IPS215Socialbehaviour&socialprocessesinorganisation Assignment
- Subject Code :
As part of the module, the elements of personal and organisational communication, personal and work-related stress,andchanging rolesof menand womenat workwerediscussedwillchapters 2, 14 and 16respectively.
- Improvingcommunication
- Majorcausesof stress
- Stressmanagementstrategies
- Genderbasedglassceiling
NewBelgiumBrewingCompany,basedinColorado,wasfoundedbyahusband anda wifeteamwhometoverabeerat a friends house. A year later they founded their own brewery, which has grown to become Americas third largestcraftbrewery.
After they toured several European villages famous for beer, the plan for New Belgium Brewing Company started totake shape. The new entrepreneurs wanted to create an outstanding beer and minimise the companys footprint onthe planet. They prepared a vision statement and a list of core values before they ever sold a bottle of beer. One ofthe core values reads Environmental stewardship: Honouring nature at every turn of the business. This core valuereflects their strong belief in sustainability. They created a high involvement employee culture where the consult theiremployeesinalldecision-makingprocess thatwillimpactthem.
The company employed more than 1000 employees. 32 years after the company was founded, the economicchallenges started to hit it hard. The two founders had to communicate to the employees about the effect this has hadand announce possible downsizing the business and what it would mean to them. After this announcement, thebusiness started to see a decline in attendance and reduced productivity levels. The employees response was thattheannouncementcameinasashockandit wasnot onlyaffectingtheir workbuttheirpersonallivesaswell.
The company further announced that because most of the type of work they do, the target for the downsizing is toretain aratio of70/30,70percentbeingmaleemployees and 30percentfemales.
Study the case study above and answer the questions that follow. These are long discussion questions and Iexpectlong discussionanswers.
- Explain the major personal and work-related causes of stress with particular reference to what some of thosecausesmightbeasitrelates tothecasestudy
- Explain the importance and benefits of communication and why it was important for the organisation toengage andcommunicatetoitsemployeesaboutthechallengesitwas facing
- Discusseffectivestressmanagementstrategiescanbeimplementedinthiscase?
- Discuss the challenges facing women as a result of gender bias and discrimination in the workplace.Furthermore,explain whattheimplicationof genderdiscriminationarebasedon
- Theassignmentshouldnotbelongerthan 5pagesexcluding
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- ThefileMUSTbenamedasfollows:IPS215Ass1(Initials, Surname Studentnumber).doc
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