope of the assessment, emphasizing the goal of
    conceptualizing and implementing a new IT system to overcome these challenges.

5.4 Problems Identification and Solutions

In this section, you should explain in detail about the current problems and limitations faced in the
existing system that is currently being used by your organization. Furthermore, you should
elaborate on how implementing a new IT system can effectively address and overcome these

5.5 Project Proposal

In the project proposal, you should provide a clear explanation of following key aspects:

Scope Statement: Define the boundaries of the project by outlining what will be included and
what won't.

Objectives: Clearly state the goals and outcomes that the project aims to achieve.

5.7 Conclusions

Using an analysis of the preceding sections, the conclusions should summarize your key findings.
Conclusions are the results of your own critical thinking, they should be justified through analysis
of your findings and written in your own words with no citations.

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : May 01st, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 154

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