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MMH230 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Assessment

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Added on: 2023-05-09 12:14:41
Order Code: clt296566
Question Task Id: 0



This assessment task provides you with an opportunity to learn knowledge (GLO 1 & ULO 1) and skills (ULO 3 & GLO3 and GLO 4) by examining a contemporary issue relevant to Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and analysing it using theory, empirical research evidence and other authoritative resources.

The topic is not only an academic exercise but also provides an opportunity to consider the implications of a significant external environmental trend for current SHRM strategy and practice. By completing this task, you will develop your skills in researching, understanding, applying, evaluating, and presenting information required of HR professionals.


For this task, assume you are a HR professional, and you must prepare and submit a written briefing document examining the HR implications of labour shortages being experienced by your organization given the industry in which it operates.

Topic Background Statement:

According to the National Skills Commissions (2022) recent 2022 Skills Priority List Key Findings Report, the past year has shown a significant tightening in the Australian labour market:

[Australian Bureau of Statistics] (ABS) data shows that the Australian labour market has tightened significantly since 2021. The tightening can be gauged from the unemployment rate, which fell to 3.4% in July 2022 the lowest rate recorded since August 1974 [This] development suggest[s] the supply of workers available to employers is constrained.

At the same time, the demand for workers has increased rapidly over the past two years to 2022. The number of jobs advertised in Australia reached 309,900 in August 2022, a 42% increase from the same time last year. This figure is among the highest levels on record since the inception of the Internet Vacancy Index (IVI) series in January 2006.

Importantly, the report concludes that whilst some occupations are experiencing more acute labour shortages than others, that a tightening labour market will generally indicate that employers will increasingly compete for workers, resulting in a greater number of occupations in shortage as employers are unable to fill advertised positions (p. 3).

The tightening labour market, and the labour and skill shortages Australian organizations are suffering as a result, pose a significant threat not only to their operational capability but also to their existing workforce. HR professionals, especially those in medium to large organizations, are responsible for human resource planning (workforce planning) and ensuring the organization can meet its current and projected staffing needs. Changing labour market conditions are challenging HR professionals to reassess past practices, and to find new improved ways of attracting and retaining talent.


Individually, research and write an analytical essay, using relevant strategic human resource management (SHRM) theory and knowledge, including that pertaining to human resource planning and staff attraction and retention, empirical research evidence, and other authoritative sources to examine and critically evaluate the following questions:

  1. What is human resource planning, and why is it critical to organizational success?
  2. Choosing one of the following industries, identify and explain the currently labour shortages being experienced by Australian organisations; the environmental influences contributing to the labour shortages; and the impact of the labour shortages on the organizations:
    • Retail
    • Hospitality
    • Education
    • Logistics
    • Healthcare
    • Aged Care and Disability Support Services
    • Construction
  3. Critically examine what HR professionals can do to effectively respond to the labour shortages identified in both the short-term and long-term?
  4. What are the possible consequences for an organisation and its existing workforce if HR professionals fail to respond to labour shortages effectively?

Specific Requirements:

Research Requirements:

Students are expected to use a minimum of 6 academic journal articles plus additional authoritative sources in addressing the essay questions above.

Essay Structure:

** Remember the three steps to structuring the logic of a good essay: (i) tell them what youre going to tell them; (ii) tell them it; (iii) tell them what youve told them. So:

  1. Have an introduction that introduces the topic, why it is important and how you will structure your discussion of it in the remainder of the paper.
  2. Have a middle section that forms the main body of your essay. Have separate paragraphs for different themes. Ensure that your paragraphs arent too short: they should consist of no less than around 6-7 sentences. When you move to a different question (see the questions above), start a new paragraph. Include linking sentences between paragraphs so youre not jumping from one theme to another.
  3. Finally, have a clear concluding paragraph that summarises your essay and your key argument. Here you can also make a forward-looking statement for SHRM strategy and practice.


  • A professional-looking document builds credibility.
  • Ensure you use professional and academic language and not a casual or journalistic style.
  • Ensure that you cover all aspects of the written task.
  • Your essay should be presented in a reader-friendly way, so please ensure it:
  • has a title page (which shows the word count for the essay)
  • is written in essay format **
  • is in 12pt font
  • is 1.5 spaced with 2 cm margins on each side
  • has numbered pages
  • uses correct in-text referencing (Harvard or APA)
  • includes a reference list which begins on a new page and is correctly formatted (Harvard or APA in line with your in-text referencing choice)
  • See the Deakin University Referencing Guide (updated June 2021) for Harvard system

Learning Outcomes

This task allows you to demonstrate your achievement towards the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) which have been aligned to the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs). Deakin GLOs describe the knowledge and capabilities graduates acquire and can demonstrate on completion of their course. This assessment task is an important tool in determining your achievement of the ULOs. If you do not demonstrate achievement of the ULOs you will not be successful in this unit. You are advised to familiarise yourself with these ULOs and GLOs as they will inform you on what you are expected to demonstrate for successful completion of this unit.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 09th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 364

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more