ISNP2220 AdvancedClinicalInterventions ClinicalCaseStudy
- Subject Code :
Your task is to write a case study (de-identified) on an actual client whom you haveassessed and treated utilising a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and/or any of the other frameworks (e.g., DBT, ACT, Schema), covered in this semester.
- The client can be a current client or someone you have recently finished working with. It is not necessary to have completed treatment,butyoumusthavecompleted at least foursessions with the client (including an assessment) and have developed a case formulation.
- If you are writing about a client with whom therapy was terminated prematurely, sometime after four sessions, discuss the issues around termination;
- If you write about a client with whom you are currently progressing through treatment,include yourtreatment planforyour future sessions.
- Cultural responsiveness: consider cultural factors that may contribute to your case formulation or your treatment plan.
- Interprofessional learning and practice: discuss the role of other professionals in the treatment of this case.
Your case study must include the following headings. Below is a roughguide of content to cover within each section (see also marking rubric) but this guide is not exhaustive:it will be your decision on what to include in each section and it will be part of the evaluation of your grade.
A succinct summary of a case study of max 100 words
Literaturereviewofthe evidence base fortheconceptualizationandtreatmentoftheclientspresentingproblem,e.g.,theconceptualisationandtreatmentofmajordepressivedisorder.
Clientspecificdetails:Presentingproblem;relevantpersonal (including cultural)andclinicalbackground; baselinepsychometricresults;formulation/diagnosticimpressions
Approach to Treatment
Treatmentplanning,materials;othertreatment-specificdetails, including interprofessional considerations.Writteninthepasttense whatyouhave actuallydelivered.
Discusstheactualtreatmentdeliveredacrossthesessions; the clientsresponsetotreatment;strengths/weaknessesoftreatmentandprotocol;challengesfortheclinician; consider outcomes measures; drawbackon the introduction material.
References are accurate, relevant, recent (ideally within the last 3-5 years), in APA style
Appendix (optional), e.g. treatment plan