This individual presentation is worth 40% of the total mark for the unit.
Individual Oral Presentation: 40%
Using the PowerPoint template provided below, you will complete a compelling three (3) minute presentation on whether a major company is genuinely engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Your role is to imagine that you are part of a team of ethical shareholder advocates investigating the ethical and sustainability issues faced by a major company (For the purposes of this assignment, a major company is defined as a company with (i) revenue above 100 million AUD, and (ii) operations in three or more countries) in the previous 3 years and to evaluate the performance of that company in responding to these issues. You are presenting solo to a government agency tasked with understanding and reporting on companies in relation to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Your individual presentation must give an account of:
Describe one major ethical and sustainability issue faced by the chosen company in relation to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. This includes describing the major ethical and sustainability issues which the company reports its responses to; and explaining the SDG you are reporting on the companies response too.
Your evaluation of the company responses to the issues identified. For example, does the company make genuine and authentic efforts towards Corporate Social Responsibility and to conduct its business ethically and sustainably? Or do they simply greenwash their operations, cynically generating public relations spin out of their engagement with the ideals of sustainable business practice?
Conclude the presentation with a brief conclusive statement for your position which recaps the main arguments you have made for your argument ("XYZ company claims they value SDG 5 Gender Equality, i have argued that they are greenwashing for the following reasons....".
Reference List. You will include the list of references you have used to critically evaluate the company and SDG in your talk.
Some questions to consider as you begin developing your report:
What methods will you use to evaluate the companys performance?
What resources will you use to make this evaluation and how did you evaluate the resources themselves?
How does the companys approach to Corporate Social Responsibility and ethical business practices connect to their overall business strategy?
How does the companys performance in this area compare with that of similar companies?
How would you rate the companys performance on addressing stakeholder needs and interests?
Does the company you are researching report on the UNs Sustainable Development Goals?
How accurate are these reports?
How were you able to judge this?
Is all of the information that interests you as a consumer (or potential stockholder, employee, or stakeholder) easily available?
If not, what other information would you be interested in accessing?
Instructions to help you get started:
The annual reports for each company will be an obvious and useful starting point but you should not stop there.
Please use the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for discussing the major ethical/sustainability issues faced by the company you identify and discuss. (Note, the SDGs are numerous, detailed, and cover a broad scope. You are not expected to cover every area of the SDGS but you will need to explain in your assessment which individual SDG you chose to focus on and why you chose it.)
You can find the reports submitted by companies on their progress towards the SDGs on the UN Global Compacts website at:
(Note these reports are voluntary and thus not all companies will have submitted a report.)
You will also need to use a variety of other sources to consider the performance of the companies you consider. These will likely cover a range of sources including academic and non-academic. It will be important to consider the value and reliability of each and to explain in your report which sources you considered reliable and credible and why.
For your presentation, you have been:
Allocated a maximum of three (3) minutes to speak.
Face-to-Face students will be sitting at their normal tutorial desk and can present from there. You are not expected to stand up, go to the front of the class or dress in business casual. The focus of this presentation is on critical thinking and we are more interested in your arguments than your presentation skills which will be developed and assessed in other units.
For Online students, students will record the presentation in Zoom or other software where the teachers can see both the presentation slides and the presenters at the same time.
All students will need to submit their PowerPoint presentation before 10AM WST on Monday 1st May in Module 9.
Documents you will need:
PowerPoint template PowerPoint template - Alternative Formats (you MUST use only this template).
Rubric Rubric - Alternative Formats .
Example PowerPoint (TBC).
More details about this assessment including all documents and the marking rubric are located below. .
Within 20 working days of submission date.
Bentley, Mauritius & Miri
All students will need to submit their PowerPoint presentation before 10AM WST on Monday 1st May in Module 9.
Individual Oral presentations will be in your scheduled Tutorial session in Module 9.
All students will need to submit their PowerPoint presentation before 10AM WST on Monday 1st May in Module 9.
Individual Oral presentations will be in your scheduled Tutorial session in either Module 8 or 9.
Fully Online & OUA
For Online & OUA students, students will record their presentation in Zoom or other software where the teachers can see both the presentation slides and the presenters at the same time and email the link to your tutor by Friday 5th May 10PM WST in Module 9.