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Added on: 2024-11-21 04:00:32
Order Code: SA Student Harpreet Arts and Humanities Assignment(10_23_38051_944)
Question Task Id: 497776


Name: Topic: Lesson No:

Subject: School: Duration:

Date: Year Level:


Prior Learning

What has already been taught/learnt about this content/skill? What do the learners already know?

Learner interests and needs What are your learners interests? What are your learners unique needs and/or strengths? How will you support and scaffold particular needs and promote strengths?

LINKS TO CURRICULUM (select which is applicable)

Victorian Curriculum- F-10Content descriptions

What is the learning area, level, strands (and mode and/or sub-strands, if applicable)?

Achievement Standards

What aspects of the achievement standard are addressed?)


Which capabilities (include strands, if applicable) are addressed in this lesson?

Keep this brief!

VCE Study Design: What aspects of which study area are included, and what outcomes are addressed?

Area of Study

What is the area of study and what aspects are included?


What are the VCE outcomes addressed in this lesson? GOAL SETTING

Learning Intention(s) (written for learners)

What do you want the learners to know, understand, and be able to do by the end of the lesson? How will this be communicated to learners?

Potential success criteria (e.g., I can _____by ______)

How will learners demonstrate that they have successfully learnt the learning intention? How might the success criteria be different for different learners? What might be some possible I can statements that might be appropriate?


Learning space and resources

What space(s) do you need for this lesson? How will you configure the classroom space? What materials (e.g., handouts, ppts) and resources (technology and manipulatives) will you need to prepare or source (materials must also be included)?


How will you know what learners already know or can do? What assessment tools and techniques will be used? How will you make judgements about the quality of learners work and how will you provide feedback to learners (and/or parents? Focus on checking for understanding, exit tickets, artefacts at end (completed work).


In this section, you will set out what will happen and in what order (step-by-step).

Time for

each step Lesson Phase Teaching and learning activities (What teachers and learners should be saying, thinking and/or doing?)

Introduction (Engagement)

Consider the following:

How will the learners be introduced to the topic and engaged or hooked by this lesson?

How will you explain the learning intention of this lesson?

What types of questions might you ask?

How will you encourage learner engagement with the content and one another?

How will you link to prior learning experiences and/or learning?

Teaching strategies (representation) and learning activities (action and expression)

Consider the following:

What High-Impact Strategies will you use?

How will you group learners (if applicable)?

How will you cater for a diversity of learning needs (those who need further challenging and those who need more targeted scaffolding),

What kinds of questions might you ask?

What types of classroom management strategies will you use?

How will you promote inclusion by:

using a range of resources and/or ways to represent the content to meet the unique needs of learners?

providing learners will multiple means of action, expression and guide learners planning, strategies and goal-setting?

providing multiple forms of engagement to promote learners interest, effort and self-regulation?


How will you capture the main ideas of the lesson?

What kinds of questions will you ask?


To be completed after teaching the lesson.

Self-evaluation: Write your own reflection on what you did during the lesson and how the learners responded. Your response will also include comments on your own perceived strengths, weaknesses and what else you may do to improve you teaching, including how you will evaluate impacts on your future practice and/or learner outcomes.

Key questions:

What did learners learn/achieve through this lesson?

What evidence is there that learning occurred and did it match your learning outcomes?

How could it have been improved?

Was there any difference between what you planned and what you ended up doing? What pedagogical reasoning did you use to make any changes or adaptations?

How has the assessment informed your teaching (e.g., pace, direction) in this lesson and future lessons? How is this informed by research literature and/or education policy?

Supervising teachers comments: The supervising teacher will make specific written comments relating to each supervised lesson. This will form the basis of reflective consultation that follows each lesson. It is important that these comments are supportive and helpful to the beginning pre-service teacher. They will be filed in the lesson folder together with the appropriate lesson.

March 2023

  • Uploaded By : Pooja Dhaka
  • Posted on : November 21st, 2024
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 42

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